Is it Ridicule To Mention the Good Doktor Charles Krauthammar is a cripple?

A couple of Krauthammer's greatest hits:

1. Recently stated that Hillary Clinton faked an injury to avoid testifying. Failed to apologize after Clinton was hospitalized for a blood clot in the brain.

2. A birther, but of lower moral status than regular birthers, because he lacks the guts to admit it. Instead, he takes the weaselly "I'm not saying he was born in Kenya, I'm just saying you can't be sure he was born in Hawaii" route.

3. Bush's #1 Iraq war cheerleader. Has shown zero remorse over it.

4. Fully supports torturing people, as long as we're the ones doing it.

However, let's give the guy credit as an inspiration. He's shown that not only can disabled people be scumbags, they can be some of the biggest scumbags to ever walk planet earth.

Krauthammer's fans, if they're not total cowards, might want to reveal if they also endorse the same vile policies as Krauthammer. FJO in particular should mention if he gets off on torturing people as much as Krauthammer does. After all, that would qualify FJO as "subhuman trash", to use his own words.

Is it Ridicule To Mention the Good Doktor Charles Krauthammar is a cripple?'

Unkatory-traitor-doosh seems to think so. I mention the man in the wheelchair is a cripple, and an idiot. Anyone want to deny either of these propositions?


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