Is it time to end US asylum?

Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

If they can't keep their citizens from running off to the United States, we should overthrow them and install a puppet government.
------------------------------------ more and more i am starting to think that that may be a good idea Bripat .

Oh yeah! Install a puppet government. What could possibly go wrong ?
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

If they can't keep their citizens from running off to the United States, we should overthrow them and install a puppet government.
------------------------------------ more and more i am starting to think that that may be a good idea Bripat .

Oh yeah! Install a puppet government. What could possibly go wrong ?
------------------------------------------ not much more than whats going on now Timmy .
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

If they can't keep their citizens from running off to the United States, we should overthrow them and install a puppet government.
------------------------------------ more and more i am starting to think that that may be a good idea Bripat .

Oh yeah! Install a puppet government. What could possibly go wrong ?
------------------------------------- go ahead , tell me what could go Wrong Timmy .
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

If they can't keep their citizens from running off to the United States, we should overthrow them and install a puppet government.
------------------------------------ more and more i am starting to think that that may be a good idea Bripat .

Oh yeah! Install a puppet government. What could possibly go wrong ?
Nothing worse than what's going on now.
Back in Ww2 times there was the story of the St Louis . It was a ship full of German jews escaping Nazi germany . It was denied entry into the US. One of the more disgraceful events in us history .

I’m not sure but that might have started asylum laws in the USA .

I think people fleeing a government wanting to torture and kill them (like they've been well known to do) is different than people who just want a nicer place to live.

No it’s not . You’ve eliminated asylum. They all gots to go! Enjoy the gas chambers !

Yeah......well....when some country brings gas chambers back, then maybe we'll reconsider. But as for today, we need to take the attraction away from people wanting to come here and invade our country.
if the USA took over in some regards it could eliminate the cartels and organize 'mexico' and similar and organize the zhitholes . .
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

Government has all solutions; Capitalists none.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

Government has all solutions; Capitalists none.
You mean the light bulb, automobile, railroad, anesthesia, television, radio, computer, electric motor, airplane, telephone, penicillin and polio vaccine didn't solve anything?
if the USA took over in some regards it could eliminate the cartels and organize 'mexico' and similar and organize the zhitholes . .

The solution is to wipe out the enemy; in this case for Mexico, the drug lords.

I don't think Trump would have too much of a problem sending our military in there to wipe these guys out. But Mexico would have to admit they have a major problem and ask for Trump's help. Trump just can't insist on it.
seem tnat the 'spaniards' that run these zhitholes haven't cared about the zhitholes for many many years just so long as they rake in the cash and mordida .
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?

Problem in no way solved. Stop being a simpleton and try again.

How is the problem not solved? Stop the problems before they get here. I think that's a pretty good solution.

You think that because you are a simpleton. Your ill-considered idea would only take an option away from a truly compassionate nation helping those who truly need it. The rest will just continue to enter illegally the old fashioned way, likely at greater risk to themselves and ICE officers.

Yes, it would take that option away. That's the idea. The program is now a problem, so get rid of the program. We tried compassion. It isn't working. They are using our compassion against us. How many times does your GF have to cheat on you before you break up with her?

He/she likes that sort of thing.
if the USA took over in some regards it could eliminate the cartels and organize 'mexico' and similar and organize the zhitholes . .

The solution is to wipe out the enemy; in this case for Mexico, the drug lords.

I don't think Trump would have too much of a problem sending our military in there to wipe these guys out. But Mexico would have to admit they have a major problem and ask for Trump's help. Trump just can't insist on it.
---------------------------- why not ?? A local war with a third world country doesn't seem a big deal if the USA were to go in and do what a military is supposed to do .
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???

Because your population is aging and Americans aren’t having children fast enough to replace the dying older population. 5,000,000 jobs are going begging in the US right now with no workers to fill them. How long before these companies start moving to countries with a better educated work force?

But the big reason you need immigrants is to grow your economy. Immigrants who arrive with little but the clothes on their backs need homes, furniture, appliances, cars, pots, pans, dishes and clothing. They are the ultimate consumers because they have nothing.

Immigrants contribute MORE to the economy than they cost in government services.

The American problem is that your country is so poorly managed and so lacking in first world systems of health care delivery, public education, infrastructure, and gun control, that it’s become the shithole country of the first world. White European immigration has all but dried up because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable. Not a good bet for business investment or high quality emigration at the moment. The only people who want to come to the US are those who are worse off where they are.

Look at it this way, if you were a rich white family in The Netherlands or Norway, who decided to leave their home country, would you move to the US - where health insurance costs $20,000 a year plus copays, for families, for access to a system ranked 34th in the World. Where public education is being undermined by the government and isn’t even ranked in the top 20 in the World, where more children have died in school shootings this year than combat soldiers have died in all of the combat regions where the US is currently stationed?

