Is it fear-mongering or just being prudent?

I agree and anyone who isn't wary of every Muslim is a damned fool.
Yes, we are already aware that you're a bigot and a pussy.

Yes and we are already aware that your an idiot.

Anyone who isn't wary of Muslims is a fool and very stupid.

You can't cure stupid.

Calling someone a "pussy" or a "coward" for raising legitimate concerns is the ultimate idiocy. It's the kind of logic a child uses.

Why should Americans take chances with liberal policies? What do we have to gain?
Imo, what we see from the Faux News Bubble is opportunistic fear mongering.
Imo, what we see from the Faux News Bubble is opportunistic fear mongering.

Liberal Dictionary:
fear mongering - raising legitimate concerns to obviously flawed liberal policies.

Whenever the leftist turds can't defend their policies with logic and facts, they accuse their critics of "fear mongering."
As for refugees coming here to Texas...I am telling our governor to immediately buy them a ticket to NYC...with an introductory letter to Cuomo...vouching for their allegiance to America.
Imo, what we see from the Faux News Bubble is opportunistic fear mongering.

Idiots like you call it fear mongering. Smart people call it being wary.

Wary people are smart people. Apparently you don't fit into the smart category.
So the righties are willing to let tens of thousands of children and pregnant women die. I guess only Christian Caucasian fetuses count as human life. "Zee browwwwn peeple all muz die".
So the righties are willing to let tens of thousands of children and pregnant women die. I guess only Christian Caucasian fetuses count as human life. "Zee browwwwn peeple all muz die".

If they are so important to you then shag your ass right on over there and lend a hand.

Of course ISIS would take great delight in beheading your stupid ass but hey, you want to help and consider those folks important enough to sacrifice your life for.

We'll make sure your honored for you sacrifice. Even idiots can sacrifice themselves for something they truly believe in.
Imo, what we see from the Faux News Bubble is opportunistic fear mongering.

Liberal Dictionary:
fear mongering - raising legitimate concerns to obviously flawed liberal policies.

Whenever the leftist turds can't defend their policies with logic and facts, they accuse their critics of "fear mongering."

Fear mongering an hateful rhetoric go hand in hand.

The United States doesn't have the same challenge as Europe, whose relative proximity to the Middle Eastern war zone has left it inundated with millions of refugees. And the source isn't just Syria and Iraq; refugees — both political and economic — from Africa have landed in Europe as well. There are few good options for stopping that tide without first stabilizing the regions from which it arises; a political solution to the Syrian civil war is a crucial first step to achieving that stability.

We haven't faced this exodus simply because it is so much harder for Syrian refugees to arrive at the border and seek asylum. President Obama affirmed in Turkey on Tuesday that "America has to step up and do its part" in providing for war refugees, which presumably includes moving ahead with his plan to accept up to 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year, up from fewer than 2,000. This page has argued that the U.S. should take significantly more because there are too many for Europe to absorb and because of our history as a safe haven. Nothing in the Paris attacks changes that.

Stop the fear-mongering on Syrian refugees
Imo, what we see from the Faux News Bubble is opportunistic fear mongering.

Liberal Dictionary:
fear mongering - raising legitimate concerns to obviously flawed liberal policies.

Whenever the leftist turds can't defend their policies with logic and facts, they accuse their critics of "fear mongering."

Fear mongering an hateful rhetoric go hand in hand.

The United States doesn't have the same challenge as Europe, whose relative proximity to the Middle Eastern war zone has left it inundated with millions of refugees. And the source isn't just Syria and Iraq; refugees — both political and economic — from Africa have landed in Europe as well. There are few good options for stopping that tide without first stabilizing the regions from which it arises; a political solution to the Syrian civil war is a crucial first step to achieving that stability.

We haven't faced this exodus simply because it is so much harder for Syrian refugees to arrive at the border and seek asylum. President Obama affirmed in Turkey on Tuesday that "America has to step up and do its part" in providing for war refugees, which presumably includes moving ahead with his plan to accept up to 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year, up from fewer than 2,000. This page has argued that the U.S. should take significantly more because there are too many for Europe to absorb and because of our history as a safe haven. Nothing in the Paris attacks changes that.

Stop the fear-mongering on Syrian refugees

Nice to know being wary of those that want you dead is "fear" mongering.

How bout the expense of all these refugees??

We taxpayers are going to get hosed so Barry can feel good about himself.

The Europeans are already getting hosed paying for those they have allowed in their countries.

I'm sure their citizens are going to get sick of it just like we will especially since most Americans don't want them here anyway.

Yeah. That will work for the Dems come 2016.
There's a certain amount of room for concern, but to shit their Depends at this rate is total fear ..... which is really impressive when you're trying to convince the country you're strong enough to run it.

All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.

Personally I'm fiscally responsible, and it was not "libs" who prosecuted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes. So stop lying, or if you truly believe this, get an education but first psychiatric help since you are out of touch with reality.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

The fact that you think printing $18 trillion has no downside shows why numskulls like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

You're dishonest and an idiot.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Some prudence is warranted. If people are properly vetted then we can take them in. But it cannot be a blanket 'all is fine' regarding this, 'let them all in'. Due diligence is needed, along with compassion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

For political reasons the cry is always one or the other.

FBI Director Comey says there are gaps in the process and isn't sure we can do it the way it needs to be done.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.

Personally I'm fiscally responsible, and it was not "libs" who prosecuted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes. So stop lying, or if you truly believe this, get an education but first psychiatric help since you are out of touch with reality.

There were many Liberals who said the very thing Liberals now say was a lie when Bush claimed it.

You can't be fiscally responsible. You're a Liberal and those two don't go together.
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.

Personally I'm fiscally responsible, and it was not "libs" who prosecuted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes. So stop lying, or if you truly believe this, get an education but first psychiatric help since you are out of touch with reality.

There were many Liberals who said the very thing Liberals now say was a lie when Bush claimed it.

You can't be fiscally responsible. You're a Liberal and those two don't go together.

Really, you couldn't be more wrong.
Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.

Personally I'm fiscally responsible, and it was not "libs" who prosecuted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes. So stop lying, or if you truly believe this, get an education but first psychiatric help since you are out of touch with reality.

There were many Liberals who said the very thing Liberals now say was a lie when Bush claimed it.

You can't be fiscally responsible. You're a Liberal and those two don't go together.

Really, you couldn't be more wrong.

Liberals are about nothing but government spending.
We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.

Personally I'm fiscally responsible, and it was not "libs" who prosecuted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes. So stop lying, or if you truly believe this, get an education but first psychiatric help since you are out of touch with reality.

There were many Liberals who said the very thing Liberals now say was a lie when Bush claimed it.

You can't be fiscally responsible. You're a Liberal and those two don't go together.

Really, you couldn't be more wrong.

Liberals are about nothing but government spending.

Really, I'm a liberal and I care about my family, our dog, our air, water and soil, to name but a few things I care about.

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