Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

If we did that, Trump never would have been elected

Then there's the strategy for you RW. Write to your Democrat leaders and tell them you support a simple test before being handed a ballot. We on the right will support your efforts because we would like to see that as well.
Those lines are on purpose. The red states don't put enough voting machines in the polling places or they put malfunctioning machines. They close voting places so there's only one or two for hundreds of thousands of people to vote.

We don't have those problems here. Even when we did vote at voting booths.

We went 100% mail in ballot in 2005 so no one ever stands in line or is ever denied their right to vote.

Registering to vote is easy and voting is easy here. It should be that way in every state.

The republicans know that they lose if everyone votes so they do everything they can to prevent democrats from voting.

It should be illegal but it's not.

If I lived in a red state I would never vote in person at voting place. I would always vote mail in ballot.
My question is...who's in charge of closing and/or opening these voting precincts?

I'm not sure but I think that the Secretary of State of each specific state will be the person who at least signs off on where and how many precincts there will be.

I did a search on your question and it looks like it might be different depending on the state.

This is an article from June about Georgia. It lists, at least for that state, who is in charge of what in Georgia.

My state doesn't have polling places we're 100% mail in. So there is no precinct voting place that can be closed or opened.

I've stood in longer lines at Disney and the License Branch

I stand in line at Disney, therefore I should stand in a line just as long to vote
Incorrect (of course). Better to say, "I'm willing to stand in line at Disney, therefore I should be willing to stand in a line just as long to vote, because voting is more important than Disney". Face it, you vote with your actions, and when you're willing to stand in a line to take a ride that lasts maybe a minute or two, but not stand in a line to influence the leadership of your country for the foreseeable future, it's obvious which is more important to you.

FWIW, I'm not willing to stand in line at Disney which is why I've never been there.

Well, one reason.

I've been there several times. Both in California and Florida.

The lines are ridiculous. You spend most of your day standing in a line instead of riding the rides.

Especially on the weekends.

I'll wait in a line all day to vote but not for Disney.
My state doesn't have polling places we're 100% mail in. So there is no precinct voting place that can be closed or opened.
The post office is going to be boarded up for the riots anyways. How can they be expected to deliver the ballots? Is there a drop box, or is someone going to drop a bomb in the ballot box, and *KABOOM* the buildings on that city block are half caved in, and the streets are littered with hanging chads and secrecy envelopes.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

One of the first things President Biden and the Democrat Congress should do is pass a new Voting Rights Act. There should be a pre-clearance process for any changes that make it harder for voters to vote.
One of the first things President Biden and the Democrat Congress should do is pass a new Voting Rights Act. There should be a pre-clearance process for any changes that make it harder for voters to vote.
Why is that even necessary? We have several Voting Rights Amendments to the United States Constitution already on the books.

Every Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, from the 12th on, except for the enactment and repeal of Prohibition, and the laying and collecting of Income Taxes, touches explicitly on voting rights.
Is it right that most mail in votes have no chain of custody, are highly insecure, and easily subject to fraud?

I look forward to your answer.
Well, if you can prove a history of abuse in that regard, I'd gladly give you an answer.

You must not be following the news. 50,000 ballots were mailed to the wrong people in Ohio among dozens of other problems. Are you an idiot?
If voting means anything to you, a little wait will not deter you.
Are you seriously justifying an over 4 hour wait in line for a citizen to vote?

That's acceptable to you?
My patriotism only goes so far. 1 hour wait? Very patriotic. 2 hour wait? Someone patriotic. 3 hours? Not patriotic at all. I mean what does my one vote matter right?

That's what they want thousands of blacks to say to themselves next month.
I used to live in a community that had one polling place for sixteen thousand registered voters. That was in the Antelope Valley in California. the waits were two to four hours and it gets really cold in the Antelope Valley in November. One year it actually snowed while we were in line. There was no early voting then and absentee ballots were rare.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

Typical ‘logic’ from bobobrainless.

