Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.


no you theory isnt sound because its based on ignorance the ignorance that many of you brain dead liberals believe that wealth is finite
that there is only a limited amount One having more causes another to have less and to solve the manufactures problem of wealth equality is to take from those that have more and give it to those that have less
wake up stupid you have been propagandized by socialist/comunist
wealth is practically infinite it is creates one having more doesn't cause another to have less so instead of spewing the class warfare of wealth redistribution which solves nothing but causes envy for a political purpose why not discuss wealth creation
Is you goal to bring the bottom up? to lessen those in poverty? or is it to penalize and punish the rich?
what would you rather see happen some on making 10k a year start making 20k a tear and another making 500k a year start making 550k a year
or the one making 10k start making 15k and the one making 500k looses money and now is only making 450k a year
well according to your wealth inequity bull shit you would rather have the 10k a year person only make 15k instead of 20 and the one making 500k lose money and now is only getting 450k because that closes the wealth gap
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.

What's this We shit?

How are you fighting for your freedom?

US Air Force...

My fight to preserve freedom for all

You mean slavery for all.
The one giving you orders has been bought and paid for by someone you do not know and would likely not respect.
It is not your fault that you and most of us are forced, as in all slave based economies, to do the best we can in any given situation.
We do not like that they have us all by the balls, we just grin and bear it while all trying in our own way to subvert the system.
Such is the way of entrenched tradition and why Jesus cursed them.
Not that anyone cares what Jesus taught.
So, your solution to an over-powerful government is to give government all power over the economy.

You don't mind being a slave. You just want leftist slave masters.

No major changes please. Just a tweak of the tax numbers to what the population thinks is building to a more perfect union, as the constitution says.

Nice that such a simple change can give life to your law, for a change and really be, For The People..

You seem to think the people taking the money will be happy with just a little.

You don't seem to know much about people.
That's not science. It's ideology.

It is science and math, but it is mostly the immorality of the imposition of poverty that I wish to focus on. We can have an end game there with your ideology but science would be too drudge

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.


wealth is not finite,,,it literally grows on trees and all it takes is initiative to go and get it,,,
USMB should start a new Forum called the "I Hate America" forum.

This is bullshit

Improving what is broken is a sign of love buddy.

What I hate, as a Canadian, is having my respect and even perhaps love for the Americans I have known, being forced to be deteriorated by what may well be an immoral fool by the name of Trump.

Dont you have your own fool to worry about?
If you vote for a Dim, you'll be voting for healthcare for illegal immigrants, and they expect you the taxpayer to pay for it. So they indeed will be imposing poverty on a lot of Americans.

All part of the cost of being a civilized nation.

Bite the bullet and do the right thing, for a change.

Canada does not mind birthing your babies here instead of seeing you bankrupt people for needing medical attention.

The U.S. could use some of out attitude. Not mine of course but the better Canadians. I am sure they will not mind sharing in your joy of giving.

Funny how Canada's generosity doesn't seem to extend to First Nations peoples.


We apologized for the blight on our reputation and honor, as a country, for creating the genocidal to culture residential schools.

You are just creating yours now at your border and are not apologetic at all. This puts our Canadian level of moral thought, what, 70 years ahead of your pathetic barbaric thinking.

Any time you wish to improve your morality, ask one of the good Canadians. That is almost all Canadians except me.

You apologized for your treatment of aboriginal peoples...but you're still treating them the same. No moral points for you!

The analogy would be to bring up America's treatment of our own Native Americans, which has been awful for most of our history. We've officially apologized, too...but I'm not pretending that wipes out the history.

Our treatment of border-jumpers is not at all analogous. But would you like the US to send the illegals to Canada so you can demonstrate your commitment to the poor downtrodden? Quick reminder that Canada's laws are not illegal-friendly, either, despite your moral posturing.
My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.


no you theory isnt sound because its based on ignorance the ignorance that many of you brain dead liberals believe that wealth is finite
that there is only a limited amount One having more causes another to have less and to solve the manufactures problem of wealth equality is to take from those that have more and give it to those that have less
wake up stupid you have been propagandized by socialist/comunist

wealth is practically infinite it is creates one having more doesn't cause another to have less so instead of spewing the class warfare of wealth redistribution which solves nothing but causes envy for a political purpose why not discuss wealth creation

Is you goal to bring the bottom up? to lessen those in poverty? or is it to penalize and punish the rich?

what would you rather see happen some on making 10k a year start making 20k a tear and another making 500k a year start making 550k a year
or the one making 10k start making 15k and the one making 500k looses money and now is only making 450k a year

well according to your wealth inequity bull shit you would rather have the 10k a year person only make 15k instead of 20 and the one making 500k lose money and now is only getting 450k because that closes the wealth gap

I mentioned the graph as finite. Its numbers can go to infinity but the does not change what the graph says.

Did you count how few of the bricks on that graph have to move for ther U.S. to make itself look better than it is by ending poverty with it's loose change?

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.

and that ignorance right there is why you are so easily propagandized in believing in wealth redistribution
wake up stupid wealth is created its not finite its practically infinite one having more doesn't cause another to have less
Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.

