Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?

If we did that, Trump never would have been elected

LOL...I can assure you Democrats don't want this. Democrats are BY FAR more uninformed than Democrats. I would welcome a test to vote, but that would most certainly be considered voter suppression by the Democrats and it would really kill their chances of ever being elected.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
You mean the same people who stand for 20 hrs to get a cheap TV on Black Friday?
How much did they save on the TV? Probably the same amount they saved with Trumps tax break that mostly went to the rich.
Average family of 4 saved $2,200. You're entitled to your opinions but not your own facts.
Most of the people that didn't save money lived in high tax states like California because their state taxes were no longer deductible. My taxes went up considerably the last year I lived in California because of that.
this is the most important election in history. better get it right, America. LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle? How many Americans shit their pants after only being out of work for 2 weeks? There is a reason they gave everyone unemployed bonus unemployment money and a stimulus. Because yall are broke. Me I had $20,000 when the pandemic hit. Yesterday I checked I have $30,000 in checking. The rich have done great during corona. 3 out of 4 billionaires doubled and tripled their wealth since Corona. You middle class people voting for Republicans are voting for the destruction of the middle class. Cut Social security 20% and the middle class is fucked. Even I won't be able to retire when I want to if they make cuts to social security and medicare, which Republicans most surely want to.

Now that I'm well off I see why Republicans want to kill the middle class and make them the working poor. It increases corporate profits. I'm in the investor class now so I don't want to see high wages. I won't invest in companies that pay their employees well.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
You mean the same people who stand for 20 hrs to get a cheap TV on Black Friday?
How much did they save on the TV? Probably the same amount they saved with Trumps tax break that mostly went to the rich.

Simply not true but I know the MSM keeps saying that over and over and people start believing it. It's weird.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you

No, it doesn't. Viruses are super tiny. No mask stops them. Particulates, yes. Viruses, no.
Never stood in line for more than an hour and I have been voting for a good many years. In some countries they dodge bullets to vote.
this is the most important election in history. better get it right, America. LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle? How many Americans shit their pants after only being out of work for 2 weeks? There is a reason they gave everyone unemployed bonus unemployment money and a stimulus. Because yall are broke. Me I had $20,000 when the pandemic hit. Yesterday I checked I have $30,000 in checking. The rich have done great during corona. 3 out of 4 billionaires doubled and tripled their wealth since Corona. You middle class people voting for Republicans are voting for the destruction of the middle class. Cut Social security 20% and the middle class is fucked. Even I won't be able to retire when I want to if they make cuts to social security and medicare, which Republicans most surely want to.

Now that I'm well off I see why Republicans want to kill the middle class and make them the working poor. It increases corporate profits. I'm in the investor class now so I don't want to see high wages. I won't invest in companies that pay their employees well.

A vote for biden is a vote for a super elite oligarchy. A vote for Trump is a vote for the Republic.
this is the most important election in history. better get it right, America. LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle? How many Americans shit their pants after only being out of work for 2 weeks? There is a reason they gave everyone unemployed bonus unemployment money and a stimulus. Because yall are broke. Me I had $20,000 when the pandemic hit. Yesterday I checked I have $30,000 in checking. The rich have done great during corona. 3 out of 4 billionaires doubled and tripled their wealth since Corona. You middle class people voting for Republicans are voting for the destruction of the middle class. Cut Social security 20% and the middle class is fucked. Even I won't be able to retire when I want to if they make cuts to social security and medicare, which Republicans most surely want to.

Now that I'm well off I see why Republicans want to kill the middle class and make them the working poor. It increases corporate profits. I'm in the investor class now so I don't want to see high wages. I won't invest in companies that pay their employees well.

The middle and lower-middle upper classes will be paying for the programs the Democrats want. Don't kid yourself into thinking the ultra-wealthy will be paying for it, they won't.
I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.

I've been there several times. Both in California and Florida.

