Is it possible there's trouble ahead for the presumptive nominee?

Oh, no, we knew Trump was racist back in the 1970's when Nixon had to sue him for housing discrimination.

The only difference is when he was that weird real estate guy, it didn't matter that much.
Oh, no, we knew Trump was racist back in the 1970's when Nixon had to sue him for housing discrimination.
willing to forgive Biden for a 20-year-old mistake, but bashing Trump for something that happened 50 years ago?

Gerrymandering, invented by the democrat Party and was perfect until Republicans started winning and using it. Then it became bad, almost as bad as the Orange Man! Now when democrats do it they call it "redistricting"

"Billy did it first!" doesn't fucking fly for a five year old, not sure why you think it flies as a political argument.

Congress is 75% white, while the country is only 59% white.
willing to forgive Biden for a 20-year-old mistake, but bashing Trump for something that happened 50 years ago?

Um, yeah, if he keeps engaging in the behavior, um, yeah.

The poster claimed no one called Trump racist until 2015. Richard Nixon did in 1973.
I wonder when Republicans are going to respond in kind and start indicting corrupt democrat politicians currently running for office?
If you can prove they commited crimes, I'm all for it. I think Menendez should go to jail.

The problem with Democrats is that they tend to eat their own. Look at Al Franken. They made him resign because a STRIPPER said he was rude.
I obviously understand the system better than you.

The system was set up FOR THE PEOPLE.

These days, you have no chance unless you declare yourself a democrat or a republican.

Because those are the 2 political parties.

If you want to compete for the Super Bowl, you have to play in the NFL.
They are the only 2 relevant parties.

Anyone intelligent enough to run the country is intelligent enough to know that they have to be in a relevant party to win.
so keep voting for that lessor of 2 evils....then look around and see why we are in the shape we are in...evil is still evil....
Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire on Tuesday night: There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee.

It’s an issue that became starkly apparent in polling ahead of the Iowa caucuses, when an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of voters in that state found that fully 43 percent of Nikki Haley supporters said they would back President Joe Biden over Trump. And it’s a dynamic that has been on vivid display as the campaign shifted this week to New Hampshire.

“I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,” said Scott Simeone, 64, an independent voter from Amherst, who backed Trump in 2016 and 2020. “I voted for him, and I didn’t realize he’s as corrupt as he is.”

An informed electorate is not Don's friend. Not considering his moral bankruptcy, incompetence, and indefensible acts like making Matthew Whitaker acting AG. What kind of moron does that?

With all due respect, Berg? Has Joe Biden appointed ANYONE to his cabinet that isn't a complete moron? As useless as Biden is...and GOD is he useless!...his appointees are even more incompetent! Merrick Garland? He's like Barney Fife in a better suit!



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Even if Trump loses 5% of Republicans, that is HUGE.

Add to that the MSM blaring the abortion issue, which will be on the ballot in several states to mobilize women, there goes another 5%-10% of the electorate against TRUMP.

Republicans are apparently willing to die on the hill known as Tax Cut Hill. They are really playing with fire. Old voters want SS and Medicare fixed. There is another 5% that Trump loses.

Nikki wins in November and Trump loses. Se La Vie.
Polls indicate Haley beats Biden in NH, while Trump loses to Joe. Indicating there is support among moderates for Haley while the Orange Menace's base is composed of extreme MAGAists who aren't paying attention to what Don is saying and what he did as prez.
They are the only 2 relevant parties.

Anyone intelligent enough to run the country is intelligent enough to know that they have to be in a relevant party to win.
Anyone intelligent enough to run the country is

the people we've had in the WH and Congress may be intelligent, but they've been running the country into the ground for at least the last 30 years.

at one time, the Bullmoose party, and the Whigs were relevant.

as were several other parties.

now gone.

The two we have now need to follow them.
With all due respect, Berg? Has Joe Biden appointed ANYONE to his cabinet that isn't a complete moron?
Yes. None of them are. Tell me, do you remember how many folks in Trump's cabinet had to resign in disgrace, were fired either for incompetence or because they realized Trump is a clown, or were fired for disloyalty..............not to the country...........but to Don?

'Off the charts': White House turnover is breaking records​

Mapping Corruption: Donald Trump’s Executive Branch​

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the people we've had in the WH and Congress may be intelligent, but they've been running the country into the ground for at least the last 30 years.

at one time, the Bullmoose party, and the Whigs were relevant.

as were several other parties.

now gone.

The two we have now need to follow them.
Unless we get the money out of politics, we`re doomed. A third party would need to raise billions of dollars just to compete and that`s not going to happen. A sad situation indeed.
Yes. None of them are. Tell me, do you remember how many folks in Trump's cabinet had to resign in disgrace, were fired either for incompetence or because they realized Trump is a clown, or were fired for disloyalty..............not to the country...........but to Don?

'Off the charts': White House turnover is breaking records​

Mapping Corruption: Donald Trump’s Executive Branch​

How many members of Biden's Cabinet have been fired for incompetence? When Trump was in office people who didn't perform were replaced. NOBODY gets replaced in this White House no matter how incompetent they are! That's because we don't have a leader...we have a puppet!

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