Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

I would say no because whites dont understand objectivity. They believe what they think is correct..end of discussion. No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool. Whites have only paid attention to propaganda. Its a necessity for Blacks to understand whites.

Objectivity? Do you honestly believe you are "objective"? As a white person I can't understand anything about your experience, and yet you can tell me not only of my experiences but of how my beliefs have come to be? You value your own point of view way more than anyone else.
I would say no because whites dont understand objectivity. They believe what they think is correct..end of discussion. No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool. Whites have only paid attention to propaganda. Its a necessity for Blacks to understand whites.

Objectivity? Do you honestly believe you are "objective"? As a white person I can't understand anything about your experience, and yet you can tell me not only of my experiences but of how my beliefs have come to be? You value your own point of view way more than anyone else.

You can’t reason with a racist.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your posts are always pro black, which would be okay if you also didnt consistantly say antiwhite say you are a white woman, you appear to have a one sided view and opinion on everything, and nothing positive about white people. You think white people need to understand black people, not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit. I dont believe understanding is what is needed, as you can clearly see by the black posters for the most part, they dont give a rats ass how whites feel or think, they ASSume all whites are the same. Any discussion on race that these particular black posters disagree with, you are called racist, or a liar, or nasty names. The anger and hatred oozes, you expect everyone to make excuses, as you do, for that behavior.

"not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit."

There are things all Blacks in the US have in common. Those are the important things you need to understand. Again thats only if you truly wish for unity. If you dont you'll just make another excuse.
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I would say no because whites dont understand objectivity. They believe what they think is correct..end of discussion. No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool. Whites have only paid attention to propaganda. Its a necessity for Blacks to understand whites.

Objectivity? Do you honestly believe you are "objective"? As a white person I can't understand anything about your experience, and yet you can tell me not only of my experiences but of how my beliefs have come to be? You value your own point of view way more than anyone else.
Correct. I am way more objective than you. You have no clue about my experience. You have never lived in my world. You are not subject to mass marketing telling you to worship what Blacks think. You are not subject to be taught in below average schools a history that is altered or has outright lies portraying Blacks as saviors. You are not called names because you dont idollize or celebrate national holidays commemorating "freedom" events that occurred when your ancestors were enslaved. You didnt grow up in a neighborhood where Black police robbed, harassed, planted evidence, and shot white people for being white. You didnt grow up in a neighborhood where Black police aided and abetted drug dealers so they could get some extra cash.

I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.

Do you have to take regular injections to forestall the lethal effects of mortal white guilt?
Have no idea what you're talking about. I have said before - I have no white guilt.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your posts are always pro black, which would be okay if you also didnt consistantly say antiwhite say you are a white woman, you appear to have a one sided view and opinion on everything, and nothing positive about white people. You think white people need to understand black people, not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit. I dont believe understanding is what is needed, as you can clearly see by the black posters for the most part, they dont give a rats ass how whites feel or think, they ASSume all whites are the same. Any discussion on race that these particular black posters disagree with, you are called racist, or a liar, or nasty names. The anger and hatred oozes, you expect everyone to make excuses, as you do, for that behavior.
What anti-white crap? And if you don't think understanding is needed, what is? And no, I do not make excuses. I provide explanations and a view point based on my experiences. I see excuses and explanations as two entirely different thing.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your posts are always pro black, which would be okay if you also didnt consistantly say antiwhite say you are a white woman, you appear to have a one sided view and opinion on everything, and nothing positive about white people. You think white people need to understand black people, not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit. I dont believe understanding is what is needed, as you can clearly see by the black posters for the most part, they dont give a rats ass how whites feel or think, they ASSume all whites are the same. Any discussion on race that these particular black posters disagree with, you are called racist, or a liar, or nasty names. The anger and hatred oozes, you expect everyone to make excuses, as you do, for that behavior.

"not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit."

There are things all Blacks in the US have in common. Those are the important things you need to understand. Again thats only if you truly wish for unity. If you dont you'll just make another excuse.
My husband told me this recently. He was riding on a van with some other folks. They started talking and the driver asked them if they all knew each other. My husband said, "No, I just met them, but you noticed that we're all saying the exact same thing."
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.
Your posts are always pro black, which would be okay if you also didnt consistantly say antiwhite say you are a white woman, you appear to have a one sided view and opinion on everything, and nothing positive about white people. You think white people need to understand black people, not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit. I dont believe understanding is what is needed, as you can clearly see by the black posters for the most part, they dont give a rats ass how whites feel or think, they ASSume all whites are the same. Any discussion on race that these particular black posters disagree with, you are called racist, or a liar, or nasty names. The anger and hatred oozes, you expect everyone to make excuses, as you do, for that behavior.

"not all blacks should have the same mindset as to need understanding as a unit."

There are things all Blacks in the US have in common. Those are the important things you need to understand. Again thats only if you truly wish for unity. If you dont you'll just make another excuse.
My husband told me this recently. He was riding on a van with some other folks. They started talking and the driver asked them if they all knew each other. My husband said, "No, I just met them, but you noticed that we're all saying the exact same thing."
I've had that happen a couple of times too. Choppin it up with some Black parents from another school at a volleyball game and after they left one of the parents from our school remarked that she didnt know we knew them. I was like I dont even know their names. Just met them.
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.

I know exactly what he went through having went through it myself when I worked for other people. Makes you extremely suspicious of white people unless they are in your family or part of a relationship that spans years.
I would say no because whites dont understand objectivity. They believe what they think is correct..end of discussion. No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool. Whites have only paid attention to propaganda. Its a necessity for Blacks to understand whites.