The lines are ridiculous. You spend most of your day standing in a line instead of riding the rides.

Especially on the weekends.

I'll wait in a line all day to vote but not for Disney.
When I worked for a telco, the employee organization would "buy out" Disneyland once a year. Essentially the park would close at six PM on a weeknight and from then to, I believe midnight, it was phone company (Pacific Telephone/Bell and GTE/ Verizon) employees and guests only. The proceeds went to the employee organization as a fundraiser and the lines were never more than ten minutes long. I enjoyed going to Disneyland on those nights.
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this is the most important election in history. better get it right, America. LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle? How many Americans shit their pants after only being out of work for 2 weeks? There is a reason they gave everyone unemployed bonus unemployment money and a stimulus. Because yall are broke. Me I had $20,000 when the pandemic hit. Yesterday I checked I have $30,000 in checking. The rich have done great during corona. 3 out of 4 billionaires doubled and tripled their wealth since Corona. You middle class people voting for Republicans are voting for the destruction of the middle class. Cut Social security 20% and the middle class is fucked. Even I won't be able to retire when I want to if they make cuts to social security and medicare, which Republicans most surely want to.

Now that I'm well off I see why Republicans want to kill the middle class and make them the working poor. It increases corporate profits. I'm in the investor class now so I don't want to see high wages. I won't invest in companies that pay their employees well.
The rich will always get richer because they can afford to bribe the politicians to exempt them from the taxes and regulations the rest of us must cope with. Both parties pander to the rich. The Democrats used to be the party of the working man, now they are the party of government employees and those dependent on the government, The Republicans are the closest thing to a party for the working man today.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

Typical ‘logic’ from bobobrainless.


You think that because you don't work on Saturdays, no one does? Idiot.

We know you live all alone, but families often schedule many activities for Saturdays because it is one of the only days they can. Real people travel on weekends, take their kids to various sports competitions or other events, and sometimes worship.

Dumbass couldn't even imagine anything beyond his own nose.
We need to encourage as many Americans as possible to vote.

That means we need to make it convenient and safe.

Somehow, that enrages Conservatives
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you

No, it doesn't. Viruses are super tiny. No mask stops them. Particulates, yes. Viruses, no.

Viruses are contained in spittle that comes out when you sneeze, cough, laugh, talk or breathe

A mask will contain it
I don't know why anybody should stand in line for anything. What we should do in this crisis is have a drive-thru line at the poling places. You get your ballot in the line, and fill it out at work or home. Bring it back, and weather permitting, the ballot reader is outside, or in the hallway of the voting place right in front of the door. You simply present your ID, sign the book, and slip your ballot in the ballot reader. No need for lines or mail in voting.
Now you are thinking outside of the box, and a great idea at that. Maybe next time around. If you think it, it can happen:)
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
What difference does it make? Dems created any delays so let them figure out the answer if you don't want to wait in line. I am voting Trump so will stand in line as long as it takes.
I feel like I'm going to a Trump rally. Will Trump voters not wear masks in to vote?
You do realize that the CDC released a report that showed 70% of the people infected with the chinese flu wore masks religiously and another 15% said they almost always wore a mask so that makes 85% of the people infected with the Kung Flu were mask wearers!
Wearing a mask does not protect you

It protects others from you

No, it doesn't. Viruses are super tiny. No mask stops them. Particulates, yes. Viruses, no.

Viruses are contained in spittle that comes out when you sneeze, cough, laugh, talk or breathe

A mask will contain it

Viruses fly free as well. That's what "AIRBORNE" means.
Has anyone figured out where these 6 hour lines are? MarcATL refuses to provide a link.

Until he does, I will assume this is just another of his many lies.

Ok so in Detroit maybe it was only 2 hours. A lot longer than in Metro Detroit where it only takes 20 minutes.

Are you going to wait 10 hours to vote for Trump?
So you too are calling MarcATL a lying sack.

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