Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

I know a lot of white women that would disagree with you.

Black men always say that. As if. Not likely.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
She doesnt charge. She gives it away freely like most white women. She is very normal.


Is this what is understood as objective conversation?

The claim was that whites did not want to be with non whites. Those pictures prove that to be untrue. What issue do you have with proof?
Black men always say that. As if. Not likely.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
She doesnt charge. She gives it away freely like most white women. She is very normal.


Is this what is understood as objective conversation?

The claim was that whites did not want to be with non whites. Those pictures prove that to be untrue. What issue do you have with proof?
Why would ANYONE of ANY skin color WANT to be around people who only SEE skin color? Duh.
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
She doesnt charge. She gives it away freely like most white women. She is very normal.


Is this what is understood as objective conversation?

The claim was that whites did not want to be with non whites. Those pictures prove that to be untrue. What issue do you have with proof?
Why would ANYONE of ANY skin color WANT to be around people who only SEE skin color? Duh.
Was that a rhetorical question or did you want an answer?
I was addressing white people. I don't converse with you or your nimrod IM2 for obvious reasons. Which is why it is mostly impossible for any white person to have a conversation with racists like you guys.
I was addressing white people. I don't converse with you or your nimrod IM2 for obvious reasons. Which is why it is mostly impossible for any white person to have a conversation with racists like you guys.
I'm not white. If you were addressing white people why did you reply to me? You do realize by calling IM2 nimrod you are calling him one of the mightiest kings the planet has ever known right? You do realize Nimrod was Black?
I know I touched a nerve but not only is it likely....its reality.


Oh, you were including prostitutes like this one?

I thought you meant normal women. No, I guess you might get some white prostitutes to do stuff with you .
She doesnt charge. She gives it away freely like most white women. She is very normal.


Is this what is understood as objective conversation?

The claim was that whites did not want to be with non whites. Those pictures prove that to be untrue. What issue do you have with proof?
Why would ANYONE of ANY skin color WANT to be around people who only SEE skin color? Duh.

Apparently Ol Gracie went to the Mars colony with Hauser and got her mind erased.
I was addressing white people. I don't converse with you or your nimrod IM2 for obvious reasons. Which is why it is mostly impossible for any white person to have a conversation with racists like you guys.

Why would ANYONE of ANY skin color WANT to be around people who only SEE skin color? Duh.

I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

I honestly think it is a waste of time for any white person to engage on the subject. Just ignore it and pretend there's no issue. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Pretty much, on these forums, anything white people say is replied with insults and name calling. Anything posted or quoted about history from whites is called lies or false information. It really doesnt help any discussions because we whites are supposedly brainwashed with lies, so whatever we say or believe is false.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

I honestly think it is a waste of time for any white person to engage on the subject. Just ignore it and pretend there's no issue. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Pretty much, on these forums, anything white people say is replied with insults and name calling. Anything posted or quoted about history from whites is called lies or false information. It really doesnt help any discussions because we whites are supposedly brainwashed with lies, so whatever we say or believe is false.

This is true of the trio of weak, dishonest, racist posters who happen to be black and who spam the forum with endless nonsense. However, to be fair, it is equally true of a number of weak, dishonest, racist posters who happen to be white and who spam the forum with endless nonsense. Maybe everybody could stop being stupid racist fucking douche bags.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your observation is based on the FACT that early on in the USA----race distinction SEEMED clear. It was based upon just who was a sub-Saharan BLACK ----versus who was a "white" of ---WASP OR SCANDANAVIAN background. With immigration----the distinctions
could not be made ----except in the minds of the depraved. Keep in mind-----for quite a while "white" was a distinction OWNED by
THE CHURCH. Even back then----it was, of course, a baseless pile of
BS The Protestants who ruled south Africa were so depraved that they invented a COLORWHEEL to determine race------_SO? depravity makes it ok in your perverse mind?
Why do you all keep flipping from the topic of racial relations in the United States which are the parameters I outlined I'd be willing to discuss to the racial state of affairs in the entire damn world? None of us that are U.S. citizens have the ability to impact or influence laws outside of the jurisdiction of the United States so interjecting the items above that you have appears to be nothing more than a deflection.

As far as depravity and perversion, what the hell do you think passing laws that allowed white people to subjugate and violate the basic human rights of people of African decent based solely on their race is called? Basic human rights includes the right to not be held in captivity, to not be raped with impunity, or whipped, or forced to endure back breaking work because you're captors were too "fragile" (aka depraved and perverse) to endure the southern heat, to have your children or other loved ones ripped away from you and sold. Black people of the United States are not the ones who instituted this legal system, white did this, but you already know this yet still try to make it seem like black people are somehow culpable for their own abuse and victimization.