It is the only objective, period, the oligarchs are using the poor to shame the rich
Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.


no you theory isnt sound because its based on ignorance the ignorance that many of you brain dead liberals believe that wealth is finite
that there is only a limited amount One having more causes another to have less and to solve the manufactures problem of wealth equality is to take from those that have more and give it to those that have less
wake up stupid you have been propagandized by socialist/comunist

wealth is practically infinite it is creates one having more doesn't cause another to have less so instead of spewing the class warfare of wealth redistribution which solves nothing but causes envy for a political purpose why not discuss wealth creation

Is you goal to bring the bottom up? to lessen those in poverty? or is it to penalize and punish the rich?

what would you rather see happen some on making 10k a year start making 20k a tear and another making 500k a year start making 550k a year
or the one making 10k start making 15k and the one making 500k looses money and now is only making 450k a year

well according to your wealth inequity bull shit you would rather have the 10k a year person only make 15k instead of 20 and the one making 500k lose money and now is only getting 450k because that closes the wealth gap

I mentioned the graph as finite. Its numbers can go to infinity but the does not change what the graph says.

Did you count how few of the bricks on that graph have to move for ther U.S. to make itself look better than it is by ending poverty with it's loose change?


yes it does because that graph shows for one to have more it cause another to have less and that isnt how wealth works

because wealth is created and can be created by all you can have it so everyone has more and more and more with out causing anyone to have less
Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.


no you theory isnt sound because its based on ignorance the ignorance that many of you brain dead liberals believe that wealth is finite
that there is only a limited amount One having more causes another to have less and to solve the manufactures problem of wealth equality is to take from those that have more and give it to those that have less
wake up stupid you have been propagandized by socialist/comunist

wealth is practically infinite it is creates one having more doesn't cause another to have less so instead of spewing the class warfare of wealth redistribution which solves nothing but causes envy for a political purpose why not discuss wealth creation

Is you goal to bring the bottom up? to lessen those in poverty? or is it to penalize and punish the rich?

what would you rather see happen some on making 10k a year start making 20k a tear and another making 500k a year start making 550k a year
or the one making 10k start making 15k and the one making 500k looses money and now is only making 450k a year

well according to your wealth inequity bull shit you would rather have the 10k a year person only make 15k instead of 20 and the one making 500k lose money and now is only getting 450k because that closes the wealth gap

I mentioned the graph as finite. Its numbers can go to infinity but the does not change what the graph says.

Did you count how few of the bricks on that graph have to move for ther U.S. to make itself look better than it is by ending poverty with it's loose change?


you need to stop looking at lines on paper and go out into the real world like we did and do it yourself,,,

and what is this collective duty you refer to???
How are you fighting for your freedom?

US Air Force...

My fight to preserve freedom for all

You mean slavery for all.
The one giving you orders has been bought and paid for by someone you do not know and would likely not respect.
It is not your fault that you and most of us are forced, as in all slave based economies, to do the best we can in any given situation.
We do not like that they have us all by the balls, we just grin and bear it while all trying in our own way to subvert the system.
Such is the way of entrenched tradition and why Jesus cursed them.
Not that anyone cares what Jesus taught.
So, your solution to an over-powerful government is to give government all power over the economy.

You don't mind being a slave. You just want leftist slave masters.

No major changes please. Just a tweak of the tax numbers to what the population thinks is building to a more perfect union, as the constitution says.

Nice that such a simple change can give life to your law, for a change and really be, For The People..

You seem to think the people taking the money will be happy with just a little.

You don't seem to know much about people.

I am always eager to learn anything new.

I actually did not care if they wanted more. The spending is more important and it is likely that in many cases, our oligarchs will see the profit in giving even more as that is how jobs are created.

When I say win win I mean win win.

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.


wealth is not finite,,,it literally grows on trees and all it takes is initiative to go and get it,,,

Be it whatever you like, it is still a representation that can be put on the graph and showing how we are leaving it as is is immoral.

We are ignoring profits by not doing a profitable change.

USMB should start a new Forum called the "I Hate America" forum.

This is bullshit

Improving what is broken is a sign of love buddy.

What I hate, as a Canadian, is having my respect and even perhaps love for the Americans I have known, being forced to be deteriorated by what may well be an immoral fool by the name of Trump.

Dont you have your own fool to worry about?

Don't we all?

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.

and that ignorance right there is why you are so easily propagandized in believing in wealth redistribution
wake up stupid wealth is created its not finite its practically infinite one having more doesn't cause another to have less

I dealt with this by asking you to use the graph to express that and you failed and lost your point.

Go back to school. Dropouts are so lacking. That is why you guys use epithets so easily.

My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.

It is the only objective, period, the oligarchs are using the poor to shame the rich

Let us pray.

It does not seem to be working though.
Perhaps they have dumbed the rich down a tad too far.

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?


That is why it is important to have all share the wealth equitably, which as that graph of finite wealth shows, is not happening at present and only needs a small adjustment to bring to a more perfect state. Just what the founding fathers wanted.

I wish you Americans would get the led out of your asses and get on with it. The whole world is waiting for you to lead. Get leading.


wealth is not finite,,,it literally grows on trees and all it takes is initiative to go and get it,,,

Be it whatever you like, it is still a representation that can be put on the graph and showing how we are leaving it as is is immoral.

We are ignoring profits by not doing a profitable change.


but what is this collective duty you refer to???
because wealth is created and can be created by all you can have it so everyone has more and more and more with out causing anyone to have less

If all have more and more over time, why do children still starve by the tens of millions per year?

By your theory, they should not exist in poverty as there should not be any.


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