Is it legal to make things up about political enemies?

most of the election commercials are so bad they are laughable
they always attack the other candidate viciously--like they do on Soap Opera TV shows
I don't know much about libel and slander, but doesn't there come a point where a line is crossed? I'll give examples based on degree. As a republican, I am used to republican candidates being called racist or anti-woman. An example would be the war on women campaign against Romney. Again, I'm used to this, and I get it. The next step would be Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes. I'm having a harder time with this. How is this okay? Reid just laughed and said it worked. We also have constant lines of female accusers trotted out late into many campaigns. Many of these women are being paid, and after the election, they disappear. They took out Herman Cain this way. Is that legal? Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports? Holy Cow. How can that be legal? I must also point out the rigged DNC primary. When do political attacks cross the line into illegal behavior? Should republicans start coming out with fake reports saying democrats are cannibals who torture puppies? Would that be entirely okay?

Politics is an ugly business, always has been, always will be. What makes this situation so different is that it appears the FBI used unreliable and unverified information produced by one political party against another. The FBI/DOJ needs to transcend politics. We can’t have a Justice Department as a political operative. If it is proven that the FBI actions were politically motivated it will have more significance than Watergate IMO.

It already has been proven. The only issue is who will be arrested and when.
when they make up stuff to obtain a warrant(s) to spy on the opposition party

then yes it is illegal
It certainly is illegal to knowingly use fiction to obtain a search warrant on a political enemy. This is 3rd world stuff.
Trump is right there with ya! :D

Trump calls current libel laws a 'sham'

So can Ted Cruz sue him over the claim that Daddy Cruz hung out with Lee Harvey Oswald or the unflattering picture of his wife?
Can Mika Brzezinski sue him for saying she had a face life and was still bleeding??
Can Obama sue him for saying he's a Muslim from Kenya???

What a joke :rolleyes-41:
Here is a good one:

Gordon Klingenschmitt: Trump’s Demon-Possessed Critics ‘Are Bringing About The End Of The World’ | Right Wing Watch

On a recent episode of his “Pray In Jesus Name” program, Religious Right activist and former Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt asserted that “the demonic left” is seeking to remove President Trump from office and, in doing so, is “bringing about the end of the world.”

While flagrantly misrepresenting various stories regarding missing FBI text messages and jokes about a “secret society” within the bureau, Klingenschmitt said that Trump’s critics are demon-possessed and prayed that they will be put in prison for treason.

“I think there is, perhaps, a growing wish and desire for a conspiracy by those inspired by the demonic left,” Klingenschmitt said, “to simply have a coup and overturn the results of the popular election where Donald Trump was elected, legally, president of the United State and some people are offended by that.”
I don't know much about libel and slander, but doesn't there come a point where a line is crossed? I'll give examples based on degree. As a republican, I am used to republican candidates being called racist or anti-woman. An example would be the war on women campaign against Romney. Again, I'm used to this, and I get it. The next step would be Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes. I'm having a harder time with this. How is this okay? Reid just laughed and said it worked. We also have constant lines of female accusers trotted out late into many campaigns. Many of these women are being paid, and after the election, they disappear. They took out Herman Cain this way. Is that legal? Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports? Holy Cow. How can that be legal? I must also point out the rigged DNC primary. When do political attacks cross the line into illegal behavior? Should republicans start coming out with fake reports saying democrats are cannibals who torture puppies? Would that be entirely okay?

Hey...stealing my thread's thunder are you? (It's OK) Guilty Via Media: Is Media Liable For Kangaroo Justice?
I don't know much about libel and slander, but doesn't there come a point where a line is crossed? I'll give examples based on degree. As a republican, I am used to republican candidates being called racist or anti-woman. An example would be the war on women campaign against Romney. Again, I'm used to this, and I get it. The next step would be Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes. I'm having a harder time with this. How is this okay? Reid just laughed and said it worked. We also have constant lines of female accusers trotted out late into many campaigns. Many of these women are being paid, and after the election, they disappear. They took out Herman Cain this way. Is that legal? Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports? Holy Cow. How can that be legal? I must also point out the rigged DNC primary. When do political attacks cross the line into illegal behavior? Should republicans start coming out with fake reports saying democrats are cannibals who torture puppies? Would that be entirely okay?
The behavior of many Republicans towards minorities and women indicate that they are arguably racist and misogynistic, If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander. However, you just slandered Clinton by accusing here of creating fake intelligence reports.
The behavior of many Republicans towards minorities and women indicate that they are arguably racist and misogynistic, If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander. However, you just slandered Clinton by accusing here of creating fake intelligence reports.