It's the dishonesty involved that makes it difficult to have a rational and civil conversation on this or any topic. Let's face it, some white people never got over the fact that black people could no longer be held in capacity, could no longer be targeted for the most heinous of crimes without the perpetrators risking placig themselves in legal jeopardy and that we are as a people are beginning to make strides, personally, professionally, politically, financially, etc. in spite of the almost 200 year head start that whites legislatively received. And that depraved and perverse mindset that thought up the system of chattel slavery and institutional racism in the first place still persist in the minds of many racists today.

So I'm seeking solutions while it sort of stands to reason that the racists don't want to see people whom they consider beneath them, progress at all.

That's my take on it but I'm certainly willing to discuss where someone else believes I may be mistaken.
I have often wondered too why discussions that start about racism here in the U.S. end up talking about conditions elsewhere. Today my husband was given a t-shirt with this poem on the back. I think it's very thought provoking and pertinent. Have you ever seen it?
Author Unknown

Take a man from all he’s known. Take his women and children away from their home
Separate and alienate from family and friend. Shoot those immediately that try to defend
Make them your prisoner. Kill off the meek. Destroy all their babies, the wounded and weak.
Put them on ships and give each one an oar. If some die from rowing replace them with more.
Bring them to a country whose soil is foreign. Dress them in garments all tattered and torn.
Fatten them up with “chittlings” and rice. Treat them as cattle and sell for a price.
Rewrite your laws to cover your ass. Count them as property to sell, pawn of pass.
Brand them like animals. Give each one a mark. So the owner can track them in daylight or dark.
Chain them and beat them and label them slaves. Kill the defiant so the masses behave.
Take away their language by filling them with fright. The penalty for speaking it is to be shot dead on sight.
Take their gods and their goddesses and replace them with yours. Take away their strength with back breaking chores.
Show them your fields and there make them work. Crack your whip often so chores they don’t shirk.
Put them in shacks with only dirt floors. Forbid them to lock any of their doors.
Enter and rape any female you please. Make fathers and husbands watch from their knees.
And if they escape hunt them like dogs. Shoot them and hang them. Butcher them like hogs.
Do this for centuries and then set them free. Now here is my question. What will you see?
Your observation is based on the FACT that early on in the USA----race distinction SEEMED clear. It was based upon just who was a sub-Saharan BLACK ----versus who was a "white" of ---WASP OR SCANDANAVIAN background. With immigration----the distinctions
could not be made ----except in the minds of the depraved. Keep in mind-----for quite a while "white" was a distinction OWNED by
THE CHURCH. Even back then----it was, of course, a baseless pile of
BS The Protestants who ruled south Africa were so depraved that they invented a COLORWHEEL to determine race------_SO? depravity makes it ok in your perverse mind?
Why do you all keep flipping from the topic of racial relations in the United States which are the parameters I outlined I'd be willing to discuss to the racial state of affairs in the entire damn world? None of us that are U.S. citizens have the ability to impact or influence laws outside of the jurisdiction of the United States so interjecting the items above that you have appears to be nothing more than a deflection.

As far as depravity and perversion, what the hell do you think passing laws that allowed white people to subjugate and violate the basic human rights of people of African decent based solely on their race is called? Basic human rights includes the right to not be held in captivity, to not be raped with impunity, or whipped, or forced to endure back breaking work because you're captors were too "fragile" (aka depraved and perverse) to endure the southern heat, to have your children or other loved ones ripped away from you and sold. Black people of the United States are not the ones who instituted this legal system, white did this, but you already know this yet still try to make it seem like black people are somehow culpable for their own abuse and victimization.

It's the dishonesty involved that makes it difficult to have a rational and civil conversation on this or any topic. Let's face it, some white people never got over the fact that black people could no longer be held in capacity, could no longer be targeted for the most heinous of crimes without the perpetrators risking placig themselves in legal jeopardy and that we are as a people are beginning to make strides, personally, professionally, politically, financially, etc. in spite of the almost 200 year head start that whites legislatively received. And that depraved and perverse mindset that thought up the system of chattel slavery and institutional racism in the first place still persist in the minds of many racists today.

So I'm seeking solutions while it sort of stands to reason that the racists don't want to see people whom they consider beneath them, progress at all.

That's my take on it but I'm certainly willing to discuss where someone else believes I may be mistaken.
I have often wondered too why discussions that start about racism here in the U.S. end up talking about conditions elsewhere. Today my husband was given a t-shirt with this poem on the back. I think it's very thought provoking and pertinent. Have you ever seen it?
Author Unknown

Take a man from all he’s known. Take his women and children away from their home
Separate and alienate from family and friend. Shoot those immediately that try to defend
Make them your prisoner. Kill off the meek. Destroy all their babies, the wounded and weak.
Put them on ships and give each one an oar. If some die from rowing replace them with more.
Bring them to a country whose soil is foreign. Dress them in garments all tattered and torn.
Fatten them up with “chittlings” and rice. Treat them as cattle and sell for a price.
Rewrite your laws to cover your ass. Count them as property to sell, pawn of pass.
Brand them like animals. Give each one a mark. So the owner can track them in daylight or dark.
Chain them and beat them and label them slaves. Kill the defiant so the masses behave.
Take away their language by filling them with fright. The penalty for speaking it is to be shot dead on sight.
Take their gods and their goddesses and replace them with yours. Take away their strength with back breaking chores.
Show them your fields and there make them work. Crack your whip often so chores they don’t shirk.
Put them in shacks with only dirt floors. Forbid them to lock any of their doors.
Enter and rape any female you please. Make fathers and husbands watch from their knees.
And if they escape hunt them like dogs. Shoot them and hang them. Butcher them like hogs.
Do this for centuries and then set them free. Now here is my question. What will you see?

