Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

We would rather not be with non whites Then and now
I know a lot of white women that would disagree with you.

Black men always say that. As if. Not likely.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.

I personally believe it's possible to have an objective conversation regarding the state of racial relations in the United States. In my opinion, the topic needs to be approached the same way any conversation about a contentious subject would be irrespective of the party you need to engage. Think of approaching it the same way you would if you needed to bring up a topic that your significant other would really rather not discuss. If you come off in an accusatory manner, the person will get defensive and will be too busy trying to deflect and defend themselves to actually hear and process the points you're trying to make. If you're verbally abusive towards them, they'll shut down and not even hear what you're saying. So the best way to approach the situation, in my opinion, is to indicate that there is a matter of importance that you'd like to discuss but that you're really interested in hearing their thoughts on the matter as well with the hope that together you can come up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue.

Beautifully said, BUT --- why not thank the person and go away after you've asked for their opinion?

Why try to get in his or her reality and bung it up and change it and deform it and sneer at it? Because that's "coming up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue" IS --- unless the person voluntarily wants to talk with you about it, of course.

But if you have started the conversation, don't pretend you want to get his opinion and then try to CHANGE his opinion. That is awful, and it's what pretty much all worthless leftists do.
Your food stamps and free housing in your self created ghettos aren’t enough?
This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about AND you're a moderator.
Its no different than in the real world where we have to face people who share these views and sentiments who are our police, judges, lawyers and lawmakers.

This is the battle we face.

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It generally takes longer to fix a problem than create one. You can blow up a house in 30 seconds, but it takes weeks to months to build one.

Blacks were forced here, they were slaves, they had to suffer through Jim Crow, to this day, they are being shot for being black while walking down the street.

And then you have ignorant right winger racists saying but they are inherently violent. We give them everything and still they are lazy and violent. Three lies in a single sentence. But how do you explain anything to right wingers when the majority think higher education is bad for America? The only solution I can see is to outlive them. And unfortunately, they pass on their racism and ignorance to their spawn. Those kids will need to wake up on their own and reject that nonsense.
At the same time, blacks need to overcome the hurdles placed in their way and many are. Many are overcoming what was done to them.

It all comes down to hard work from everyone willing to work and reconcile on both sides and never give up and never surrender.
This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

Yeah, it's okay on forums, because that is voluntary and if I don't like it, I can watch Robot Wars with Himself. Thanksgiving? Not so optional.

My newest retort to rude political talkers: they say, "Did you know [there follow one of the usual obscene calunmnies against Trump, or some statement calling whites racists]?"

And I say, "No, I didn't know that!. And I still don't."

Try it: it stops them in their tracks, so far. They have to work it out on their fingers.
That! That! ^^^^ Well, and postmodern private realities, of course.
Everybody lurks in their own private reality bubble and you do NOT get to come into mine and try to change it.
Very interesting and quite possibly the source of the problem.
WHO DO FUCK do you think you are--------you disgusting bitch. I made correct observations on RACE----and you proceed to ACCUSE ME of that which is the perversity of shit like you
Whoa, I haven't been called a bitch online in a while lol. Struck a nerve?
We would rather not be with non whites Then and now
I know a lot of white women that would disagree with you.

Black men always say that. As if. Not likely.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
We would rather not be with non whites Then and now
I know a lot of white women that would disagree with you.

Black men always say that. As if. Not likely.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
She doesnt charge. She gives it away freely like most white women. She is very normal.

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Beautifully said, BUT --- why not thank the person and go away after you've asked for their opinion?

Why try to get in his or her reality and bung it up and change it and deform it and sneer at it? Because that's "coming up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue" IS --- unless the person voluntarily wants to talk with you about it, of course.

But if you have started the conversation, don't pretend you want to get his opinion and then try to CHANGE his opinion. That is awful, and it's what pretty much all worthless leftists do.
I think you might be projecting. Someone here asked a question and I provided an answer with parameters to restrict it to racial relations in the United States. So if any other party doesn't want to engage in the conversation they are under no obligation to do so. On the other hand though surely you have to realize that if you come to a message board where race relations are being discussed and you make an observation or statement that is factually false then there are several individuals here who can and will point out your misconception. No one is sneering that I'm aware of but some of the idiocy on display makes it really hard to hold one's tongue, particularly when it's a display of willful ignorance.

I remember in grade school we were taught that the Russians engage in propganda and lie to their citizens with the implication being that the U.S. government would never lie to it's people, only to realize many decades later, that they do indeed lie to us. They lied about black people being genetically predisposed to violence in order to justify and reinforce the violence and immoral actions taken against black people. Among other things.
Beautifully said, BUT --- why not thank the person and go away after you've asked for their opinion?

Why try to get in his or her reality and bung it up and change it and deform it and sneer at it? Because that's "coming up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue" IS --- unless the person voluntarily wants to talk with you about it, of course.

But if you have started the conversation, don't pretend you want to get his opinion and then try to CHANGE his opinion. That is awful, and it's what pretty much all worthless leftists do.
I think you might be projecting. Someone here asked a question and I provided an answer with parameters to restrict it to racial relations in the United States. So if any other party doesn't want to engage in the conversation they are under no obligation to do so. On the other hand though surely you have to realize that if you come to a message board where race relations are being discussed and you make an observation or statement that is factually false then there are several individuals here who can and will point out your misconception. No one is sneering that I'm aware of but some of the idiocy on display makes it really hard to hold one's tongue, particularly when it's a display of willful ignorance.

