Is it fear-mongering or just being prudent?

We can build a town in the Badlands and put the refugees there, and then take all the time we need to screen them.

It would cost what Congress spends on lunch.

A town? Would it have fences and guarded by dogs, razor wire and armed personnel?
Yes, of course. A fence and the same sensors the Army uses.

Like I said, you can call it a concentration camp. I know that's what people would call it, but I doubt the refugees would see it that way. Not when the ultimate result is being set free in America to live as Americans.

Unlike doing what people like deltex want who would have them exterminated:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

That's some real Nazi shit right there.
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Germany's health care system is crashing under the weight of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Are we prepared to handle the influx? This article really lays it on the line.

  • German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving.

  • Critics are warning that German taxpayers will end up paying billions of euros to provide healthcare for a never-ending wave of asylum seekers. This is in addition to the billions of euros already being spent to provide newcomers with food, clothing and shelter.

  • In addition to the massive economic and social costs, as well as the burden of increased crime, including a rape epidemic, Germans are now facing the risk of being exposed to exotic diseases — and tuberculosis.

  • Roughly 5% of asylum seekers are carrying resistant germs. In real numbers, this works out to around 75,000 newcomers with highly infectious diseases. — Dr. Jan-Thorsten Gräsner, director of the Institute for Rescue and Emergency Medicine.

  • Twenty types of vaccines are now in short supply, and 16 others are no longer available at all. Because of production bottlenecks, some vaccines will not become available until 2017.

  • Muslim women refuse to be treated by male doctors, and many Muslim men refuse to be treated by females. — Max Kaplan, director of the Bavarian Medical Board.

  • German media outlets are downplaying the extent of the healthcare problem, apparently to avoid spreading fear or provoking anti-immigrant sentiments.

Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis

You can't trust anything coming out of the 'Gatestone institute.' Lots of what they put out are outright lies.

I clicked on one of their sources regarding refugees purportedly attacking health workers and it took me to a German article that talked about attacks on emergency room staff IN GENERAL, there was not one mention of refugees or anything like that ...
We can build a town in the Badlands and put the refugees there, and then take all the time we need to screen them.

It would cost what Congress spends on lunch.

A town? Would it have fences and guarded by dogs, razor wire and armed personnel?
Yes, of course. A fence and the same sensors the Army uses.

Like I said, you can call it a concentration camp. I know that's what people would call it, but I doubt the refugees would see it that way. Not when the ultimate result is being set free in America to live as Americans.

Unlike doing what people like deltex want who would have them exterminated.

Nobody wants anyone exterminated, well, except the crazies.

Name one Islamic nation that is Democratic?

Islam is incompatible with a Republican style democracy and so it follows that the hard cores will never assimilate. So, why let them in? The problem is here, none of them will be wearing ISIS t-shirts... we have no way of knowing who is who.
Nobody wants anyone exterminated, well, except the crazies.

deltex and SassyIrishLass do. They made that exceedingly plain.

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Check out who tagged that with a Winner tag. And check out her posts afterward.

You see, when you let your bigoted rhetoric continue unchecked long enough, a line of Nazis starts forming sooner or later.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.
People openly calling for refugees to be exterminated. They sound EXACTLY like Nazis and the very people these refugees are fleeing from.

What will it take before you tards start showing some spine and start publicly shaming the cancer that has infected the Right?

Huh? Seriously. In the name of all that his holy, it is way past time to start cleaning house, people.

All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.
We can build a town in the Badlands and put the refugees there, and then take all the time we need to screen them.

It would cost what Congress spends on lunch.

A town? Would it have fences and guarded by dogs, razor wire and armed personnel?
Yes, of course. A fence and the same sensors the Army uses.

Like I said, you can call it a concentration camp. I know that's what people would call it, but I doubt the refugees would see it that way. Not when the ultimate result is being set free in America to live as Americans.

Unlike doing what people like deltex want who would have them exterminated.

Nobody wants anyone exterminated, well, except the crazies.

Name one Islamic nation that is Democratic?

Islam is incompatible with a Republican style democracy and so it follows that the hard cores will never assimilate. So, why let them in? The problem is here, none of them will be wearing ISIS t-shirts... we have no way of knowing who is who.

Name one? Iraq, remember the purple fingers? Bush was so proud.

Many citizens of countries without democratic institutions seek the freedom we have in our country, though many of the the crazy ones born here now claim we live in tyranny.

There is no easy answer, there are American's with compassion and those without, the callous,

Let the Congress decide, and each State, and then the world can judge the United States as either a compassionate nation of not. My guess is some will be allowed to enter, and some restrictions will be imposed (like the ideas posted above by g5000)
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.
It's more like a shark was sighted in Australia and everyone in Maine is told not to go swimming.

You are way more likely to be murdered by someone you know with a gun than you are by ISIS.

Way more. Way, way, way, way more likely.

Get some perspective.

Possibly, but just to be sure, we'll send them all your way.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

Perfect lib think: "We only need to print it". Accountability be damned.
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

That's some real Nazi shit right there.

We don't need to exterminate them. However, there is also no good reason to import them into this country. None. We can setup refugee camps in the area.
It's fear-mongering from pussy Republicans.

Chris Christie said on Fox this morning that the FBI can't properly vet a 3 year old orphan, so they should keep him out of the country.

Cowardly pussies.
All I hear from the left is how dire the situation is for our own poor so why should we take even 1 refuge let alone 10's of thousands of them when we can't even provide for our own poor?
All I hear from the Right is how our poor live in the lap of luxury.

We can afford to take in people who would otherwise be slaughtered.

Dimwit we are already $18 trillion in debt we'll have to borrow the money.

We only need to print it. If you are compassionate, buy some T Bills; if not don't.

The fact that you think printing $18 trillion has no downside shows why numskulls like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
It's fear-mongering from pussy Republicans.

Chris Christie said on Fox this morning that the FBI can't properly vet a 3 year old orphan, so they should keep him out of the country.

Cowardly pussies.

Stick your finger in a light socket. I triple dare you.
We can build a town in the Badlands and put the refugees there, and then take all the time we need to screen them.

It would cost what Congress spends on lunch.

I say we let Sheriff Joe vet them.

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