Is it really free will, If you only have one option?

I'm hardly wrong
Hmm,no,youre 100% wrong and clearly do not understand the evidence.

You greatly overstate what the science on this matte shows
Nope, i stated it exactly right. Your choices are made before you are aware that you have made them. Not sure why you posted that wiki link you never even looked at and don't understand. It doesnt contradict me.

While you have greater ability to be introspective about ideas and objects than does, say, a dog, you are no more the conscious agent of your choices than the dog is.
Hmm,no,youre 100% wrong and clearly do not understand the evidence.
Oh, you've entered that stage of your so called argument...the one where you engage in an endless round of nuh-uh
is too
automatic gainsaying.
Try it on a fifth grader. It doesn't work too well on an adult.
Nope, i stated it exactly right. Your choices are made before you are aware that you have made them.
You are so ignorant on the matter you don't even know how much you don't know. I sent you a link so you could inform yourself. Stay stupid, if you choose.

But oh, that's right. You have no choice.
the one where you engage in an endless round of nuh-uh
Which is the appropriate response to your own, authoritarian claims. So you invite it by the simplicity and stupidity of your own comments.

I sent you a link so you could inform yourself.
Which you never read, dont understand, and could not summarize if your life depended on it. And it doesn't contradict a word I said anyway. I know this because I actually looked at it,unlike you.
Eric Arthur Blair

Enough of your tantrum. Answer a question.

I relate the scientific findigns that your choices are made before you are aware that you have made them. You reject this finding.

So, the question:

What evidence (be specific) would convince you?
Which is the appropriate response to your own, authoritarian claims. So you invite it by the simplicity and stupidity of your own comments.
Ouch! That would really hurt if it came from someone I had even a tiny bit of respect for.
But that's not you, fortunately.
Which you never read, dont understand, and could not summarize if your life depended on it. And it doesn't contradict a word I said anyway. I know this because I actually looked at it,unlike you.
Wow! Your comments are SO ironic considering you are making claims with your big mouth your tiny overwhelmed brain can't back up. Belief in Free Will Not Threatened by Neuroscience

I told you you've made claims about free will and neuroscience that are unsupported.and you vastly overstated the implications of it all. But you didn't listen, dumbass! And now you double down and try to make me the one who is talking out of his considerable ass? :113:

Nice work, Chuck.
Which is the appropriate response to your own, authoritarian claims. So you invite it by the simplicity and stupidity of your own comments.
Ouch! That would really hurt if it came from someone I had even a tiny bit of respect for.
But that's not you, fortunately.
Which you never read, dont understand, and could not summarize if your life depended on it. And it doesn't contradict a word I said anyway. I know this because I actually looked at it,unlike you.
Wow! Your comments are SO ironic considering you are making claims with your big mouth your tiny overwhelmed brain can't back up. Belief in Free Will Not Threatened by Neuroscience

I told you you've made claims about free will and neuroscience that are unsupported.and you vastly overstated the implications of it all. But you didn't listen, dumbass! And now you double down and try to make me the one who is talking out of his considerable ass. :113:
If you had looked at and read that link -- which you did not -- you would understand it is merely relating the claim of one paper. And in the paper itself, it is admitted that you make your choices before you are aware that you have made them. How embarrassing for you. Again. What they did was attempt to predict people's choices, and they found they could not do it very well. And that is only one study. But you didnt know any of that,because you never read and dont understand your own link. How embarrassing for you. Again.

Wow, it's almost like you are demonstrating a pattern of you cant even control your own inherent intellectual dishonesty on this topic, despite thoroughly embarrassing yourself more than little "exhibit a", haha

The only claim I make about free will is that it appears we are not the fully conscious agents of our choices. This still holds and still aligns with all the acience.
Enough of your tantrum. Answer a question.

I relate the scientific findigns that your choices are made before you are aware that you have made them. You reject this finding.

So, the question:

What evidence (be specific) would convince you?
I reject the neuroscience of free will and have supplied the reasons why (although on it's face, the idea that we are simply automatons with no control over our own decisions and choices is absurd...only an atheists, desperate to provide a rationale for determinism would claim we lack the capacity to simply make choices for ourselves).

There is no evidence for determinism that could convince me. I see none at all.
If you had looked at and read that link -- which you did not -- you would understand it is merely relating the claim of one paper. And in the paper itself, it is admitted that you make your choices before you are aware that you have made them. How embarrassing for you. Again. What they did was attempt to predict people's choices, and they found they could not do it very well. And that is only one study. But you didnt know any of that,because you never read and dont understand your own link. How embarrassing for you. Again.

Wow, it's almost like you are demonstrating a pattern of you cant even control your own inherent intellectual dishonesty on this topic, despite thoroughly embarrassing yourself more than little "exhibit a", haha

The only claim I make about free will is that it appears we are not the fully conscious agents of our choices. This still holds and still aligns with all the acience.
In five minutes you went over my entire link and analyzed it? I think not and you left out the part about Sam Harris and other "willusionists" making unfounded assumptions about the neuroscience done on the issue and the implications. You are in that group, apparently.

If you want to now move the goal posts around and claim a new argument for yourself go ahead. But don't expect me to respond. You dishonesty doesn't serve that much respect.

I am a fully conscious agent of the choices I make. I guess you aren't. If I make a choice I do it
either based on past decisions or with new information I am now analyzing and dealing with.
In either case I am always fully informed whether I have to stop and consider every single choice at that moment in time or not.
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then there should be no expectation for absolute morals.
And there aren't any. Get that through your head.

The only "right and wrong" innately known by humans is that hardwired by 4 billion years of evolution. The rest is picked up after birth.

That's why 21st century ding has better morals than 15th century ding, despite carrying around the same bronze age fairy tale book.

It's just so obvious...but your mind is addled by magical nonsense....
I don’t know that you can say we have better morals today. Look at how you behave.

Standards exist independent of humans. I already explained it to you.

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