I remember in grade school we were taught that the Russians engage in propganda and lie to their citizens with the implication being that the U.S. government would never lie to it's people, only to realize many decades later, that they do indeed lie to us. They lied about black people being genetically predisposed to violence in order to justify and reinforce the violence and immoral actions taken against black people. Among other things.

I went to grade school in the USA and was NEVER TAUGHT that black people are
"predisposed to violence" I was DEFINITELY exposed IN SCHOOL to the idea
that the Russian government engages in propaganda. Later on I was DEFINITELY
exposed to RUSSIAN immigrants who discussed the intensity of propaganda in Russia.
One of my major focuses of interest in my college years was GENETICS and never came
across a single study suggesting that "black people are prone to violence" Can you cite one
of those "prone to violence" GENETICALLY to which you IMAGINE you were exposed?
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

Your food stamps and free housing in your self created ghettos aren’t enough?
Look at what this racist palooka is "contributing" to the discussion. Nice!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

What did I say that was incorrect?

The best question you needed to ask before you hit post was "what am I saying that is correct?" Your moderator status protects you because no matter how vile the racism you post is nothing gets done about it. But you can ban people from treads for telling you what you deserve to hear for making such comments as the one you made.
Beautifully said, BUT --- why not thank the person and go away after you've asked for their opinion?

Why try to get in his or her reality and bung it up and change it and deform it and sneer at it? Because that's "coming up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue" IS --- unless the person voluntarily wants to talk with you about it, of course.

But if you have started the conversation, don't pretend you want to get his opinion and then try to CHANGE his opinion. That is awful, and it's what pretty much all worthless leftists do.
I think you might be projecting. Someone here asked a question and I provided an answer with parameters to restrict it to racial relations in the United States. So if any other party doesn't want to engage in the conversation they are under no obligation to do so. On the other hand though surely you have to realize that if you come to a message board where race relations are being discussed and you make an observation or statement that is factually false then there are several individuals here who can and will point out your misconception. No one is sneering that I'm aware of but some of the idiocy on display makes it really hard to hold one's tongue, particularly when it's a display of willful ignorance.

I remember in grade school we were taught that the Russians engage in propganda and lie to their citizens with the implication being that the U.S. government would never lie to it's people, only to realize many decades later, that they do indeed lie to us. They lied about black people being genetically predisposed to violence in order to justify and reinforce the violence and immoral actions taken against black people. Among other things.

I went to grade school in the USA and was NEVER TAUGHT that black people are
"predisposed to violence" I was DEFINITELY exposed IN SCHOOL to the idea
that the Russian government engages in propaganda. Later on I was DEFINITELY
exposed to RUSSIAN immigrants who discussed the intensity of propaganda in Russia.
One of my major focuses of interest in my college years was GENETICS and never came
across a single study suggesting that "black people are prone to violence" Can you cite one
of those "prone to violence" GENETICALLY to which you IMAGINE you were exposed?

Sure, right, OK.
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Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

" 14“Now behold, he has a son who has observed all his father’s sins which he committed, and observing does not do likewise. 15“He does not eat at the mountain shrines or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, or defile his neighbor’s wife, 16or oppress anyone, or retain a pledge, or commit robbery, but he gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with clothing, 17he keeps his hand from the poor, does not take interest or increase, but executes My ordinances, and walks in My statutes; he will not die for his father’s iniquity, he will surely live. 18“As for his father, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was not good among his people, behold, he will die for his iniquity.

19“Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity?’ When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has observed all My statutes and done them, he shall surely live. 20“The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."

Unfortunately the sons commit the same sin of racism as the father.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

" 14“Now behold, he has a son who has observed all his father’s sins which he committed, and observing does not do likewise. 15“He does not eat at the mountain shrines or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, or defile his neighbor’s wife, 16or oppress anyone, or retain a pledge, or commit robbery, but he gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with clothing, 17he keeps his hand from the poor, does not take interest or increase, but executes My ordinances, and walks in My statutes; he will not die for his father’s iniquity, he will surely live. 18“As for his father, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was not good among his people, behold, he will die for his iniquity.

19“Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity?’ When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has observed all My statutes and done them, he shall surely live. 20“The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."

Unfortunately the sons commit the same sin of racism as the father.

Some do, some don't.

Therefor you can't make make a blanket statement on all of society that they all owe money for those sins.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

That is a zone for pussies who are afraid to hear what their views are really worth. There is a difference.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.
Only way that can happen is to have a white only forum and a black only forum. Segregation, ya know. Oh. Wait. Thats a bad thing. Oh. Wait. Blacks seem to want to separate from whites. Oh. Wait.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

" 14“Now behold, he has a son who has observed all his father’s sins which he committed, and observing does not do likewise. 15“He does not eat at the mountain shrines or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, or defile his neighbor’s wife, 16or oppress anyone, or retain a pledge, or commit robbery, but he gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with clothing, 17he keeps his hand from the poor, does not take interest or increase, but executes My ordinances, and walks in My statutes; he will not die for his father’s iniquity, he will surely live. 18“As for his father, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was not good among his people, behold, he will die for his iniquity.

19“Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity?’ When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has observed all My statutes and done them, he shall surely live. 20“The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."

Unfortunately the sons commit the same sin of racism as the father.

Some do, some don't.

Therefor you can't make make a blanket statement on all of society that they all owe money for those sins.

Nations are judged also. You just don't have any excuses.

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