Pardon my language maam.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?
We are objective with racists. You just don’t like what you are
Your observation is based on the FACT that early on in the USA----race distinction SEEMED clear. It was based upon just who was a sub-Saharan BLACK ----versus who was a "white" of ---WASP OR SCANDANAVIAN background. With immigration----the distinctions
could not be made ----except in the minds of the depraved. Keep in mind-----for quite a while "white" was a distinction OWNED by
THE CHURCH. Even back then----it was, of course, a baseless pile of
BS The Protestants who ruled south Africa were so depraved that they invented a COLORWHEEL to determine race------_SO? depravity makes it ok in your perverse mind?
Why do you all keep flipping from the topic of racial relations in the United States which are the parameters I outlined I'd be willing to discuss to the racial state of affairs in the entire damn world? None of us that are U.S. citizens have the ability to impact or influence laws outside of the jurisdiction of the United States so interjecting the items above that you have appears to be nothing more than a deflection.

As far as depravity and perversion, what the hell do you think passing laws that allowed white people to subjugate and violate the basic human rights of people of African decent based solely on their race is called? Basic human rights includes the right to not be held in captivity, to not be raped with impunity, or whipped, or forced to endure back breaking work because you're captors were too "fragile" (aka depraved and perverse) to endure the southern heat, to have your children or other loved ones ripped away from you and sold. Black people of the United States are not the ones who instituted this legal system, white did this, but you already know this yet still try to make it seem like black people are somehow culpable for their own abuse and victimization.

It's the dishonesty involved that makes it difficult to have a rational and civil conversation on this or any topic. Let's face it, some white people never got over the fact that black people could no longer be held in capacity, could no longer be targeted for the most heinous of crimes without the perpetrators risking placig themselves in legal jeopardy and that we are as a people are beginning to make strides, personally, professionally, politically, financially, etc. in spite of the almost 200 year head start that whites legislatively received. And that depraved and perverse mindset that thought up the system of chattel slavery and institutional racism in the first place still persist in the minds of many racists today.

So I'm seeking solutions while it sort of stands to reason that the racists don't want to see people whom they consider beneath them, progress at all.

That's my take on it but I'm certainly willing to discuss where someone else believes I may be mistaken.
I have often wondered too why discussions that start about racism here in the U.S. end up talking about conditions elsewhere. Today my husband was given a t-shirt with this poem on the back. I think it's very thought provoking and pertinent. Have you ever seen it?
Author Unknown

Take a man from all he’s known. Take his women and children away from their home
Separate and alienate from family and friend. Shoot those immediately that try to defend
Make them your prisoner. Kill off the meek. Destroy all their babies, the wounded and weak.
Put them on ships and give each one an oar. If some die from rowing replace them with more.
Bring them to a country whose soil is foreign. Dress them in garments all tattered and torn.
Fatten them up with “chittlings” and rice. Treat them as cattle and sell for a price.
Rewrite your laws to cover your ass. Count them as property to sell, pawn of pass.
Brand them like animals. Give each one a mark. So the owner can track them in daylight or dark.
Chain them and beat them and label them slaves. Kill the defiant so the masses behave.
Take away their language by filling them with fright. The penalty for speaking it is to be shot dead on sight.
Take their gods and their goddesses and replace them with yours. Take away their strength with back breaking chores.
Show them your fields and there make them work. Crack your whip often so chores they don’t shirk.
Put them in shacks with only dirt floors. Forbid them to lock any of their doors.
Enter and rape any female you please. Make fathers and husbands watch from their knees.
And if they escape hunt them like dogs. Shoot them and hang them. Butcher them like hogs.
Do this for centuries and then set them free. Now here is my question. What will you see?

Pardon my language maam.
Quite all right!
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.

Do you have to take regular injections to forestall the lethal effects of mortal white guilt?
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your posts are always pro black, which would be okay if you also didnt consistantly say antiwhite say you are a white woman, you appear to have a one sided view and opinion on everything, and nothing positive about white people. You think white people need to understand black people, not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit. I dont believe understanding is what is needed, as you can clearly see by the black posters for the most part, they dont give a rats ass how whites feel or think, they ASSume all whites are the same. Any discussion on race that these particular black posters disagree with, you are called racist, or a liar, or nasty names. The anger and hatred oozes, you expect everyone to make excuses, as you do, for that behavior.

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