Is it possible that the allegorical account of a great flood is true?

thus we have Lake Superior volumes of water released in perhaps seconds ..
...into the ocean. That would not result in a cataclysmic flood event on land.

Lake Superior is 1,000 miles from the ocean ... the land I used to own up north had well over ten solid feet of sediment deposits under the foot of pyroclastic material ... that's 500 feet above sea level and 120 miles from the Columbia River ... that kind of flood ... the high water mark is still obvious after 16,000 years ...
That's not a description of lake superior's history, though. Where is there evidence that what you describe has happened? It's interesting.
The reality is during the ice age the coastline was hundreds of feet lower, and when the ice began to melt, the villages along the coastline were inundated so the people had to leave.
That took hundreds of years, at a minimum. It would have been barely perceptible, if at all. Such an event would not have generated such myths.
Geologic evidence says otherwise. When the melting began in ernest it was a few decades before significant flooding began.

No offense ... but thawing isn't the mechanism for glacial lake outbursts ... liquid water under high pressure can work its way through the ice ... causing frictional heat which enlarges the microchannels in the ice dam ... eventually the whole ice dam is riddled with tunnels and the whole thing collapses at once ... thus we have Lake Superior volumes of water released in perhaps seconds ...

Any prehistoric man that noted this event would be passing it on to his grandchildren generation after generation ... after 20,000 years in the oral tradition, what do we expect the tale to appear as in the first written records? ... just a thought ...

Yes, the Channeled Scablands of Washington state are an example of that. And local floods of that nature would no doubt have made a huge impression on primitive man.

The area's where those could happen are rare however. The global flood happened. Just not how people today think of it.
The linestone foundation stones at Baalbek, Lebanon are eroded from being submerged.

Just like the island of Jamaica was mostly underwater.
Except the Baalbek stones are only 2000 years old.

Most definitely glowbull warming.

It is generally accepted that the Jamaican landmass was completely submerged from the mid-Eocene to the late Oligocene or early Miocene (40-25 million years ago). The island reemerged by tectonic uplift of the Caribbean Plate and the geology stabilised at its present size 10-12 million years ago.
The linestone foundation stones at Baalbek, Lebanon are eroded from being submerged.

Just like the island of Jamaica was mostly underwater.
Except the Baalbek stones are only 2000 years old.


Baalbek has shown almost continual habitation for the last 8000 to 9000 years...

Baalbek - Wikipedia

Plenty of time to show weathering and if they're short on their calculations by 4000 to 5000 years making it round up to 12000 to 14000 years old just in time to catch some rain and flooding.


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Some researchers believe the sphinx is a lot older than modern researcher are willing to admit and that it shows weathering that could only be caused by water.


thus we have Lake Superior volumes of water released in perhaps seconds ..
That's not a description of lake superior's history, though. Where is there evidence that what you describe has happened? It's interesting.

English can be tricky for non-native speakers ... we put the adjective before the noun /volumes/ ... here I'm using /Lake Superior/ to modify the meaning of /volumes/ ... just not any volume, but a volume equal to Lake Superior ...

We .. that's us ... have ... at our disposal ... volumes of water [equal to the volume of Lake Superior] ... hope this clarifies ...
We .. that's us ... have ... at our disposal ... volumes of water [equal to the volume of Lake Superior] ... hope this clarifies ...
It clarifies that you are quite a fool, of you think that would cause an event leading to a global flood myth across the world's cultures.

Guess what other myths cultures share? Dragons. Wind gods. Fire gods who fly across the sky. But it's very easy for us to understand that what happened was a magical story that was made even more magical over time.

Now be a rational, funcitoning adult and apply this same, simple process to your overwrought and completely unsupported global flood myth ideas.
We .. that's us ... have ... at our disposal ... volumes of water [equal to the volume of Lake Superior] ... hope this clarifies ...
It clarifies that you are quite a fool, of you think that would cause an event leading to a global flood myth across the world's cultures.

Guess what other myths cultures share? Dragons. Wind gods. Fire gods who fly across the sky. But it's very easy for us to understand that what happened was a magical story that was made even more magical over time.

Now be a rational, funcitoning adult and apply this same, simple process to your overwrought and completely unsupported global flood myth ideas.

Which suggests to any rational person that all those cultures share a common historical background.


Which suggests to any rational person that all those cultures share a common historical background.
No it doesn't. It only suggests that they shared the same environment and the same ignorance. And the same desire to explain things they didn't understand. A common culture is not required to explain it.
Which suggests to any rational person that all those cultures share a common historical background.
No it doesn't. It only suggests that they shared the same environment and the same ignorance. And the same desire to explain things they didn't understand. A common culture is not required to explain it.


So what you're saying is that all these cultures came up with stories about a great flood, god like beings (past kings & queens?), and such all on their own because they shared the same environment and it magically caused them too come up with similar legends.

Ever heard of Occam's Razor?


So what you're saying is that all these cultures came up with stories about a great flood
Well, first, it's not 'all cultures".

Second, yes, they all experienced floods.

Third, yes, they attributed purpose to nature. The god of the wind... the fairy of the trees, etc etc, all because they were ignorant and superstitious.

You know this too, which is why you are an atheist regarding all of their primitive gods. Try to keep that in mind.
So what you're saying is that all these cultures came up with stories about a great flood
Well, first, it's not 'all cultures".

And you know this because you've studied their legends extensively?

Second, yes, they all experienced floods.

Why would they have experienced such severe floods that it left a imprint on their culture?... Unless you're saying that it was worldwide?

