Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.

I've been there several times. Both in California and Florida.

The lines are ridiculous. You spend most of your day standing in a line instead of riding the rides.

Especially on the weekends.

I'll wait in a line all day to vote but not for Disney.
When I worked for a telco, the employee organization would "buy out" Disneyland once a year. Essentially the park would close at six PM on a weeknight and from then to, I believe midnight, it was phone company (Pacific Telephone/Bell and GTE/ Verizon) employees and guests only. The proceeds went to the employee organization as a fundraiser and the lines were never more than ten minutes long. I enjoyed going to Disneyland on those nights.

When Disney brought in cheap overseas labor and then made the current employees train their replacements I said I would never go to a Disney property.
Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle?

I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.

I've been there several times. Both in California and Florida.

The lines are ridiculous. You spend most of your day standing in a line instead of riding the rides.

Especially on the weekends.

I'll wait in a line all day to vote but not for Disney.
When I worked for a telco, the employee organization would "buy out" Disneyland once a year. Essentially the park would close at six PM on a weeknight and from then to, I believe midnight, it was phone company (Pacific Telephone/Bell and GTE/ Verizon) employees and guests only. The proceeds went to the employee organization as a fundraiser and the lines were never more than ten minutes long. I enjoyed going to Disneyland on those nights.

When Disney brought in cheap overseas labor and then made the current employees train their replacements I said I would never go to a Disney property.

Disney Studios was ground-breaking in pioneering feature length animation entertainment throughout the '40s and into the '60s. But, by the 1970's, the animation quality of Disney Studios began to flag. The cost of hand drawing 12 frames per second (with double-shot animation) for a feature length film led them to take shortcuts like simplifying the drawings and re-using motions from previous films.

When Eisner took over the studios he pioneered using overseas labor to do the most repetitive and expensive jobs like inking which allowed Disney to enjoy a renaissance starting with "Aladdin".

The re-invigorated Disney even had the foresight to encourage the fledgling computer-animated company Pixar when most people believed there was little or no future in computer animation.

If not for Disney's outsourcing their work to an overseas market, the animated feature film business could have died out decades ago.
Here is what's at stake. Do you want the rich to keep getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle?

I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.

I've been there several times. Both in California and Florida.

The lines are ridiculous. You spend most of your day standing in a line instead of riding the rides.

Especially on the weekends.

I'll wait in a line all day to vote but not for Disney.
When I worked for a telco, the employee organization would "buy out" Disneyland once a year. Essentially the park would close at six PM on a weeknight and from then to, I believe midnight, it was phone company (Pacific Telephone/Bell and GTE/ Verizon) employees and guests only. The proceeds went to the employee organization as a fundraiser and the lines were never more than ten minutes long. I enjoyed going to Disneyland on those nights.

When Disney brought in cheap overseas labor and then made the current employees train their replacements I said I would never go to a Disney property.

Disney Studios was ground-breaking in pioneering feature length animation entertainment throughout the '40s and into the '60s. But, by the 1970's, the animation quality of Disney Studios began to flag. The cost of hand drawing 12 frames per second (with double-shot animation) for a feature length film led them to take shortcuts like simplifying the drawings and re-using motions from previous films.

When Eisner took over the studios he pioneered using overseas labor to do the most repetitive and expensive jobs like inking which allowed Disney to enjoy a renaissance starting with "Aladdin".

The re-invigorated Disney even had the foresight to encourage the fledgling computer-animated company Pixar when most people believed there was little or no future in computer animation.

If not for Disney's outsourcing their work to an overseas market, the animated feature film business could have died out decades ago.

B.S. Their pics made $3.72 BILLION in 2019 alone. They can afford to pay. That's just box office.
It will be Law if Dems have their way. Being slothful cheaters they struggled to their mailboxes, they hoaxed Covid and half the polling places are closed, so its punitive for motivated conservatives to go in person and overcome the obstacles Dems have created
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

The short answer is...No. That being said, it's once every 2 years as far as Federal elections are concerned, so while not necessarily "Right" it is not too much to ask for the right to cast your vote.

As for what can be done. What SHOULD be done is that ALL the MILLIONS of DOLLARS that are being spent to develop and promote fraud vulnerable mail in voting should rather be spent to increase the number of IN PERSON polling places, buy more IN PERSON voting machines and increase compensation for poll workers, there-by increasing though-put and reducing wait times.
Declaring Election day a MANDATORY National PAID holiday would also be the right thing to do. HOWEVER, employers would ONLY be required to pay you for the day if you prove you actually voted. Polling places could validate your voter photo ID by punching it like a milk club card at Stewart's.

Instead of 1-10, the Election year would be on the card and punched by the poll worker after you vote. You would show that to your employer to be paid for the day.
Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?

We Republicans would go for that in a heartbeat. The Democrats would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. Imagine how much better our representatives would be with less Obama Phone ladies voting in our elections.

