Is it really free will, If you only have one option?

Free will vs. predestination. Did John the Baptist have a choice when he spoke of Herod's adulterous relationship with his brothers' wife or was he predestined to speak and lose his head. Sooner or later, all decisions that can be made, will be made.
Hm , in context, does that mean that God's option needs to be pondered over? Man is incapable of Good without Any Good Knowledge in this world that isn't the Bible. Man is depraved. God is irresistible in how a Path and Plan of new Works is to be adopted.
Free will vs. predestination. Did John the Baptist have a choice when he spoke of Herod's adulterous relationship with his brothers' wife or was he predestined to speak and lose his head. Sooner or later, all decisions that can be made, will be made.

The way I understand it, predestination is God's will while free will is that of the individual human.
the words themselves don't spell it out. Baptists are sitting in their seats or else there's hell. Turn 18 so you can make a "DECISION" you're going to be a real person. Odd. I'm just a racist that baptized infants every generation in a self-assured determination plan for a peoples...
Right and wrong is a human construct that animals don’t have.

Are you sure about that? I know that I've had several pets over the years, both cats and dogs, and when they were doing something that was wrong, they generally knew it. Ever seen a dog looking guilty? They know when they do something wrong.

Same with cats. Matter of fact, I've had some cats that just knew that getting on the coffee table was not allowed, and they would sit there next to the table, stare at me, and then put a paw on it, daring me to hit them with a squirt gun.
Why are you convinced about a “next life”?
I am agnostic about that idea ...
No credible evidence!
Why are you convinced about a “next life”?
from whence we came, the metaphysical forces of the universe ...

our physiology, the physiology of all living beings is a metaphysical substance that diapers when the life spirit is removed from it - there is no physiology that is inert is the proof that life is definable and so possibly sustainable when released to the Everlasting. or someday to evolve from the physical restraints where life already prevails.
Perhaps “next life” discussions should be in another thread.
Does “life” mean only “consciousness/memory” to you? Then it’s unlikely it will have another life after death.

Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.
Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.

the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate ... but the original “free will” will likely not -

your statement seems the opposite for the progression of living beings that have emerged on this planet - the metaphysical "original" free will is what was responsible for the physical, physiology that life emerges with for the duration of its presence as we know it on planet earth - the physiology disappears without its spiritual presence and reemerges with changes through evolution over time that implies the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.

perhaps living beings are only leaves to the original free will that do perish or that coming from the original free will allows some to return back to it as distinct individuals. by completing the required conditions.
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“

cannot be corroborated ...

the answers for evolution are in the present tense the past examples are incomplete reminiscences long discarded for more desirable results incorporated metaphysically from one generation to the next by the physiology's spiritual content ... the same as the cicada -


transforming itself from one being to another the metaphysical, spiritual content exhibits the same ability in a single setting as the occurrence over time with the same result.
Sorry, but from an objective scientific perspective, your terminology has little meaning or significance:

“metaphysical, spiritual content”
from whence we came, the metaphysical forces of the universe ...

our physiology, the physiology of all living beings is a metaphysical substance that diapers when the life spirit is removed from it - there is no physiology that is inert is the proof that life is definable and so possibly sustainable when released to the Everlasting. or someday to evolve from the physical restraints where life already prevails.
Perhaps “next life” discussions should be in another thread.
Does “life” mean only “consciousness/memory” to you? Then it’s unlikely it will have another life after death.

Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.
Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.

the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate ... but the original “free will” will likely not -

your statement seems the opposite for the progression of living beings that have emerged on this planet - the metaphysical "original" free will is what was responsible for the physical, physiology that life emerges with for the duration of its presence as we know it on planet earth - the physiology disappears without its spiritual presence and reemerges with changes through evolution over time that implies the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.

perhaps living beings are only leaves to the original free will that do perish or that coming from the original free will allows some to return back to it as distinct individuals. by completing the required conditions.
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“

cannot be corroborated ...

the answers for evolution are in the present tense the past examples are incomplete reminiscences long discarded for more desirable results incorporated metaphysically from one generation to the next by the physiology's spiritual content ... the same as the cicada -


transforming itself from one being to another the metaphysical, spiritual content exhibits the same ability in a single setting as the occurrence over time with the same result.
Sorry, but from an objective scientific perspective, your terminology has little meaning or significance:

“metaphysical, spiritual content”
From ANY perspective...
Right and wrong is a human construct that animals don’t have.

Are you sure about that? I know that I've had several pets over the years, both cats and dogs, and when they were doing something that was wrong, they generally knew it. Ever seen a dog looking guilty? They know when they do something wrong.

