Is it time to consider Abortion as Self Defense?

That Medical Necessity is worded in such a way that the “Mother” has to be on deaths doorstep before they’ll even consider it. Even if they knew this day was coming before the event.

Let’s say you have chest pains. You go to the hospital and they tell you that if they don’t act you’ll have a massive heart attack. Then the Doctor says he can’t perform the procedure until you actually have the massive heart attack. How smart does that sound?
He's the doctor, not me...
If the actions are possibly going to end your life. If the fear is sufficient for you to be afraid. Isn’t that the standard for self defense? You are now saying before you invoke self defense you need a detailed criminal record report?

so you agree that if a woman claims that the sex was coerced---even in marriage---
or pressured even outside of marriage---that she has a right to abortion----actually---
I kinda agree with that idea
no I dont agree with that,,,

she is of course free to comitt suicide,,

why kill the baby when it did nothing wrong,,
And if the Doctor decides that the best procedure to save the Woman’s life is an Abortion and is prohibited is that a problem?

No pro-life person ever believed that abortion shouldn't be used in order to save the mother's life.

That's a silly premise.
If the actions are possibly going to end your life. If the fear is sufficient for you to be afraid. Isn’t that the standard for self defense? You are now saying before you invoke self defense you need a detailed criminal record report?

By some of the logic that you have employed in this thread, I would say that your remark here gives me some cause to see you as a potential threat to my life.

Should I, then, be allowed to hunt you down and kill you, on the basis of “self defense”?
This is something else conservatives get wrong about abortion ‘bans,’ measures that lack a provision to allow for abortions to save the woman’s life or protect her health.
Not all conservatives. Don't lump us all into this camp. Something I hate about this topic. There are plenty of "Conservatives" (which can be a very broad term when used politically) who understand that there are some circumstances where an abortion can be an option. I'm against abortion as a means for birth control, especially for repeat offenders who haven't figured out: Birth control, choose sexual partners poorly, or if Birth Control isn't present don't choose other methods of sexual pleasure that don't lead to pregnancy.
What bothers me about the OP Comp-OP is that sex almost always (outside of rape) is a choice. The illustration starts well after the woman had the choice to have sex, unprotected despite knowing the potential consequence. Everyone knows how babies are made, but our society is neglecting that responsibility and crying for a option that removes culpability for both the woman and the man.
By some of the logic that you have employed in this thread, I would say that your remark here gives me some cause to see you as a potential threat to my life.

Should I, then, be allowed to hunt you down and kill you, on the basis of “self defense”?
maybe the hunting down will be a problem in the real world.
Pregnancy is dangerous. Women die from it every day.

Every abortion results in the tragic death of an innocent human being. Every one, without exception. That is its intent, and that is its effect.

I will certainly not say that it is never justified to perform an abortion, to save the mother from a credible threat of death or serious permanent harm, but if you're going to kill one human being, on the basis that failing to do so •MIGHT• result in harm to another human being, then you had better have a very credible and solid basis for that claimed threat. You've already given me cause, just a few posts ago, to consider there to be a possibility that you might come after me and try to kill me. It's not a very credible threat, but it is a threat nevertheless. The point where you want an innocent child to be put to death on the basis of “self defense” is certainly below the level of threat that I now have reasonable cause to assume that you pose to me.
No pro-life person ever believed that abortion shouldn't be used in order to save the mother's life.
That's a silly premise.

There probably are a few who would even reject that exception.

I think I am probably one of the most anti-abortion participants on this forum, and even I have to agree that there is a point where it is justifiable.

But it always has to be taken into account, and weighed against all other considerations, that when an abortion takes place, an innocent human being who deserves to live, is being put to death. That is an extreme and drastic act, and can only be justified under extreme and drastic circumstances.
in one thread we got a sick fuck saying we should ignore child sex trafficking because the numbers are inflated,, and here we got another sick fuck equating abortion to self defense,,

yeah evil is as evil does,,

Leftists are a bunch of sick fuckers when it comes to children. If they're not killing them, fucking them, or turning them into the opposite gender, they're screwing their heads up with indoctrination and making damaged dysfunctional people out of them.

Now watch how fast this post disappears.
The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?

Your bloodlust is despicable.
The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?
You butchers need to be stopped
No pro-life person ever believed that abortion shouldn't be used in order to save the mother's life.

That's a silly premise.


You are betting their lives on your understanding of the text of the law. Shall I post more?

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