Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.
We, see it in the context and matches EVERYTHING ELSE YOU POST! You are making this about oppression again and you spoiled people have it sooooo unfair.

No wonder none of you people are leaving and ESCAPING the TYRANNY.

Oh, wait. That's the opposite point. Africans are so embarrassed by your cries of oppression. Did you make lebron a little richer or buy Nike that pays commie Kaepernick 50 million dollars to portray a che like victim as their sweatshops produce those $500 dollar sneakers you buy?

As Malcolm X once said. You are a traitor to your own race. I don't give a shit how much you virtue signal about your fake concerns.

You ignore the facts and play the victim card every damn day. Go tell your white patronizing racist masters all about it. Not me.
This rabid rightwing nutjob is a PRIME example of racist bias.

He's INVENTING what I stated based on his demented PERCEPTIONS of who I am.

Not going by the subject of my statements, but by the perceived color of my skin.

He's so deluded, unhinged and rightwing, that he's running around the forum following me from thread to thread, expressing his hatred and bigotry towards me.

This is the type of guttersnipe our society needs to rid itself of.
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you
CDC director: Masks are better defense against COVID-19 than vaccine
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
This is happening in Left Tard States and Areas where Marxist Left Tard DemNazis refuse to take their Oppressive Tyrannical Grip from the throats of Citizens striving to be free from the Yoke of the coming Marxist Globalist 666 New World Order.
Report: More than 1600 Polling Places Have Closed Since the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Most of them are in minority communities

along party lines on the supreme court., and 1700 are in TX.

What are the republican afraid of.
"More than 1600" and "1700 are in TX". Anyone else see what's wrong with this?
The same should hold true of voting. If you don't even know what the hell you're voting on, of course you won't end up with the best players.

Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

Bring a fucking lawn chair. Your right to vote is worth the wait. If you aren't willing to endure some hardship in exchange for exercising your rights, you don't deserve them.

Stop being lazy.
You trampers and republicans make it so hard to vote, WHY? they steal elections.
The PEW article LITERALLY shows the EXACT OPPOSITE!!!!

They are making it easier to vote by allowing anyone in a precinct to vote in any location, not just their assigned one.

You are fucking stupid.
It's a simple narrative issue. They're told that's what's going on so they believe it whole heartedly and won't give it up no matter what evidence is placed in front of them.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
But, the real issue is the amount of polling places. That's it.

The private sector needs to step up and volunteer.

Have proprietors and corporations use the space they have as polling places. Not only does it promote their business, it gives people in rural and poor neighborhoods a place to vote.
Let's flip it. Lets make it 20 minutes for blacks in Detroit and 2 hours for whites in the burbs and I'll bet you'll see things differently, Irishman.

The whites in the burbs take care of their own voting place like the Democrats do in black areas.
Or the blacks are given insufficient equipment and staff?
Right as always more excuses for the blacks. but the head of elections in Broward County is black so why is it not her fault?
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.
There is always something we think is important enough to wait in line to do. Maybe it's sitting in traffic on the way to the beach, or taking an hour to get from your car to your seat in a football stadium, or camping on the sidewalk for movie premier tickets, or assembling outside a store at 3:00 am on Black Friday. If we're willing to do that but don't want to stand in line to vote, we really shouldn't be complaining about the hardships of standing in line to do it. Do what we can to make it easier and more secure, sure, but if standing in line = voter suppression, something's wrong.
Are you even considering old people crippled people, bad legs, bad backs?
Of course. We have ways they can vote without standing in line. We're talking about healthy people who would have no problem standing in line for their favorite pursuits, yet not willing to wait even a short amount of time to vote.
With today technology why are we not using our phones to vote and use technology to use fingerprint or other forms of scan in ID?
Good question, why don't we?

Do you think the Republican Party would be down w/that idea?

Personally, I think the Democrats would be cool w/it.

At first no because the question they will bring up is security issue if the person voting is the actual voter while forgetting that biometric scab would need to be used to authenticate the person voting.

Second issue they will raise is cyber security and point to the 2016 election cycle as reason why it would be risky to use something like smartphones or IPads to do our voting on.

Now I believe it can be achieved but as always risks are involved and mistakes will be made but I believe voting should go cyber which would allow more voters access...
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

"I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?"

Off the top of my head..

"Voting on a Saturday would interfere with watching college football!! Rabble!!"

"Who's going to watch my kids for me to go vote on a Saturday?! Rabble!!"

After reading the daily snowflake meltdowns on here over the past couple years, I'm sure I could think of several more if I spent 5 minutes on it.
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.
There is always something we think is important enough to wait in line to do. Maybe it's sitting in traffic on the way to the beach, or taking an hour to get from your car to your seat in a football stadium, or camping on the sidewalk for movie premier tickets, or assembling outside a store at 3:00 am on Black Friday. If we're willing to do that but don't want to stand in line to vote, we really shouldn't be complaining about the hardships of standing in line to do it. Do what we can to make it easier and more secure, sure, but if standing in line = voter suppression, something's wrong.

The argument wasn't that people won't. The argument is that people shouldn't have to.

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