Is it time to consider Abortion as Self Defense?

The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?
Simple. Then every pregnancy should be aborted. Any woman wanting to be pregnant should be forced to abort and receive treatment for wanting the self harm of pregnancy,
The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?
Pregnancy is dangerous. It could lead to the birth of a baby! :eek:
The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?
This is something else conservatives get wrong about abortion ‘bans,’ measures that lack a provision to allow for abortions to save the woman’s life or protect her health.
This is something else conservatives get wrong about abortion ‘bans,’ measures that lack a provision to allow for abortions to save the woman’s life or protect her health.
your premise is a lie,,

for prtoection of the mother wasnt good enough for the left,, they want to use it as birth control,,
Im as pro choice as they come, and even to me that seems like a ridiculous argument.
well, apparently you don't need to have a real case to get your issue to the supreme court. so why not invent this scenario and file a suit. in 7 to 10 years, you might get a super ridiculous supreme court decision. SHIT HOLE COUNTRY

A woman whose contraception has failed hasn’t ‘invited’ anything in.

And using a contraceptive is clear intent that a woman doesn’t want to get pregnant.
your premise is a lie,,

everyone knows contraception isnt 100% effective,, roll the dice move your mice,,

A woman whose contraception has failed hasn’t ‘invited’ anything in.

And using a contraceptive is clear intent that a woman doesn’t want to get pregnant.
also, if she invites anything, it would not be a kid, merely dick and/or sperm.

but maybe i am wrong, and the kid actually emerges from the penis in the alternative reality.

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The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?

A woman dying in childbirth is either medical malpractice or an act of God. Take it up with them.
A woman dying in childbirth is either medical malpractice or an act of God. Take it up with them.

And if the Doctor decides that the best procedure to save the Woman’s life is an Abortion and is prohibited is that a problem?
Most pro life advocates support provisions for medical necessity.

That Medical Necessity is worded in such a way that the “Mother” has to be on deaths doorstep before they’ll even consider it. Even if they knew this day was coming before the event.

Let’s say you have chest pains. You go to the hospital and they tell you that if they don’t act you’ll have a massive heart attack. Then the Doctor says he can’t perform the procedure until you actually have the massive heart attack. How smart does that sound?
stand your ground doesnt apply since she invited the baby in,,
so you agree that if a woman claims that the sex was coerced---even in marriage---
or pressured even outside of marriage---that she has a right to abortion----actually---
I kinda agree with that idea

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