Those lines are on purpose. The red states don't put enough voting machines in the polling places or they put malfunctioning machines. They close voting places so there's only one or two for hundreds of thousands of people to vote.

We don't have those problems here. Even when we did vote at voting booths.

We went 100% mail in ballot in 2005 so no one ever stands in line or is ever denied their right to vote.

Registering to vote is easy and voting is easy here. It should be that way in every state.

The republicans know that they lose if everyone votes so they do everything they can to prevent democrats from voting.

It should be illegal but it's not.

If I lived in a red state I would never vote in person at voting place. I would always vote mail in ballot.
My question is...who's in charge of closing and/or opening these voting precincts?

I'm not sure but I think that the Secretary of State of each specific state will be the person who at least signs off on where and how many precincts there will be.

I did a search on your question and it looks like it might be different depending on the state.

This is an article from June about Georgia. It lists, at least for that state, who is in charge of what in Georgia.

My state doesn't have polling places we're 100% mail in. So there is no precinct voting place that can be closed or opened.

Remember Republican Governor Rick Snyder and his deregulations cause Flint citizens to get lead poisoning and they blamed the black mayor of Flint?
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

Typical ‘logic’ from bobobrainless.

So you agree. You can't find one person who would object to voting on Saturday instead of Tuesday. Thanks for admitting it.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
You mean the same people who stand for 20 hrs to get a cheap TV on Black Friday?
People wait for TVs

Therefore is is reasonable to make them wait to vote. Your vote does not mean anything unless you suffer
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

No. That is a clear indication that their either are not enough polling places, not enough hours for polls to be open, or there needs to be more early voting.

Not everyone has that amount of time to stand in line...they have to work.
That's another move to suppress voters. Having the election on a Tuesday. Why a Tuesday? Why not a Saturday?

If it were on Saturday, you’d bitch about that too.
Hell no. I'd go walk my dog like I always do at 8am and by 11am or Noon I'll be at the polling place.

I don't think anyone would complain about Saturday. What possible arguments could they make?

Typical ‘logic’ from bobobrainless.

I know what you're going to say. What about the people who work on Saturdays? So predictable.

according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Time Use Survey, 34 percent of employed people are at work on the weekends, as opposed to 83 percent on week days.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
You mean the same people who stand for 20 hrs to get a cheap TV on Black Friday?
People wait for TVs

Therefore is is reasonable to make them wait to vote. Your vote does not mean anything unless you suffer
Why is it "suffering"? And this is early voting. They can come back the next day.
this is the most important election in history. better get it right, America. LIVES ARE AT STAKE!
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
it has nothing to do whether its right or wrong,,, its just a reality if you live in a high population area,,,

dont like it just move or get together with the powers that be and increase the amount of polling places,,,
The city of Detroit is owned by some very rich and powerful men. I'm sure they do shit like this on purpose. I bet even the "white" mayor of Detroit wants Trump to win. He was a CEO. Isn't that funny that even in the Democratic party we are led by CEO's and corporations.
When cities decline there can be many reasons for it. We at the peasant level, as employees of the auto companies in all ways helped it along.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
You mean the same people who stand for 20 hrs to get a cheap TV on Black Friday?
How much did they save on the TV? Probably the same amount they saved with Trumps tax break that mostly went to the rich.
Average family of 4 saved $2,200. You're entitled to your opinions but not your own facts.
It was originally done for convenience. Those reasons no longer apply and it should probably be moved to a Saturday but that is becoming less of an issue as more and more places open early voting.

The national elections should be a national holiday. Everybody gets off of work so they can vote.

We can replace Columbus day and end that argument.
I'd like to see election day fall the day after taxes are due.
And make people write a check for their taxes like they have to do for property taxes. No more withholding. See how long the professional politicians that waste our money stayed in office then. The next election would be a bloodbath with ALL the incumbents being voted out in favor of people who ran to reduce taxes and government.

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