Is it possible to restore the child tax credit back to where it was?

It's funny how pseudocons whine about government gifts for other people, but when you talk about removing ALL tax expenditures, they suddenly turn into howling welfare queens.
Let's remove all tax expenditures. All deductions, all exemptions, all credits.

They cause massive borrowing, higher tax rates, and are the biggest wealth redistribution program of all.

So let's get rid of ALL of them once and for all.
It's funny how pseudocons whine about government gifts for other people, but when you talk about removing ALL tax expenditures, they suddenly turn into howling welfare queens.
Nobody is talking about removing all tax expenditures. We need a strong national defense, a basic social safety net for those who are mentally or physically challenged and cannot work, Social Security payments for our seniors who have contributed for a lifetime, among some other necessities. But there is no question that the government is massively bloated and spending could be reduced by a large margin.

First place to cut is our government funding virus development in foreign countries, deemed so risky it’s not allowed here.
Let's remove all tax expenditures. All deductions, all exemptions, all credits.

They cause massive borrowing, higher tax rates, and are the biggest wealth redistribution program of all.

So let's get rid of ALL of them once and for all.
Nobody is advocating for that, lIbster.

(Why do libs always go to false extremes when they’ve lost the argument?)
Nobody is advocating for that, lIbster.

(Why do libs always go to false extremes when they’ve lost the argument?)
Hey dumbass. Eliminating tax expenditures is a core conservative principle. Trump has gaslighted you idiots so badly you don't even recognize real fiscal conservatism when it is right in your face.

Tax expenditures cost $1.4 trillion EVERY YEAR. That's more than twice as much as all other welfare programs combined.

And just as I predicted, your inner welfare queen comes out when YOUR government gifts are challenged.

Apologies. I just looked it up. The continued handouts to parents in the middle class, funded by childless couples and the elderly, was part of the Inflation-Heightening Bill that Manchin just squashed.

Thank G-d. Now some of these parents who quit their jobs because they no longer needed to help pay for their kids’ food will go back to work.
If we eliminated ALL tax expenditures, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE, balance the budget, and pay off the debt. And once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.

Gosh, I am such a raging liberal!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Hey dumbass. Eliminating tax expenditures is a core conservative principle. Trump has gaslighted you idiots so badly you don't even recognize real fiscal conservatism when it is right in your face.

Tax expenditures cost $1.4 trillion EVERY YEAR. That's more than twice as much as all other welfare programs combined.

And just as I predicted, your inner welfare queen comes out when YOUR government gifts are challenged.

Social security payments are NOT welfare, as we have contributed to that program for 40 years. A new government support child care payment, given out to 30-year-old married women for doing nothing other than opening your legs and forgetting birth control, and paid for by SENIOR CITIZENS on fixed income, is welfare.

You are such a socialist, who has no value for elderly. That is why you are fine with making their food even less affordable on their meager $1200 SS check (that’s the average) if it means that a couple earning $70,000 gets a child support payment from the government.
Social security payments are NOT welfare, as we have contributed to that program for 40 years. A new government support child care payment, given out to 30-year-old married women for doing nothing other than opening your legs and forgetting birth control, and paid for by SENIOR CITIZENS on fixed income, is welfare.

You are such a socialist, who has no value for elderly. That is why you are fine with making their food even less affordable on their meager $1200 SS check (that’s the average) if it means that a couple earning $70,000 gets a child support payment from the government.
I don't consider Social Security to be welfare, idiot. But we do need to raise the retirement age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, so we should be working longer.

I'm talking about actual social welfare like SNAP and Pell Grants and Rural Rental Assitance and the 70-odd other programs.

Your precious tax expenditures add up to more than twice what those programs cost. Whenever one of you whines about "free shit", you hypocrites never ever talk about your own free shit you are receiving.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

The entire country is guilty of this. Not just the poor.

Hey dumbass. Eliminating tax expenditures is a core conservative principle. Trump has gaslighted you idiots so badly you don't even recognize real fiscal conservatism when it is right in your face.

Tax expenditures cost $1.4 trillion EVERY YEAR. That's more than twice as much as all other welfare programs combined.

And just as I predicted, your inner welfare queen comes out when YOUR government gifts are challenged.

How did people survive before all of the social programs? Everybody would be dead by your reckoning. So if I expect Social Security benefits, well paying 15% of income for it is a major tax to be paid back. Tell us the other taxes where there is a pay back for most Americans.
I don't consider Social Security to be welfare, idiot. But we do need to raise the retirement age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, so we should be working longer.

I'm talking about actual social welfare like SNAP and Pell Grants and Rural Rental Assitance and the 70-odd other programs.

Your precious tax expenditures add up to more than twice what those programs cost. Whenever one of you whines about "free shit", you hypocrites never ever talk about your own free shit you are receiving.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
Stop paying for babies born out of wedlock to single teenage women.
Stop paying for babies born out of wedlock to single teenage women.
Again, all the social welfare programs' cost doesn't even add up to half of what tax expenditures cost us.

So why not go after the biggest expense? Huh?

Because that would affect you personally.

Your hypocrisy is sickening.
See? What did I tell you?

As soon as you start talking about eliminating the free shit the hypocrites get, their inner welfare queen comes out in all her glory.

Gimme gimme gimme.

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