Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

Your food stamps and free housing in your self created ghettos aren’t enough?
Look at what this racist palooka is "contributing" to the discussion. Nice!
Spoken well by the sexist chauvinist who bashes women for their appearance! :1peleas:
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?

Seems to me that in here the most uneducated people are white republicans.
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
Your post is fake news. Liberals are more highly educated than conservatives.
toobfreak may really believe his conclusions, but the facts contradict him.

Which facts? The ones you claim are indisputable which you never lay out or enumerate on for others to see? Oh yeah, THOSE facts. The ones no one can contest because you keep them shoved up your ass hidden from sight like your favorite love toy but tell us to just take your word they are there.
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
Your post is fake news. Liberals are more highly educated than conservatives.

and more likely to be left-handed
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
Your post is fake news. Liberals are more highly educated than conservatives.

PROVEN WRONG by Deanturd. HE said Repubs are 90% white (actually 89% non-Hispanic white according to Gallup), which leaves most of the Hispanics and Blacks all democrat. This is a well-known FACT. Another fact is that most of your poor communities, ghettos and slums are mostly blacks and Hispanics. They are undeniably poor and have lesser educations. Take me into the Ghetto and show me a person with a Doctorate? HOW MANY different reports, articles, studies, graphs and charts shall I produce to support this? So THE ONLY CONCLUSION possible is modus ponens, if p then q: if most of the poor and uneducated vote democrat, the average intelligence of a democrat is LOWER. And I can't think of a better example than YOU.
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
Your post is fake news. Liberals are more highly educated than conservatives.

PROVEN WRONG by Deanturd. HE said Repubs are 90% white (actually 89% non-Hispanic white according to Gallup), which leaves most of the Hispanics and Blacks all democrat. This is a well-known FACT. Another fact is that most of your poor communities, ghettos and slums are mostly blacks and Hispanics. They are undeniably poor and have lesser educations. Take me into the Ghetto and show me a person with a Doctorate? HOW MANY different reports, articles, studies, graphs and charts shall I produce to support this? So THE ONLY CONCLUSION possible is modus ponens, if p then q: if most of the poor and uneducated vote democrat, the average intelligence of a democrat is LOWER. And I can't think of a better example than YOU.
Not sure how any of that changes the fact that libs are more highly educated than cons. Just look at this forum. Most of the cons are obviously lacking in the intellect dept.
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
This is the racist put Black Panthers, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in the same category as Nazis and KKK.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Republicans are 90% white. Their president thinks some Nazi's are good people. How do we know? He told us.

The main difference between Repubs and Dems is that Dems have more Hispanics and blacks, two low-income, uneducated minority groups, therefore, the democrats are lower educated. And whites tend to be hard workers, bread-winners, enterprising tax-payers more careful with their money and values, so republican do more of the work and pay most of the taxes while democrats reap more of the benefits. Don't take my word, it's all in your own data.

As to the Nazi thing, DO PLEASE share with us the video where Trump says some Nazis are good people! I want to hear the context that was said in. Who knows--- --- I don't know any Nazis much less ALL of them, I'm sure its possible that some of them might be good people at some level, just as I'm sure there are some good people in the Black Panthers, Antifa and BLM. It's the height of arrogance and bigotry to claim that ALL PEOPLE in any class or group are all this or that! I mean, isn't that the VERY THING the Left have fought for SIXTY YEARS to prove? So now what, you're denying it?
This is the racist put Black Panthers, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in the same category as Nazis and KKK.

Sorry, Marc, your attempts at deflection won't change how you put down women who can't even speak up in their own defense.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

Your food stamps and free housing in your self created ghettos aren’t enough?
Look at what this racist palooka is "contributing" to the discussion. Nice!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

What did I say that was incorrect?
toobfreak may really believe his conclusions, but the facts contradict him.

oh JAKEY--------"facts contradict.." toobfreak????----------not possible------facts MAY contradict toobfreak's CONCLUSIONS-----
No, rosie, I am right. Toobfreak and his arguments are walking contradictions.

Venus is the personification of romantic love?
toobfreak may really believe his conclusions, but the facts contradict him.

Which facts? The ones you claim are indisputable which you never lay out or enumerate on for others to see? Oh yeah, THOSE facts. The ones no one can contest because you keep them shoved up your ass hidden from sight like your favorite love toy but tell us to just take your word they are there.
In 1994, 39% of those with a four-year college degree (no postgraduate experience) identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party and 54% associated with the Republican Party. In 2017, those figures were exactly reversed.
1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

Your food stamps and free housing in your self created ghettos aren’t enough?
Look at what this racist palooka is "contributing" to the discussion. Nice!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

What did I say that was incorrect?
That link shows educated white voters with college degrees "In 2017, 49% of white voters with a college degree (and no additional education) aligned with the Democratic Party, compared with 46% for the GOP. As recently as 2015, 51% of white voters with a college degree aligned with the Republican Party, compared with 43% for the Democratic Party."

White college graduates are opting solidly for the GOP.
toobfreak may really believe his conclusions, but the facts contradict him.

Which facts? The ones you claim are indisputable which you never lay out or enumerate on for others to see? Oh yeah, THOSE facts. The ones no one can contest because you keep them shoved up your ass hidden from sight like your favorite love toy but tell us to just take your word they are there.
In 1994, 39% of those with a four-year college degree (no postgraduate experience) identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party and 54% associated with the Republican Party. In 2017, those figures were exactly reversed.
1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups

So what did that prove? Either:
A). That party affiliation vs. education is a fluctuating trend with no direct link.
B). That people with degrees have become more socially ignorant as they've become more technologically smart.
C). That since 1994, colleges have become much more politically left-leaning.

Take your pick.
It proves that the comments about college educated whites have moved as a majority to the Dems.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S.
You claim that people can't be objective about talking about race BUT THEN you focus on the problems of white people. You talk about what what whites supposedly can't do. What whites supposedly can't say. So even before the conversation has started you're already fighting for the white corner and then you'll sit here and try and claim that you are being objective

OK, why don't YOU start an objective conversation about race? I'm waiting...

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