Objectivity? Do you honestly believe you are "objective"? As a white person I can't understand anything about your experience, and yet you can tell me not only of my experiences but of how my beliefs have come to be? You value your own point of view way more than anyone else.
He’s a racist plain and simple.
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
What a bunch of crap! Traps that have been laid? Are there monsters under his bed and in his closet?
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
What a bunch of crap! Traps that have been laid? Are there monsters under his bed and in his closet?
It was things like someone stealing money or inventory and placing the blame on him, at which time he was supposed to get angry, say f---- it and hit somebody, for which they could fire him, or get angry and walk off.

I was things like making him work overtime, train new guys or clean the bosses house without pay, and expect him to just be happy he had a damn job - again, they wanted him to either quit or get physical so they could say, "I told you so."
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
What a bunch of crap! Traps that have been laid? Are there monsters under his bed and in his closet?
It was things like someone stealing money or inventory and placing the blame on him, at which time he was supposed to get angry, say f---- it and hit somebody, for which they could fire him, or get angry and walk off.

I was things like making him work overtime, train new guys or clean the bosses house without pay, and expect him to just be happy he had a damn job - again, they wanted him to either quit or get physical so they could say, "I told you so."
That’s a big bag of bull shit. Your little story is truly make believe.
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
What a bunch of crap! Traps that have been laid? Are there monsters under his bed and in his closet?
It was things like someone stealing money or inventory and placing the blame on him, at which time he was supposed to get angry, say f---- it and hit somebody, for which they could fire him, or get angry and walk off.

I was things like making him work overtime, train new guys or clean the bosses house without pay, and expect him to just be happy he had a damn job - again, they wanted him to either quit or get physical so they could say, "I told you so."
That’s a big bag of bull shit. Your little story is truly make believe.
No, it isn't and things like that happen all the time. I've heard similar things from other folks. If you haven't been on the receiving end of such trickery, I guess you just won't believe it. But I'm telling you, it's true. And you can't tell someone who has had a genuine experience that it just didn't happen like they said it did.
I on the other hand live in your (white) world on a daily basis. I know about you (whites) because I have to know about you in order to survive. I have to understand your warped philosophies, predictable tendencies, and multiple soul eradicating fears. I have to know what you are thinking to plan my next move. I have to understand the intricacies of your language in order to communicate with you. I have to do these things in addition to educating my children on the truth and maintaining our philosophies.
It took me a long time to understand when my husband would say that black people know white people but white people don't know black people. He said that from day one he has watched all of the TV shows and movies the white man made which told him about the way they think by what came out of their minds to make these shows and movies. They put themselves out there and showed everyone where they were coming from and what they valued.

And he's always said that he has to think two or three steps ahead and plan his every move in order not to be caught up in the negativity and the traps that have been laid for him. He was always working for white men and said they were constantly trying to "steal his mind" and his ideas and set him up to get him in trouble. Fortunately he's retired now and a bit more relaxed. But he still says I'm the only one he really trusts.
What a bunch of crap! Traps that have been laid? Are there monsters under his bed and in his closet?
It was things like someone stealing money or inventory and placing the blame on him, at which time he was supposed to get angry, say f---- it and hit somebody, for which they could fire him, or get angry and walk off.

I was things like making him work overtime, train new guys or clean the bosses house without pay, and expect him to just be happy he had a damn job - again, they wanted him to either quit or get physical so they could say, "I told you so."
That’s a big bag of bull shit. Your little story is truly make believe.
No, it isn't and things like that happen all the time. I've heard similar things from other folks. If you haven't been on the receiving end of such trickery, I guess you just won't believe it. But I'm telling you, it's true. And you can't tell someone who has had a genuine experience that it just didn't happen like they said it did.

Its against his nature to accept the truth about the lives Black people live in the white world.
No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool.

Hi Asclepias. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black people"?

Asclepias, when you write about "black people', are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

Asclepias, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.


Asclepias, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"


Asclepias, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.

Do you have to take regular injections to forestall the lethal effects of mortal white guilt?
Have no idea what you're talking about. I have said before - I have no white guilt.


You have the most dire and obvious white guilt ever seen here.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.

Do you have to take regular injections to forestall the lethal effects of mortal white guilt?
Have no idea what you're talking about. I have said before - I have no white guilt.


You have the most dire and obvious white guilt ever seen here.
She doesnt seem to have white guilt to me. She is that rare white person that has no issues with being white while at the same time having an intimate understanding of what Black people have to deal with.
I am a white woman and have never felt like I can not express opinions about racial issues here. Actually, that's why I come here. I do believe that most white folks do not understand black folks. Not that they can't and won't ever be able to, but simply because most of us do not listen attentively and contemplate what has been shared. We are more likely to immediately respond with criticism, finger pointing and what-about-ism.

How utterly smug of you. Unlike most white folks, you understand black folks and are therefor free to express your opinions about racial issues. Just what are your objective contributions to these issues?
Actually, I think we are all free to express our opinions. I express mine on these particular issues because of my personal experiences and things I have learned during my 38 year interracial marriage. I have and still do listen and learn. I don't consider this smug.

Do you have to take regular injections to forestall the lethal effects of mortal white guilt?
Have no idea what you're talking about. I have said before - I have no white guilt.


You have the most dire and obvious white guilt ever seen here.
It exists only in your mind. Like I continue to say - I do not have white guilt. If you think things I have said indicate I do, then you are misinterpreting and misunderstanding them. There is what I say and there is what you think you heard me say. Not the same.

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