Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you
CDC director: Masks are better defense against COVID-19 than vaccine

They also told us masks don't matter...Because there is no replicatable science that says they do

So yea maybe don't take the doctors at their word lol

Washing your hands is a better defense against covid than a vaccine i'd believe.

Hospitals have suits/masks that prevent spread of air borne disease, simple masks even if they have a great filter do not. You need a whole suit. with a filter attached not just a mask.

If masks worked eveyrone woudl always wear them in hospitals and staff in nursing homes would wear them, they don't because the masks we as consumers are using right now have no effect on 1 micron corona virus molecules

Like pouring water through a chain link fence
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
No it's not right, but since it's early voting and context is a pandemic I think their stretching out the voting was very fair and helped offset the combined crowds which would be worse & the result of trying to make it safer to restrict the amount of places that need sterile upkeep.
It's interesting that the party that is all
"getting out the vote" and "vote early" crazy, is kvetching about succeeding in getting out the voters, early before the Biden corruption news leaks out to mainstream viewers.. -Doh!
If voting means anything to you, a little wait will not deter you.
Are you seriously justifying an over 4 hour wait in line for a citizen to vote?

That's acceptable to you?
My patriotism only goes so far. 1 hour wait? Very patriotic. 2 hour wait? Someone patriotic. 3 hours? Not patriotic at all. I mean what does my one vote matter right?

That's what they want thousands of blacks to say to themselves next month.

Racist dog whistle. Why do you single out blacks like they have less conviction about patriotism and desire to cast their vote? I hate when people say things like this, just like when people say IDs are racist (without explanation), as if minorities don't know how to get an ID or they're too lazy, despite the fact that IDs are required to operate a vehicle, fly, and numerous other things that minorities do en mass, without similar virtue signaling dog whistles by white people on the left.
If voting means anything to you, a little wait will not deter you.
Are you seriously justifying an over 4 hour wait in line for a citizen to vote?

That's acceptable to you?
My patriotism only goes so far. 1 hour wait? Very patriotic. 2 hour wait? Someone patriotic. 3 hours? Not patriotic at all. I mean what does my one vote matter right?

That's what they want thousands of blacks to say to themselves next month.

Racist dog whistle. Why do you single out blacks like they have less conviction about patriotism and desire to cast their vote? I hate when people say things like this, just like when people say IDs are racist (without explanation), as if minorities don't know how to get an ID or they're too lazy, despite the fact that IDs are required to operate a vehicle, fly, and numerous other things that minorities do en mass, without similar virtue signaling dog whistles by white people on the left.

If you have registered to vote you already have an I.D.
If voting means anything to you, a little wait will not deter you.
Are you seriously justifying an over 4 hour wait in line for a citizen to vote?

That's acceptable to you?
My patriotism only goes so far. 1 hour wait? Very patriotic. 2 hour wait? Someone patriotic. 3 hours? Not patriotic at all. I mean what does my one vote matter right?

That's what they want thousands of blacks to say to themselves next month.

Racist dog whistle. Why do you single out blacks like they have less conviction about patriotism and desire to cast their vote? I hate when people say things like this, just like when people say IDs are racist (without explanation), as if minorities don't know how to get an ID or they're too lazy, despite the fact that IDs are required to operate a vehicle, fly, and numerous other things that minorities do en mass, without similar virtue signaling dog whistles by white people on the left.

Because it's very easy to target them as easily identifiable democrats who live in concentrated areas.....

It's so obvious

If black america voted 50/50 down teh middle no one would fuck with them, no point. As it is less black turnout is a win for republicans and a loss for democrats
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?
The Democrats are already punching, kicking, and shoving Republicans out of the way at the ballot box.
Give your reasons for your answer.
Intimidating voters is a felony, but as usual, if it is prosecuted in the same local court it is the victim who will suffer prosecution and further punishment at the hands of the same violent Mob in control of the ballot box.
Sounds like a local board of elections issue. Federal government has nothing to do with state controlled elections.
There's a Mafia boss and a junta. The local boards of election are in fraternization with other local boards across the nation in defiance of the international principles of free and fair elections as well as the U.S. Constitution.
If people are waiting 6 hours in line, the COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS should be held accountable.
There are too many of them, they are too well armed, organized, and coordinated in a violent insurrection and rebellion against the United States to effect a coup d'état including attempts to assassinate Donald Trump and other conservative officials.
Has anyone figured out where these 6 hour lines are? MarcATL refuses to provide a link.

Until he does, I will assume this is just another of his many lies.
Let's flip it. Lets make it 20 minutes for blacks in Detroit and 2 hours for whites in the burbs and I'll bet you'll see things differently, Irishman.

