Is It Really The Year 2022? Could It Be Proven?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
This is a pretty fun, and interesting video about our current calendar, and a "possible" conspiracy that may have added 300 years to history, that may not have actually happened. Were the Dark Ages made up..?

Counting the years based on the birth of JC isn't reliable, but it doesn't need to be. Science just accepts it and has no reason to question it.
This is idiocy of the highest order.. YouTube Guy shouldn't give it a single breath of oxygen, but, y'know, gotta get those clicks.

On a wider scale, this is a pretty good example of why so many people don't understand history these days; because people don't get their history from historians, or even teachers. They get it largely from guys like this, or other YouTubers, podcasters, bloggers, filmmakers, journalists, English or Mass Comm majors, or even comedians. It means people are hearing a lot more storytelling, but not understanding context, examining wider trends, comparing ideologies, or grasping social or political concepts nearly as well.

Such is life in the 21st century, I suppose.

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