Is it me

Yeah, you are barking up the wrong tree. When all this shit was going down I was deployed to the Persian Gulf doing circles on FFG 47 so I got little no exposure.

Still, your narrative seems a bit bias. I certainly buy their were some hypocrites, as their always is, but I have to think you are cherry picking then painting an entire party in that respect.
No it was different. He went from a pariah to a folk hero, just because he got away with was immediate.....He never had people cheering for him as a football player than when he was let off

Start it at 3:18
With OJ he was a republican with a white wife, which at the time the blacks and democrats treated him like they do Ben Carson, Herman Cain, or any black republican, he was a coon, uncle tom, ect..
Then after the OJ trial, he was their hero, he was the blackest of the black........this is when I knew all the civil rights industry was crap, a ruse if you will, purely political and for criminals.....This was the first glimpse of what would be defund the police decades later. How could you support this guy? Then he got convicted of robbery and they just kinda stopped saying anything about him.
With OJ he was a republican with a white wife, which at the time the blacks and democrats treated him like they do Ben Carson, Herman Cain, or any black republican, he was a coon, uncle tom, ect.. I hope I don't have to read anything dumber and racist than this today.
No it was different. He went from a pariah to a folk hero, just because he got away with was immediate.....He never had people cheering for him as a football player than when he was let off

Start it at 3:18

Nobody cheered for him in football? Really? Why?
IT was rehtorical, hopefully you can see that.
You're a shit starter and a racist; With OJ he was a republican with a white wife, which at the time the blacks and democrats treated him like they do Ben Carson, Herman Cain, or any black republican, he was a coon, uncle tom, ect.
Or are leftwingers full of crap?

Lefties and democrats hated people like OJ Simpson (he was white/oreo, ect) until he killed 2 people, then he became a black leftwing hero. T
Then lefties hated big business and really hated Big Pharma, until they (along with the govt) forced people to take an untested vaccine.

So when right wingers support Pfizer say in the 90s or 2000s that was bad becasue.........big business, capitalism, high prices (whatever excuse), but if they screw over the little guy with no power (lose your job or get vaxxed!) then they become good?

As a “Leftie”…

I was amazed at OJs talent and shocked that he was such a cold blooded murderer

I appreciate Big Pharma but think they exploit patent protections for obscene profits.

I am glad they were able to quickly develop COVID vaccines that saved millions. I was also shocked at the ignorance of Conservatives who spread lies about the vaccine
Progs obey the govt and need to be led around by the nose by the govt. They can't make decisions. Govt MUST tell them what to believe. Govt is their religion. Its all they have.
Really? Coming from the party that wants to ban books, thinking, and travel;

Seriously? Which government, Right-wing tyrannical Fascism and slavery? WTF?
As a “Leftie”…

I was amazed at OJs talent and shocked that he was such a cold blooded murderer

I appreciate Big Pharma but think they exploit patent protections for obscene profits.

I am glad they were able to quickly develop COVID vaccines that saved millions. I was also shocked at the ignorance of Conservatives who spread lies about the vaccine
And after all this time, when so many were hospitalized and died because of their war against vaccines, these same idiots are back at it again. They never learn; Indiana hospitals filled with COVID-19 patients, many of whom are unvaccinated
And if they hadn't owned slaves they never would have had the standing in social and political circles to eventually write the declaration of Independence and the Constitution which eventually would unfold into freedom for all. Thomas Jefferson emancipated several of his slaves. He even sent one of them to France to learn to be a professional chef. Slavery was a deeply indoctrinated institution that you couldn't just shrug off if you were born into a house of slave owners. This is just the reality of the situation. Your only alternative was to disappear out west on horseback and become a trapper or prospector without a net.

The Federalists of the North and the anti-federalists of the South eventually went to war over slavery and other issues, and the Federalists won but didn't actually conquer southern white sentiment for the institution of slavery. "Open borders" is how modern Democrats preserve the institution of slavery through human trafficking and illegal immigration....thus --> cheap labor that they have under their thumb, and eventually VOTES. They merely twisted the institution of slavery inside out so it appears the opposite of what it is.

Does it really matter that the Democrats used to have the word "Republican" hyphenated into their name? They are what they are: Hypocrite scam artists who are finding ever more creative ways to hang on to their scummy legacy while always pointing the finger at someone else.
And the Right is still at war today, trying to go back;

Nope, the left is the party of slavery and segregation. Let's never forget.
That has been explained thousands of times you idiot. The Grand Old Party was the Democrat party back in the day.

Bottom line, you want to go back to fanaticism and ignorance. It suits your way of life by imposing it on others. Like Spencer Tracy said in the movie, "fanaticism and ignorance is forever busy, and needs feeding." We see this going on every single day on this forum from the Right. This is the end game for you and your ilk.
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Hmmmm..... Let me think......counting them up........checking for crap........

I do believe I may have found one or two here in this forum who are only partially full of crap instead of completely so.

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