The whites in the burbs take care of their own voting place like the Democrats do in black areas.

Exactly. If black people are waiting in line 10 hours that is on their COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS.

Anyone can look up who theirs is and contact them with any concerns.
This is why blacks in Detroit hate whites in Metro Detroit. They have all the power and all the money and put up obstacles and then say it's the fault of th county supervisor.

Fucking racists and dishonest. You're being intellectually dishonest with us and yourself.

Smartphone Data Show Voters in Black Neighborhoods Wait Longer
A new analysis adds to existing evidence for a racial disparity in wait times at polling places

This is something I knew was happening. Now with smartphones we know for a fact they make blacks wait longer. And you want to blame the blacks in these poor neighborhoods? Wow!

Georgia election 'catastrophe' in largely minority areas sparks investigation
Long lines, lack of voting machines and shortages of primary ballots plagued voters.

George is run by white racists. Don't blame the blacks in the black communities when the head of the KKK and Georgia governer (same person) fuck with them.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?
The Democrats are already punching, kicking, and shoving Republicans out of the way at the ballot box.
Give your reasons for your answer.
Intimidating voters is a felony, but as usual, if it is prosecuted in the same local court it is the victim who will suffer prosecution and further punishment at the hands of the same violent Mob in control of the ballot box.
Sounds like a local board of elections issue. Federal government has nothing to do with state controlled elections.
There's a Mafia boss and a junta. The local boards of election are in fraternization with other local boards across the nation in defiance of the international principles of free and fair elections as well as the U.S. Constitution.
If people are waiting 6 hours in line, the COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS should be held accountable.
There are too many of them, they are too well armed, organized, and coordinated in a violent insurrection and rebellion against the United States to effect a coup d'état including attempts to assassinate Donald Trump and other conservative officials.

You said The Democrats are already punching, kicking, and shoving Republicans out of the way at the ballot box.

Are they really?
Has anyone figured out where these 6 hour lines are? MarcATL refuses to provide a link.

Until he does, I will assume this is just another of his many lies.

Ok so in Detroit maybe it was only 2 hours. A lot longer than in Metro Detroit where it only takes 20 minutes.

Are you going to wait 10 hours to vote for Trump?
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you
Don't cough or sneeze in anyone's need to wear a diaper to stop you from doing that?
When my doctor does surgery on me I tell him to take the mask off. Doesn't do any good.
Someone standing over you while you are cut open keeping as many germs and bacteria on the outside as possible is different than goofballs wearing diapers and hiding in their
No it's not different. Either masks work or they don't.
Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?

We Republicans would go for that in a heartbeat. The Democrats would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. Imagine how much better our representatives would be with less Obama Phone ladies voting in our elections.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?

Right, you want to go loot and burn down buildings where it's safe to not wear a mask because it turns out the China virus is a partisan Democrat
I can't take you idiots anymore. 40 something replies I'm not going to read or take any of them seriously. Can't wait for election night when it becomes obvious Trump's done.
Early voting should start 30 days prior to the election at local government offices. Polling station voting should start at 8am the Friday before the election and continue until Tuesday at 9pm. That gives everyone plenty of time to vote.

Voter ID should be mandatory. If you claim you do not have an ID, you're full of shit.
OK, so you don't have a problem w/partisan political forces putting their thumb on the scale and setting things up so that they can be able to shut down precincts that their opponent's constituents are predominantly in.

Would that be a correct understanding of your position?

You keep leaping back and forth. Do you wish to discuss gerrymandering or voting?

Given the fact voting is very locally conducted, I don't think it's possible for a Republican to shutdown voting places in a Democrat stronghold no more than I think it's possible for Democrats to do the same in Republican areas. However if that were possible, the local media would be down their throats in a heartbeat.

There will be problems with voting because it happens every election. It will be much worse this election with the opposition to mail in voting. But it's not planned and not a conspiracy. Machines will break down, you may have power outages in some places, understaffing at polling places, larger crowds than expected, just the same old story.
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.
Why the FUK do Republicans want to make it as difficult as possible to vote?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?

If we did that, Trump never would have been elected
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.
Why the FUK do Republicans want to make it as difficult as possible to vote?
What the hell is wrong with you?
If that's what you got from what I said, there's no helping you, because you're too mired in your narrative.

What's more important to you, Disney or voting? Football game or voting? Black Friday shopping or voting? Movie premier tickets or voting? All of these things people will wait for, but they can't handle standing in line to cast a vote for the future leadership of our country?

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