Third, yes, they attributed purpose to nature. The god of the wind... the fairy of the trees, etc etc, all because they were ignorant and superstitious.

Many past cultures identified with the environment around them and identified their group with animals and such. As do many that we call more primitive and even today still do such as the Native Americans, Australian aborigines, and others.

You know this too, which is why you are an atheist regarding all of their primitive gods. Try to keep that in mind.


So sorry but you're wrong. I'm a pantheist. Therefore the spirit of the universe fills me and everything around me.


And you know this because you've studied their legends extensively?
And you know it is all cultures, because you have studied every culture ever? I can play your dumb game. It's not hard.

Why would they have experienced such severe floods that it left a imprint on their culture?
You really aren't thinking this through. We didn't even have major cities 8,000 years ago. We had tiny pockets of nomadic peoples just learning how to grow crops. A "cataclysmic flood: in one of these tiny microcultures would have been about akin to what we see on the mississippi river every 50 or 60 years. If the euphrates valley had flooded, it would have been catacl
ysmic for tribes living near it.. Naturally, that was their "entire world".

When someone alive 8000 years ago referred to "the whole world", what exactly do you think they meant? You need to think about that for a little bit.
Many past cultures identified with the environment around them and identified their group with animals and such. As do many, that we call more primitive, until recently and even today still do such as the Native Americans, Australian aborigines, and others.

Right, and it doesn't have to really be "taught". It is just something that humans did, with the environment around them, which is all they knew of everything.

So sorry but you're wrong. I'm a pantheist. Therefore the spirit of the universe fills me and everything around me.
And you are an atheist about every other god ever invented. It's a fact. No, you don't believe in Apollo, or Zoroaster. Don't play games. You have the god you prefer, and you describe it the way you prefer.
And you know it is all cultures, because you have studied every culture ever? I can play your dumb game. It's not hard.

I bet I've studied them more than you.

You really aren't thinking this through. We didn't even have major cities 8,000 years ago. We had tiny pockets of nomadic peoples just learning how to grow crops. A "cataclysmic flood: in one of these tiny microcultures would have been about akin to what we see on the mississippi river every 50 or 60 years. If the euphrates valley had flooded, it would have been catacl
ysmic for tribes living near it.. Naturally, that was their "entire world".

Really?... 6bekli_Tepe

If westwall is correct about sea level, and I personally think he is, then you might want to look for those major cities under 400 to 600 ft of water along the continental shelf.

When someone alive 8000 years ago referred to "the whole world", what exactly do you think they meant? You need to think about that for a little bit.

I think you're the one who needs to think about that for a bit.

You appear to have very little faith in man's abilities and capabilities in the past.

Stonehenge is said to be only 5000 years old and a celestial tracker that keeps records of events that cover thousands of years.

Gobekli Tepe is reported as at least 8000 years old, serves the same purpose, and shows far superior craftsmanship. Where did the people who made it learn their trade? Something that would have taken hundreds to thousands of years to develop. Funny...... Wouldn't that put the learning of those trades around the time that the glaciers were all melting and flooding the coastlines where most the major populations would congregate??? I do believe that it would.

Right, and it doesn't have to really be "taught". It is just something that humans did, with the environment around them, which is all they knew of everything.

How would you know what they knew?

And you are an atheist about every other god ever invented. It's a fact. No, you don't believe in Apollo, or Zoroaster. Don't play games. You have the god you prefer, and you describe it the way you prefer.


I am kinda' partial to Crom.


Massive crater under Greenland’s ice points to climate-altering impact in the time of humans

Is it possible that the allegorical account of a great flood, which all ancient cultures have, is true?

What are you proposing -- a giant tsunami or wave from a large asteroid?

First, Genesis cannot be allegorical. If it was, then we would not be able to come up with a biblical timeline and events. God did not create humans from a cell. What is allegorical in the Bible are the prophecies. What does it mean because of the confusion? It means many Christians will be misled.

As for your article, you'll have to explain how it caused a great flood. It has nothing to do with a global flood. All you are claiming is a great flood. Do you mean a local flood?

They are wrong.

No, we're not. It's you who are wrong.

The creation science theories cannot change while yours keep changing. (I don't have any problems with that tho.)

Furthermore, your science eliminated creation scientists from peer reviews and it is the creation scientists who founded science and the scientific method. The laws of nature you use are from them.
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But... super Christians will tell you that the earth is only 6,000 years old. That's what they deduce from the Bible, and they believe there's scientific evidence to support it.

Don't ask me... I think they're nuts.

We aren't nuts. We base it on the Bible theory. What I find are the evolutionists are wrong. That's what happens when they believe in false science and have eliminated the creation scientists and their real science from peer review. The evidence of the supernatural is right in front of your nose -- the life spirit or God's breath. Life or even a living cell cannot spring up from nothing and once life is gone, then nothing cannot bring it back.

Are you Christian? I have a simple way to determine what kind of Christian you are. Do you believe in a loving God? The answer is yes -- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

What about after you die? Do you believe in a loving God? The answer is still yes, but one has to be ready for a wrathful God -- "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." John 3:36
What are you proposing -- a giant tsunami or wave from a large asteroid?
Neither of those.

Instant vaporization and super heating of 1500 gigatons of ice thrown high into the stratosphere.

Global disruption of all weather patterns. Disruption of circulatory system. Disruption of global temps.

Massive rain storms all around the globe.

but that doesn’t mean it rains every where at the same time. ;)

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