The dismissive behavior of many LGBT/dem cultists towards forcing deranged males on women and girls in their private shower, locker room and bathroom hygiene areas indicate that they are arguably misogynistic and dismissive about women's right to privacy. If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander.
And fed it to yahoo news, without revealing the source, so as to lead them to believe others sources had the same info.
Called circular reporting.
Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports?
You are woefully uninformed!!!
The clinton campaign hired someone who hated Trump to write a report. This report which was never verified was then passed on as intelligence report. What am I missing?
Oh, please.
I don't know much about libel and slander, but doesn't there come a point where a line is crossed? I'll give examples based on degree. As a republican, I am used to republican candidates being called racist or anti-woman. An example would be the war on women campaign against Romney. Again, I'm used to this, and I get it. The next step would be Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes. I'm having a harder time with this. How is this okay? Reid just laughed and said it worked. We also have constant lines of female accusers trotted out late into many campaigns. Many of these women are being paid, and after the election, they disappear. They took out Herman Cain this way. Is that legal? Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports? Holy Cow. How can that be legal? I must also point out the rigged DNC primary. When do political attacks cross the line into illegal behavior? Should republicans start coming out with fake reports saying democrats are cannibals who torture puppies? Would that be entirely okay?
The behavior of many Republicans towards minorities and women indicate that they are arguably racist and misogynistic, If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander. However, you just slandered Clinton by accusing here of creating fake intelligence reports.
How about a President whose speeches are rated in lies per minute.
I get it, you hate Trump, but I think you are missing the point. Trump never accused Hillary of molesting children or Schumer of being a coke addict. This is purely a democrat mo. Reid was proud of his bs. Anything to win right? You have to break a few eggs to get you authoritarian paradise with Pelosi at the top and all of her dependent little people.

oh that's funny... you should be asking those questions ABOUT trump... you know, the imbecile who said president Obama wiretapped him....

The behavior of many Republicans towards minorities and women indicate that they are arguably racist and misogynistic, If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander. However, you just slandered Clinton by accusing here of creating fake intelligence reports.

The dismissive behavior of many LGBT/dem cultists towards forcing deranged males on women and girls in their private shower, locker room and bathroom hygiene areas indicate that they are arguably misogynistic and dismissive about women's right to privacy. If one can point to those behaviors it is not slander.
You are arguably obsessed with trans people, bathrooms and sex
I don't know much about libel and slander, but doesn't there come a point where a line is crossed? I'll give examples based on degree. As a republican, I am used to republican candidates being called racist or anti-woman. An example would be the war on women campaign against Romney. Again, I'm used to this, and I get it. The next step would be Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes. I'm having a harder time with this. How is this okay? Reid just laughed and said it worked. We also have constant lines of female accusers trotted out late into many campaigns. Many of these women are being paid, and after the election, they disappear. They took out Herman Cain this way. Is that legal? Now we have the Clinton campaign creating fake intelligence reports? Holy Cow. How can that be legal? I must also point out the rigged DNC primary. When do political attacks cross the line into illegal behavior? Should republicans start coming out with fake reports saying democrats are cannibals who torture puppies? Would that be entirely okay?

Politics is an ugly business, always has been, always will be. What makes this situation so different is that it appears the FBI used unreliable and unverified information produced by one political party against another. The FBI/DOJ needs to transcend politics. We can’t have a Justice Department as a political operative. If it is proven that the FBI actions were politically motivated it will have more significance than Watergate IMO.

It already has been proven. The only issue is who will be arrested and when.

I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for any arrest.

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