Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

God's law doesn't evolve to suit you
God's law is Imaginary unlike the laws of physics.
Yawn.....go bother someone else, toady. I've had enough of your nonsense

Hey you're very feisty again....are you Irish or something? :smoke: :tongue:
Being Irish never stopped anyone from being as ignorant as she is.
Time for you Christians to join us here in THIS century and look at the reality of the world as it is today.

God's law doesn't evolve to suit you
God's law is Imaginary unlike the laws of physics.
Yawn.....go bother someone else, toady. I've had enough of your nonsense

Hey you're very feisty again....are you Irish or something? :smoke: :tongue:

LOL This thread is easy pickings..the truly stupid of the loons are struggling
Really where?
I see people on this forum all the time who "claim" they are "Christians." They are the most hateful and despicable people I've ever had the displeasure of running into.
This form of hate christianity is not something that I am familiar with. I was brought up by Methodists and we were always taught that tolerance, love and other good stuff was the key to being a good Christian. The faith followed by the militants on here seems to be very judgemental and very selective.
Its as if they need to oppress somebody. America would be well rid of them but who would have them ?

I know some Christians who actually walk the walk. The people on here are just nuts and religious extremists. Lol.

I think that there has always been an element of that.
I just cant see how people on this thread can have so much hate and call themselves Christian. Lucy is a self confessed ethnic cleanser and yet she sits in judgement on LGBT types. Presumably because her "faith" allows her to. The Irish one is so full of hate but calls herself Christian. They are the same Christians who kept slaves and have just as much hypocrisy.

You are wrong, Tommy. I have friends that are gay and I pray for them but I don't preach to the sinner, hate the sin. These people do not openly promote homosexuality and they are not members of the militant LGBT that has upped the ante by sponsoring GLSEN and going into grade schools and jr highs to promote homosexuality. Christians are just suppose to STFU and ignore that? We have kids in school we not have a right to protect them from crap like that?
Lucy is in Australia?

I can't handle the thought of crocs AND boot-puncturing spiders!
God's law doesn't evolve to suit you
God's law is Imaginary unlike the laws of physics.
Yawn.....go bother someone else, toady. I've had enough of your nonsense

Hey you're very feisty again....are you Irish or something? :smoke: :tongue:

LOL This thread is easy pickings..the truly stupid of the loons are struggling
Really where?

Look in a mirror and the whole Chucklenuts Squad should also look in a mirror.
new creepy park meeting places to pop up soon in a park near you !
Religious group sues over San Francisco's open-air urinal

Every street corner in San Francisco is an open-air urinal.

How tragic.

It's the SF policy of homeless people. They are people who are either mentally ill, alcoholics, or drug addicts. The city's liberal policies enable them, and these people show up from everywhere for the government handouts. They crap and piss everywhere.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
Transgendered women don't do anything.

Blacks kill you, lesbians subvert your daughters to getting fat and pretending they don't want to have a baby (for decades), gay men spread disease, immigrants take your jobs and devalue the wage and increase the cost of living, conservatives elevate and protect immigrants and lesbians..

Transgendered women do nothing.
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


"BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time"

Phew, I'm glad you didn't elaborate, that'd be just TOO much information :smoke:

Except there were bathrooms in Roman times...good grief,...with that said they were pretty gross and disease ridden.
And as always you'd be wrong .
Roman "bathrooms" had a closed sewage system and the water flowed constantly.
During the dark ages until the late 19th century , depending on where you were people either used outhouses or chamber pots and literally tossed their shit out the window .

Well thank goodness we're not discussing the Vomitorium.

Vomitorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Had to look that up to?
Don't they teach European history in Europe anymore?
I see people on this forum all the time who "claim" they are "Christians." They are the most hateful and despicable people I've ever had the displeasure of running into.

Wow Chris, you've really changed.
Very disappointing.

Chris used to be so nice, yes this is disappointing.
she's always been useless, lol. You guys were taken in by her syrup, you should know betta!

It must have been Golden Syrup....certainly NOT Maple Syrup :smoke:
I see people on this forum all the time who "claim" they are "Christians." They are the most hateful and despicable people I've ever had the displeasure of running into.
This form of hate christianity is not something that I am familiar with. I was brought up by Methodists and we were always taught that tolerance, love and other good stuff was the key to being a good Christian. The faith followed by the militants on here seems to be very judgemental and very selective.
Its as if they need to oppress somebody. America would be well rid of them but who would have them ?

I know some Christians who actually walk the walk. The people on here are just nuts and religious extremists. Lol.

I think that there has always been an element of that.
I just cant see how people on this thread can have so much hate and call themselves Christian. Lucy is a self confessed ethnic cleanser and yet she sits in judgement on LGBT types. Presumably because her "faith" allows her to. The Irish one is so full of hate but calls herself Christian. They are the same Christians who kept slaves and have just as much hypocrisy.

Just for the record, I'm a foe, I hate liberals, and I'm not a Christian. I will take them and their culture over anything else in the world, and especially what you're peddling.
They are my brothers and sisters, and you sure the fuck are not.
Hey Lucy. You seem very quick to judge people.
Maybe yiu missed my question earlier.

How do you square your supposed faith with wanting to kill half of the worlds population ? How can you celebrate the gas chambers and be a Christian ?

No I didn't miss your earlier question, I don't answer Trolling horsecrap is all.
I realise its a difficult question for you. The facts tend to undermine your position as a moral arbiter though. Many of the black people you want to chemically castrate are actually Christians. Would you exclude them from your programme ?
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


"BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time"

Phew, I'm glad you didn't elaborate, that'd be just TOO much information :smoke:

Except there were bathrooms in Roman times...good grief,...with that said they were pretty gross and disease ridden.
And as always you'd be wrong .
Roman "bathrooms" had a closed sewage system and the water flowed constantly.
During the dark ages until the late 19th century , depending on where you were people either used outhouses or chamber pots and literally tossed their shit out the window .

Well thank goodness we're not discussing the Vomitorium.

Vomitorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Had to look that up to?
Don't they teach European history in Europe anymore?

No I didn't have to look it up, but I had to post a link for it in case people didn't know what it was.

Don't bring Education into this, I'm 24ct gold with diamonds with're Nickel.

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