Is it OVER FOR MOSCOW CZAR ? BREAKING: The Wagner reached the Lipetsk region. Moscow is only 4 hours away by car. The Battle of Moscow could start thi

What makes you think that Zelenskyy will do any better than Hitler or Bonaparte?

Sort of a fool's errand to try and invade and keep Russia, that's what history has taught us.

I don't see Zelenskyy as being more brilliant that the French emperor or the German fuhrer.
Not Z.
Putin's own mercenary army is turned on him.
No good guys here.
Something triggered Prig. And there have been reports for a while about the Wagner Group being “dissatisfied” with theRussian military leadership.

The CIA might be putting a bug in Prig’s ear, and that’s concerning. They have made huge mistakes before.
Supposedly they've killed a couple thousand of his guys, and he thinks Moscow is being soft in Ukraine.

"Reports" say.
That is a possibility but the CIA needs to be VERY cautious here.

They have made BIG mistakes in the past
We need to stand away. Any sign the US is involved and the West will be blamed and the coup will end.
Reports of a Russian Federation plane leaving Moscow and turning of it's transponder and heading northwest.

Putin fleeing to St, Petersburg?
A brilliant attempted MI6 and CIA coup but it is likely to be all over in 48 hours and probably much faster .Progozhin will be publicly shot if he does not flee and it will be interesting to see how this very vain man was turned traitor .
you keep the faith Vlad
Mafia War.
do you think Japan , China, Estonia, Finalnd, Geogia, Belarus will do noting ? and dont use this opportunity ?

We need to stand away. Any sign the US is involved and the West will be blamed and the coup will end.
Do not be naive . The coup was instigated by the CIA but given to MI6 in large measure because Biden is so weak and useless .Full details are known though what exactly Progozhin believed is far from clear . But his vanity will cost him his life .A Traitor .Should be over in hours and at maximum within 48 .
Yeah, from what I've seen, that fucker wouldn't be considered stable. Nor, I assume, would anyone he supported if it came to it.
as expected, police and some few "special forces" along with mobiks are not going to even attempt to try to fight crack stormtroopers who have been trained in Africa, Syria, Lybia and Ukraine wars.

Kadyrov is foolish enough to attempt it but those tik tokers are gonna get butchered under Rostov and even if they succeed a bit, Prigozhin will summon more loyal units from the frontline and decimate the Kadyrov troops basically.

The Special Government Replacement procedure from Prigozhin is entertaining to say the least.
He will be sittting calmly at home having gone nowhere and not planning to either . This is a pin prick attempted coup and effectively is already over . Just needs Priggy Winkle to be publicly shot for a happy ending.
I see shitting yourself in public is your fave pastime
as expected, police and some few "special forces" along with mobiks are not going to even attempt to try to fight crack stormtroopers who have been trained in Africa, Syria, Lybia and Ukraine wars.

Kadyrov is foolish enough to attempt it but those tik tokers are gonna get butchered under Rostov and even if they succeed a bit, Prigozhin will summon more loyal units from the frontline and decimate the Kadyrov troops basically.

The Special Government Replacement procedure from Prigozhin is entertaining to say the least.
Prigozhin claims to have 25,000 men. Is that possible?
Prigozhin claims to have 25,000 men. Is that possible?
No....he has 50,000 mercs.

Only 25k at the moment of strictly mercenaries....but the national guard units and regular army that have joined him means that he might have 50,000 troops and growing rapidly as they move to Moscow.

There are a few Brigades of Russian troops extremely loyal to Putin....I know of one that got moved to Moscow or his retreat a few months ago in March....but after it enough? Are they getting decent communications and coordination? That's a whole nuther can of worms as Prigozhin took out their equivalent of an AWACs plane several hours ago and the Ukranians took out others months ago.

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