Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

We need to encourage as many Americans as possible to vote.

That means we need to make it convenient and safe.

Somehow, that enrages Conservatives

Sure it does. When you make it convenient, anybody and everybody comes out to vote. If it takes some effort, you're likely to end up with more informed voters. People who don't know WTF they're voting on won't make those efforts. People who do will do anything to vote.
Now that I'm well off I see why Republicans want to kill the middle class and make them the working poor. It increases corporate profits. I'm in the investor class now so I don't want to see high wages. I won't invest in companies that pay their employees well.

Most investors do the same. That's one of the reasons companies pay as little as they can get away with. The other is attracting consumers away from cheaper foreign made products.

We have three choices in this country when it comes to employment:

1) Have higher paying jobs, but less performance by the company, and consumers willing to pay the extra money for a product or service.

2) Have lower paying jobs, but satisfy investors.

3) Have lower paying jobs, and lower priced products enough to compete with foreign made products.

Years ago we chose option 1. Now that we have more things to buy, and we need to make our dollar go a longer way than in the 50's, we switched to options 2 and 3. You can have one of two options, but you can't have all three. it's impossible.
We would go for it because:
A). We know we are already carrying the required ID. You need it to hold down any job.B). We have no concerns about passing a 10 question test, let alone an easy 3 question one.C). We know that the whole point to the right to vote is to express the informed will of each individual, not to mimic the group commands of a party.Having real controls in place to know that more than just the mere right to vote, the ABILITY to meet the threshold of voting intelligently and usefully gives the process both meaning and CHALLENGE. Challenge to be a better voter, a better patriot and a better American-- -- Conservatives don't whine of the inequities of a challenge, they go out and face them head on and meet them.

The problem is that we have too many voters who use the criteria to vote representatives into office that they used when they voted for their favorite American Idol contestant. Who could be voting against Trump based on his record? Who could be voting for Biden for his, especially now that scandalous emails from his son came up?

So now we're going to have millions of voters getting ballots sent to their homes, without having to lift a finger, voting on a US President based on how nice of a guy they are instead of having the understanding that Trump did three times as much as President in four years than Joe did as Senator/ VP in 47 years.

Voting for leaders should not be based on a personality contest. That's why my idea (and yours) about taking a very simple test should apply. Yes, it would require a constitutional amendment, however while no chance at passing, such a vote would expose which party is fearful of having intelligent or politically ignorant voters. You, I and many others both know which party that would be.

But a background check to own a gun?
I know what you're going to say. What about the people who work on Saturdays? So predictable.

according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Time Use Survey, 34 percent of employed people are at work on the weekends, as opposed to 83 percent on week days.

I find that impossible to believe. Have a link on that?
MarcATL have you found a link for you OP yet?


So we can all assume you are full of shit and just race baiting again, right?
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

One of the first things President Biden and the Democrat Congress should do is pass a new Voting Rights Act. There should be a pre-clearance process for any changes that make it harder for voters to vote.

Not good enough. Any state that changes the voting system should be able to justify it.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

READ: - Let's pretend no one had to wait in lines until now. And while we are pretending, let's change the rules so there are no rules and people can vote multiple times like American Idol.
READ: - Let's pretend no one had to wait in lines until now. And while we are pretending, let's change the rules so there are no rules and people can vote multiple times like American Idol.

I remember when we were children and my parents went out to vote. My grandmother would watch us while they were gone. They didn't come home until three hours later which was pretty usual. Nobody complained, no whining of discrimination or suppression, and they walked in the door proudly and discussed the issues.

Thanks to liberalism, we've become a nation of snowflakes. Waaa, I don't want to stand in line to vote. You mail me my ballot and I'll mail it back to you. Waaa, the lines are too long and I don't want to stand to vote. Make voting a month long.......
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

Typical ‘logic’ from bobobrainless.


You think that because you don't work on Saturdays, no one does? Idiot.

We know you live all alone, but families often schedule many activities for Saturdays because it is one of the only days they can. Real people travel on weekends, take their kids to various sports competitions or other events, and sometimes worship.

Dumbass couldn't even imagine anything beyond his own nose.
I already showed you idiot that 80% work on Tuesdays and a much smaller percentage of people work weekends.

And you can do your family activities before or after you vote stupid.

Hey, I go up north hunting on weekends in November. I would have to stay home that weekend. I would probably end up doing absentee voting if it were on a Saturday in November. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't be better for 80% of us if voting were on a Saturday not a Tuesday.

I know a few people at my work who didn't bother voting in 2016. Just went home after work. Our company doesn't love it if you leave an hour early to go vote. You can but they look at you funny. They say you have plenty of time after 5pm to go vote. That's bullshit too. And that wouldn't happen if voting were on a Saturday, you stupid fuck.
Has anyone figured out where these 6 hour lines are? MarcATL refuses to provide a link.

Until he does, I will assume this is just another of his many lies.

Ok so in Detroit maybe it was only 2 hours. A lot longer than in Metro Detroit where it only takes 20 minutes.

Are you going to wait 10 hours to vote for Trump?
So you too are calling MarcATL a lying sack.
Yea. It's 10 hour wait not 6.
Voting in the United States needs to be reimagined on a much more consistent level nationally with less emphases on each state having their own methodology in my opinion. We should think of better ways to make it easy, fast, and accessible. Several things upfront that I would personally like to see changed to help accomplish this. Again, this is just my opinion of what I think could make voting faster and easier here:

1. Be able to vote for federal government elections anywhere in the state that you live in. If you want to vote for local elections then you would need to report your home precinct to do that but otherwise you could vote for a national position anywhere that you would like in your state. To avoid having people vote more than once your name would be checked off on a registry at the polling location when you receive your ballot.
2. Two separate and easy to read ballots. One for federal elections such as president, senate, and house, and then a different ballot for local elections. These elections would not coincide with each other and would be staggered by a year or two. This would make the time spent in a voting booth much shorter.
3.. Make it super easy to drop off a ballot or to vote. Meaning create many more voting stations that you could walk to from your home or stop at when leaving the grocery store and even near major places of employment so that people can walk over and vote on their lunch breaks. It could be a mixture of actual places to obtain a ballot and then vote right then and there or a locked drop off box that is overseen by an elections official, but many more of these in many more public areas.
4. Extend early voting out even longer, at least one full month across the country for every state.
5. Eliminate mail in voting (except for overseas absentee). With the mass expansion of voting locations, the ability to vote anywhere in your state, and the expansion of the early voting period to at least a full month a mail in ballot would no longer be needed in my opinion.
6. Unrelated but I also think the winner take all method of the current electoral college system should be amended to a proportional system through the electoral college so that our representation is more accurate.

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