Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?

The conservatives want us all to have machine guns, tanks and rpg's! We can defend our piece of land(farms)! That is the world they want to build.

Everyone should be given guns, tanks and rpgs if it is really constitutional duty to have them.
We should just eliminate crime by legalizing everything, then just tear each other to pieces. I think that would be fun.
Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:
Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:

Or just a very, very dead one.
Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:

Or just a very, very dead one.

Only for fools like you who FEAR guns.

If the conservatives win then it is only fair that the government gives out guns to all people.

Everyone should have one if it is our duty to have one.

Buy your own gun you fucking mooch!!
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?

This guy was disqualified from owning a fire arm, gun laws didn't stop him. Other criminal laws didn't stop him, so what do you want, more ineffective laws? Here's a thought, how about a law that will allow people who have CHLs to carry everywhere, that way the bad guys won't know if they will be running into armed resistance or not. They might think twice.

If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?

It's just too early to talk about gun policies. How about we wait until December 2056? Oh, the butt stocks...what happened to the butt stocks? The NRA wanted to used that as their "reasonable gun control" mantel. Just another RW lie...
Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Yes. It always has been. Concealed carry, too.

If all so-called "gun control" laws were repealed, allowing anybody to carry who wanted to, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would. And criminals would know that there were probably a few armed people in the crowd near where he wanted to mug the little old lady, or assault the guy at the ATM etc. And many such criminals would likely decide not to do it in the first place. Presto, a major reduction in crime! And without a shot being fired.

Naturally, the resident liberals absolutely do NOT want that.

Not only would it deprive them of a chance to control people who never asked for their control... but it would be the first step toward demonstrating that normal Americans have no need for liberals at all.

So the liberals fight against it with everything they have, regardless of how many additional people die at the hands of armed criminals.
I want flame throwers!

Hey. . . If ANTIFAtardz can have them? Why not?

Yes. We should all have the right to open or concealed carry.

The language in the COTUS in unambiguous- "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

An armed society is a polite society. :thup:
Moronic, vacuous NRA rhetoric.

Citizens currently have the right to carry concealed firearms; laws prohibiting open carry are perfectly Constitutional.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment is not ‘absolute,’ it is subject to restrictions and limitations by government that do not manifest as an ‘infringement’ until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.

Citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, having nothing to do with ‘deterring’ crime or being ‘polite.’

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