We would go for it because:
A). We know we are already carrying the required ID. You need it to hold down any job.​
B). We have no concerns about passing a 10 question test, let alone an easy 3 question one.​
C). We know that the whole point to the right to vote is to express the informed will of each individual, not to mimic the group commands of a party.​
Having real controls in place to know that more than just the mere right to vote, the ABILITY to meet the threshold of voting intelligently and usefully gives the process both meaning and CHALLENGE. Challenge to be a better voter, a better patriot and a better American-- -- Conservatives don't whine of the inequities of a challenge, they go out and face them head on and meet them.
Which is why aside from presenting ID to prove who you are at the poll, I've always felt they should ask you three simple basic questions about the election or candidates, just to show that you're not a total idiot and actually have some kind of informed opinion. After all, what value is your right to vote, if you're not using it for anything more than what a monkey can do?

If we did that, Trump never would have been elected

LOL...I can assure you Democrats don't want this. Democrats are BY FAR more uninformed than Democrats. I would welcome a test to vote, but that would most certainly be considered voter suppression by the Democrats and it would really kill their chances of ever being elected.

The very idea that the right to vote is so fundamentally important yet somehow conversely should require absolutely no qualification to do so much less the slightest effort not only is an anathema to the most basic common sense-- -- you need qualification to drive a car, to work the most basic job, yet not to elect the leader of your country? -- --and is so typical of the Left who do nothing but talk about how smart and educated they are until actually REQUIRED to prove it; to carry the most basic ID needed to go anywhere or do anything, or to answer a couple basic questions that should be within the purview of any 6th grader.

Far from an obstacle, a basic quiz is a call to every individual to become INVOLVED in and actively interested in their elected leaders and government more than for 15 minutes every 4 years. It is a win-win for both every voter and the nation by encouraging a more informed and active citizen.

Only the dreary Left would have any problem with that.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.'s called voting...and sometimes there are long lines.....there should be local polling places but if there aren't, then you stand in line.......the democrat party will do anything to voting in person is vitally important..
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.'s called voting...and sometimes there are long lines.....there should be local polling places but if there aren't, then you stand in line.......the democrat party will do anything to voting in person is vitally important..

How Republicans Tried to Rig an Election in North Carolina (And Almost Got Away With It)
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.'s called voting...and sometimes there are long lines.....there should be local polling places but if there aren't, then you stand in line.......the democrat party will do anything to voting in person is vitally important..

How Republicans Tried to Rig an Election in North Carolina (And Almost Got Away With It)

Yeah...bullshit......systemic and organized voter fraud....and cheating......are the only way the democrats operate......
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
No it's not right, but since it's early voting and context is a pandemic I think their stretching out the voting was very fair and helped offset the combined crowds which would be worse & the result of trying to make it safer to restrict the amount of places that need sterile upkeep.
It's interesting that the party that is all
"getting out the vote" and "vote early" crazy, is kvetching about succeeding in getting out the voters, early before the Biden corruption news leaks out to mainstream viewers.. -Doh!
It is looking like a race against time with all the dirty little details emerging hour by hour and day by day... Hunter is quite the guy( NOT) usually the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree... Or say it ain’t so Joe....
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

I've been voting since the late 1990s, and that includes mid-terms.

I've never waiting for more than 5 minutes.

That said, you have a county board of elections. Contact them, if your elections suck. Those are the people who have the money from your county taxes, to buy more machines, or open more polling locations.
We would go for it because:
A). We know we are already carrying the required ID. You need it to hold down any job.B). We have no concerns about passing a 10 question test, let alone an easy 3 question one.C). We know that the whole point to the right to vote is to express the informed will of each individual, not to mimic the group commands of a party.Having real controls in place to know that more than just the mere right to vote, the ABILITY to meet the threshold of voting intelligently and usefully gives the process both meaning and CHALLENGE. Challenge to be a better voter, a better patriot and a better American-- -- Conservatives don't whine of the inequities of a challenge, they go out and face them head on and meet them.

The problem is that we have too many voters who use the criteria to vote representatives into office that they used when they voted for their favorite American Idol contestant. Who could be voting against Trump based on his record? Who could be voting for Biden for his, especially now that scandalous emails from his son came up?

So now we're going to have millions of voters getting ballots sent to their homes, without having to lift a finger, voting on a US President based on how nice of a guy they are instead of having the understanding that Trump did three times as much as President in four years than Joe did as Senator/ VP in 47 years.

Voting for leaders should not be based on a personality contest. That's why my idea (and yours) about taking a very simple test should apply. Yes, it would require a constitutional amendment, however while no chance at passing, such a vote would expose which party is fearful of having intelligent or politically ignorant voters. You, I and many others both know which party that would be.
Now you are thinking outside of the box, and a great idea at that. Maybe next time around. If you think it, it can happen:)

Thank you very much. Most of the time spent at the polls in line are waiting for tables to fill in that oval with a pen. You don't need to be standing there to do that. You can do that in your car, at work, or at home. Just remember no matter where you fill it out at, have access to a black pen.

I think it's more likely fraudulent ballots will count when you don't have to prove who you are. At the polls, they compared your signatures. They do that at the places that get these mail in ballots, but workers will do a much more precise job at the polls than a worker who has thousands of ballots on their table, and are just looking to rush through them to get home.

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