Same with cats. Matter of fact, I've had some cats that just knew that getting on the coffee table was not allowed, and they would sit there next to the table, stare at me, and then put a paw on it, daring me to hit them with a squirt gun.
Pretty sure. I think we have a tendency to place human thoughts and emotions on our pets. I’m not arguing that animals can’t have some emotion or empathy. Just the degree. Animals - especially wild animals - don’t look at things as right and wrong. They are driven more by instinct and impulse. Humans do too, but we are unique in our ability to override our instincts and impulses. To me free will is about the difference between being human and animals.
from whence we came, the metaphysical forces of the universe ...

our physiology, the physiology of all living beings is a metaphysical substance that diapers when the life spirit is removed from it - there is no physiology that is inert is the proof that life is definable and so possibly sustainable when released to the Everlasting. or someday to evolve from the physical restraints where life already prevails.
Perhaps “next life” discussions should be in another thread.
Does “life” mean only “consciousness/memory” to you? Then it’s unlikely it will have another life after death.

Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.
Yes, after bio death, the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate, but the original “free will” will likely not.

the living matter & associated energy may survive & propagate ... but the original “free will” will likely not -

your statement seems the opposite for the progression of living beings that have emerged on this planet - the metaphysical "original" free will is what was responsible for the physical, physiology that life emerges with for the duration of its presence as we know it on planet earth - the physiology disappears without its spiritual presence and reemerges with changes through evolution over time that implies the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.

perhaps living beings are only leaves to the original free will that do perish or that coming from the original free will allows some to return back to it as distinct individuals. by completing the required conditions.
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“
Even if you could come up with coherent definitions of your mystical words, this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“

cannot be corroborated ...

the answers for evolution are in the present tense the past examples are incomplete reminiscences long discarded for more desirable results incorporated metaphysically from one generation to the next by the physiology's spiritual content ... the same as the cicada -


transforming itself from one being to another the metaphysical, spiritual content exhibits the same ability in a single setting as the occurrence over time with the same result.
Sorry, but from an objective scientific perspective, your terminology has little meaning or significance:

“metaphysical, spiritual content”
Sorry, but from an objective scientific perspective, your terminology has little meaning or significance:

“metaphysical, spiritual content”

From ANY perspective...


“the spiritual component communicates with the metaphysical to bring about the change.“

... the same as the cicada - transforming itself from one being to another the metaphysical, spiritual content exhibits the same ability in a single setting as the occurrence over time with the same result.

PK1: this statement of yours cannot be corroborated:

noun: metamorphosis; plural noun: metamorphoses

a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

Scientific usage of the term is technically precise, and it is not applied to general aspects of cell growth, including rapid growth spurts. References to "metamorphosis" in mammals are imprecise and only colloquial, but historically idealist ideas of transformation and monadology, as in Goethe's Metamorphosis of Plants, have influenced the development of ideas of evolution.

- not by you two, anyway.
have influenced the development of ideas of evolution.
But are completely useless and unnecessary now.
But are completely useless and unnecessary now.

Scientific usage of the term is technically precise ...

you are a little dense ff, the point was the reference was a modern scientific syntax -

physiology only exists due to its spiritual component that created it (and feeds it) ... the same as corroborated by the cicada who's spiritual content transforms their physiology from one being into another.
you are a little dense ff, the point was the reference was a modern scientific syntax -
Andmypoint is that yourmetaphysical nonsense is useless and unnecessary.
'Seeing the unseeable': Scientists take first-ever photo of black hole

'Seeing the unseeable': Scientists take first-ever photo of black hole

no, it is useful and beneficial - to be objective is not burying yourself in the sand, wake up ff - see the cosmos for what it is that will never be without doubt.
"Free will", as we have generally come to describe it, is an illusion anyway.
How so?
You are not really the conscious agent of your behavior or choices. They are made before you are aware you have made them.

Read up on it. Interesting stuff.

Which is just another way of saying, "I'm making excuses to do any fucking thing I want."

There is no length you won't go to in order to run away from your humanity in service of evading personal responsibility, is there?
So then you don’t believe that consequences enters into the calculus at all?
Sure they do. Why wouldn't they? You touch a stovetop glowing orange, you get burnt. If you see another orange stovetop, you probably avoid touching it. You have a so-so meal at a restaurant, you choose another next time. The concepts of "choice" and "consequences" still exist.

And you can stop the interrogation, now. If you have a point worth making, you can make it without me as your personal assistant.

I just heard, "This is my excuse, and just accept it so I don't have to question it!"

There's a word for people who want to come into a public forum, loudly proclaim their opinions as fact, and then pissily tell people to stop talking to them: pussy.
So then you don’t believe that consequences enters into the calculus at all?
Sure they do. Why wouldn't they? You touch a stovetop glowing orange, you get burnt. If you see another orange stovetop, you probably avoid touching it. You have a so-so meal at a restaurant, you choose another next time. The concepts of "choice" and "consequences" still exist.

And you can stop the interrogation, now. If you have a point worth making, you can make it without me as your personal assistant.
Exactly. Our choices are informed by our experiences. That doesn’t negate free will. That enforces free will. We still have to make the correct choices or we suffer the consequences. Life is full of hot stoves. Choose wisely.

Seems to me free will is even more valuable when you can exercise it using the knowledge and wisdom you've acquired.

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