is it possible that Dr. Carson REALLY said this... makes Trump's muslim crap insignificant if true!

Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
Carson is a very impressive person. If he is qualified, he might be a great Surgeon General.

Trump is simply not qualified by temperment or character to represent our country as President.
Carson certainly appears to be real Wimp. He looked like he was afraid of Trump. Granted Trump does have the reputation of being bully, but Carson was certainly safe.

The man is a good, honest man, but POLITICS as BUSINESS is played DIRTY and the object is to WIN above all else!
Well it that's true, Trump will because there's no one dirtier.

Thank you Plopper I do take exception as there are no 2 people dirtier in POLITICS than the Obomanation, and his murderous, corrupt and lying former Sec. of State, the Hildebeast!
^Crazy Birther

And an admitted plagiarist.

He even brags about stealing the words of others and trying to pass them off as his own.

Drumpf is definitely the right candidate for him.
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?
State legislator for ten years. US Senator.

Trump moves money around.

Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?
State legislator for ten years. US Senator.

Trump moves money around.


State legislature, senator...Learns where and who gives out the most graft and corruption, we see it everyday in Congress, from BOTH SIDES, we need strict term limits, and if caught skimming, 5 years in fed. prison!
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?

And, of course, that should merely reinforce what I said.
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.

Seems you voted for the shoe shine boy for president, and you're going to try and lecture us.... What a fucking moron, you are!

What was it that Blow Job Clinton said to Ted "The Swimmer" about obuma....

Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?
State legislator for ten years. US Senator.

Trump moves money around.

He vote "present" most of the time except when he supported partial birth infanticide.
"we see it everyday in Congress, from BOTH SIDES, we need strict term limits, and if caught skimming, 5 years in fed. prison!"

"You just hate it when you've been bitch slapped by a mod! ROTFLMFAO!" We know you do, Vigi.
Hard to believe the good Doctor would have said this! Thought I'd bring it out before the THUGERY and Subversives got it's hands on it! ...It MUST be taken out of context, or it's another #BlackLivesMatter LIE!


All this shows is that the top two Republican candidates have zero chance of being elected President.

Carson's an impressive and inspirational guy though, no doubt about it.

I beg to set you straight, seems you NeoCommunists are scared shitless of NOW 2 men in a virtual tie for the front runner space!

WND ^ | 9/18/2015 | Staff
A post-debate poll finds that Ben Cason has crept over businessman Donald Trump as the candidate most Republican voters believe will win the GOP nomination. Rasmussen Reports said that 59 percent of likely Republican voters believe that Carson will end up on top after the primary and caucus season is over next year. He is closely followed by Donald Trump, at 58 percent. Carly Fiorina at 40 percent and Jeb Bush at 40 percent.

Crazy Nutter Birfer Vag

I might vote for Carson. I'm very impressed with him, though I have no idea what makes him qualified to be President.

However, I know that Trump is utterly unqualified to be President.

Morons like yourself seem to think that being President is an entry-level position.

Like the ones you hold, for instance.
But being nothing more than a community organizer (whatever the fuck that is) qualifies one to be president?

Funny that the dumbest RWs admit they have no idea what a community organizer is or does but by god, they know they disagree with it. We see that a lot on this board ... RWs saying they won't educate themselves because they already know everything.

The truth is, we need more people who care enough to get involved in their community.

Its different now though - the right is working so hard to cause harm to the fellow Americans, they would never consider turning off their computers, getting off their fat asses and actually DO something worthwhile.


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