Is It Really All That Shocking?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I don't know why a lot of ya'all on here are acting so surprised along with people in the media. There are even some fools on this forum who think that job availability has gone down because more people have gotten jobs since Biden's term begun. That's where I have to say that I don't know where in the world you are getting those numbers because it couldn't be further from the truth. Why would anybody work when they're currently being paid more to sit at home on their butts and do nothing?

There is no labor shortage but there is a lot of companies not worth working for and companies that are heavy in discrimination and bias about who they hire.
LMAO if it isn't triggering anybody then why do you guys keep trying to point that out? ;)
I don't know why a lot of ya'all on here are acting so surprised along with people in the media. There are even some fools on this forum who think that job availability has gone down because more people have gotten jobs since Biden's term begun. That's where I have to say that I don't know where in the world you are getting those numbers because it couldn't be further from the truth. Why would anybody work when they're currently being paid more to sit at home on their butts and do nothing?

Saw a sign on a business yesterday that is typical throughout this city. "Does anybody want to work"
"Help Wanted, apply inside" I took a ten day trip down the left coast recently. Help Wanted signs were EVERYWHERE.
I don't know why a lot of ya'all on here are acting so surprised along with people in the media. There are even some fools on this forum who think that job availability has gone down because more people have gotten jobs since Biden's term begun. That's where I have to say that I don't know where in the world you are getting those numbers because it couldn't be further from the truth. Why would anybody work when they're currently being paid more to sit at home on their butts and do nothing?

In Walmart yesterday--empty shelves, prices up at least 15% on everything we bought. Two cashiers while 10 employees stood with folded arms in the self check out area. No fewer than eight employees shopping in the store. Poorly stocked stores, idle employees, high prices--welcome to the third world. This is what the Biden/democrat/globalist idea of equity looks like. I am sure the commies are enjoying it.
Right. This reminds me a lot of how leftists keep saying over and over that homosexuality is Normal! NORMAL, I say!!!!!

Yeah, they would just ignore it if it really didn't bother them at all.
Saw a thread on here recently that China is telling their people to stock up on staples--something is in the wind. Glad we have a freezer full of beef, pork, venison, turkey and plenty of flour, sugar, rice, beans, and root veggies in the cold room. The Biden/democrat/globalists will not rest until we have worldwide starvation.
Right. This reminds me a lot of how leftists keep saying over and over that homosexuality is Normal! NORMAL, I say!!!!!
It's the same shit where they say the 1619 project and other CRT initives are so important, but when regular people get wind of this shit, they's not beign one even knows it's the old Antifa argument.....when they get caught they just deny it even exists......that's how stupid democrats are.

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