Is it time for President Trump to declare WAR against Mexico, Central and South America?

You don't have a clue who I help and how much I give. Only an ignorant greedy leftist pawn would think that helping the poor is by paying taxes. The inner city Union Gospel Missions in cities all over this nation shelter, clothe and feed millions of people without a dime of taxpayer money and rely solely on contributions from Christian's. Moron.
i have an economic argument not an appeal to emotions.
Yet, your lame emotional response was to accuse me of not helping the poor. Shit head.
Thank you for your support for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and compensation for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Lowest unemployment rate across the country with unleashed capitalism. It's government regulation and interference that causes unemployment.
the Best, Tax Cut economics can do; yet, no raises and cuts to social services is all the right wing offers.
It's not the government's responsibility to take care of you. Go to your church or a charity.
i have an economic argument not an appeal to emotions.
Yet, your lame emotional response was to accuse me of not helping the poor. Shit head.
Thank you for your support for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and compensation for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Lowest unemployment rate across the country with unleashed capitalism. It's government regulation and interference that causes unemployment.
the Best, Tax Cut economics can do; yet, no raises and cuts to social services is all the right wing offers.
It's not the government's responsibility to take care of you. Go to your church or a charity.
the power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited or common.
Yet, your lame emotional response was to accuse me of not helping the poor. Shit head.
Thank you for your support for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and compensation for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Lowest unemployment rate across the country with unleashed capitalism. It's government regulation and interference that causes unemployment.
the Best, Tax Cut economics can do; yet, no raises and cuts to social services is all the right wing offers.
It's not the government's responsibility to take care of you. Go to your church or a charity.
the power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited or common.

“General welfare” simply means we keep you leeches breathing...that’s all. No flat screen televisions and no Cadillacs. Sorry beggar.
Yet, your lame emotional response was to accuse me of not helping the poor. Shit head.
Thank you for your support for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and compensation for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Lowest unemployment rate across the country with unleashed capitalism. It's government regulation and interference that causes unemployment.
the Best, Tax Cut economics can do; yet, no raises and cuts to social services is all the right wing offers.
It's not the government's responsibility to take care of you. Go to your church or a charity.
the power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited or common.
I suggest you take that all the way to the Supreme Court and allow them to educate you on the Constitution.
Thank you for your support for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and compensation for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Lowest unemployment rate across the country with unleashed capitalism. It's government regulation and interference that causes unemployment.
the Best, Tax Cut economics can do; yet, no raises and cuts to social services is all the right wing offers.
It's not the government's responsibility to take care of you. Go to your church or a charity.
the power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited or common.

“General welfare” simply means we keep you leeches breathing...that’s all. No flat screen televisions and no Cadillacs. Sorry beggar.
no general warfare or common offense; just the common Defense.
....have a moral compass, an iQ, communication skills. .....

Until YOU have any of those, STFU.

It’s pretty easy to spot bud...people with a moral compass will ALWAYS put their fellow countrymen ahead of dirty wouldn’t understand.

YOU constantly insult your fellow countrymen. You are not a real American, little girl.

How so...explain.
I hate ALL filthy human beings...PERIOD.
....have a moral compass, an iQ, communication skills. .....

Until YOU have any of those, STFU.

It’s pretty easy to spot bud...people with a moral compass will ALWAYS put their fellow countrymen ahead of dirty wouldn’t understand.

YOU constantly insult your fellow countrymen. You are not a real American, little girl.

I hate ALL filthy human beings...PERIOD.

YOU are filthy. Not sure you’re ever a human being.
....have a moral compass, an iQ, communication skills. .....

Until YOU have any of those, STFU.

It’s pretty easy to spot bud...people with a moral compass will ALWAYS put their fellow countrymen ahead of dirty wouldn’t understand.

YOU constantly insult your fellow countrymen. You are not a real American, little girl.

How so...explain.

Anyone born in the US is an American citizen.
....have a moral compass, an iQ, communication skills. .....

Until YOU have any of those, STFU.

It’s pretty easy to spot bud...people with a moral compass will ALWAYS put their fellow countrymen ahead of dirty wouldn’t understand.

YOU constantly insult your fellow countrymen. You are not a real American, little girl.

How so...explain.

Anyone born in the US is an American citizen.

Anchor babies are second class citizens, a true underclass...always have been, always will be. Their citizenship is unconstitutionally granted and everybody sane knows it.
If my parents robbed a bank for a cool million and gave me the money I’m a phony millionaire, a millionaire by illegal means, a millionaire on technicality.

Keep in mind...only an ignorant idiot would post something like that ^^^^^^^^^.

"Anchor babies" are US citizens, and fertility rates are falling, dumbass.

Oh, and most babies breastfeed, dumbass.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and more market friendly border policies would make it easier for Labor from anywhere in the world, to try their luck in our markets.

First off, Americans do not OWE foreigners an opportunity. Further, if We The People decided to ALLOW foreigners to “try their luck” within our capitalist society with a lucrative welfare system I’d suggest we start with foreigners whom speak our language, have a moral compass, an iQ, communication skills. Why allow a foreigner an opportunity to “try their luck” when we know in advance they are destined to fail? Your beloved Wetbacks simply can’t be self sufficient and %100 self funded in America. Make sense?
We have a Statue of Liberty. Market friendly border policies means applied capitalism not applied socialism at every capital opportunity.

I assume you're referring to the huddled masses poem that was added 30 years after the statue went up to raise money for a new base.
Until YOU have any of those, STFU.

It’s pretty easy to spot bud...people with a moral compass will ALWAYS put their fellow countrymen ahead of dirty wouldn’t understand.

YOU constantly insult your fellow countrymen. You are not a real American, little girl.

How so...explain.

Anyone born in the US is an American citizen.

Anchor babies are second class citizens, a true underclass...always have been, always ....

Wrong again, little girl. ‘They’ are citizens for exactly the same reason you are. You have absolutely no greater legal standing for citizenship than they do, and in your case you have far less moral or philosophical standing. They are, if anything, your superiors.
It might be time for a minute massive American backlash against the invaders. Individually, person by person.
Absolutely. We should carpet-bomb Mexico & Central America parasite nations enough that their 3rd world scum is too afraid to go anywhere near us, they deserve it and I sure won't miss them. I support planting so many land mines along the border, that anyone sneaking across it gets blown into next week. Land mines are dirt cheap and don't have to be manned, saves the taxpayers some money & manpower.
Univision Reporter who is following the caravan says that people from Panama, El Salvador and even Bangladesh have joined the coming invasion!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! We need to get tough and put a stop to this or we will lose our country forever!
Univision Reporter who is following the caravan says that people from Panama, El Salvador and even Bangladesh have joined the coming invasion!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! We need to get tough and put a stop to this or we will lose our country forever!
Bangladesh? How did that get over here?
Absolutely not. We cannot afford any more wars especially in giving consideration to the resulting nation building. But more importantly, the results wouldn't be worth a single American life.
It’s time to get Tanks on the border. Attack helicopters need be fueled up. I’m seeing a group of people burning my nations flag while proudly waving the flag of the shit hole they are so desperate to leave...I don’t think so. This is no caravan. It’s an invasion force.

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