Or would you move to a country with high quality government funded health care, quality education, low crime rates, gun control laws, infrastructure, and a strong social safety net?

Last but not least, the USA is largely responsible for the crime and the economic conditions these Central American refugees are fleeing and directly responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis. Americans have a MORAL obligation to clean up the mess they’ve made of things and help the victims of US foreign policy.

Nice try.

Those coming here are not immigrants. Immigrants apply through legal means.

The bald attempts of Trumpkins to paint refugees and those seeking asylum as something less than human beings looking for safety is deplorable.

The USA is creating refugee crises around the world with their foreign policy and then saying “Don’t look at us to help you”. This is morally reprehensible.

You broke it, you fix it. You created a refugee crisis in Central America. You want refugees to stop coming, stop creating refugees.

How did we create the refugee crisis?
Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.

Nice fantasy, moron! None of what you posted is true.
During the Eisenhower administration the CIA overthrew the elected President of Guatemala, primarily because of his plan to redistribute uncultivated land to Guatemalian peasants. This threatened the profitablilty of the United Fruit Company - the Director of the CIA (Allen Dulles) was a board Member of United Fruit.

This was a gross conflict of interest - the CIA coup was directly profitable for Dulles.

The immediate result was the conversion of a previously saintly doctor who attending to the poor into the worlds leading communist guerilla ('Che' Guevara). This in turn was a main factor of the success of Castro in the Cuban revolution and eventually led to the Cuban missile crisis.

We are still suffering from the fall out from this coup. The economic situation - the entire socio-economic order in Guatemala was changed by this coup. If we had not interfered we would almost certainly not be having the problems with immigrations from Guatemala. It would be a very different country.

Here's some links:

Decree 900 - Wikipedia
United Fruit Company - Wikipedia
1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia
Che Guevara - Wikipedia

Many, you have intricate fantasies going back almost 70 years? Bravo! Maybe you should write a novel with all of this fiction you make up!
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
At the very least, if we're gonna be WORLD POLICE (America, Fuck Yeah) we should KICK THE SHIT out of any country wilth a substantial population seeking U.S. asylum.

Government has all solutions; Capitalists none.
You mean the light bulb, automobile, railroad, anesthesia, television, radio, computer, electric motor, airplane, telephone, penicillin and polio vaccine didn't solve anything?
Our Space Race with the former Soviets; most of our modern technologies are "spinoffs". Capitalism and capitalists can't solve a simple border problem.
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???

Because your population is aging and Americans aren’t having children fast enough to replace the dying older population. 5,000,000 jobs are going begging in the US right now with no workers to fill them. How long before these companies start moving to countries with a better educated work force?

But the big reason you need immigrants is to grow your economy. Immigrants who arrive with little but the clothes on their backs need homes, furniture, appliances, cars, pots, pans, dishes and clothing. They are the ultimate consumers because they have nothing.

Immigrants contribute MORE to the economy than they cost in government services.

The American problem is that your country is so poorly managed and so lacking in first world systems of health care delivery, public education, infrastructure, and gun control, that it’s become the shithole country of the first world. White European immigration has all but dried up because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable. Not a good bet for business investment or high quality emigration at the moment. The only people who want to come to the US are those who are worse off where they are.

Look at it this way, if you were a rich white family in The Netherlands or Norway, who decided to leave their home country, would you move to the US - where health insurance costs $20,000 a year plus copays, for families, for access to a system ranked 34th in the World. Where public education is being undermined by the government and isn’t even ranked in the top 20 in the World, where more children have died in school shootings this year than combat soldiers have died in all of the combat regions where the US is currently stationed?

Or would you move to a country with high quality government funded health care, quality education, low crime rates, gun control laws, infrastructure, and a strong social safety net?

Last but not least, the USA is largely responsible for the crime and the economic conditions these Central American refugees are fleeing and directly responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis. Americans have a MORAL obligation to clean up the mess they’ve made of things and help the victims of US foreign policy.

Nice try.

Those coming here are not immigrants. Immigrants apply through legal means.

The bald attempts of Trumpkins to paint refugees and those seeking asylum as something less than human beings looking for safety is deplorable.

The USA is creating refugee crises around the world with their foreign policy and then saying “Don’t look at us to help you”. This is morally reprehensible.

You broke it, you fix it. You created a refugee crisis in Central America. You want refugees to stop coming, stop creating refugees.

How did we create the refugee crisis?
with our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

nowhere are they enumerated in our Constitution. the general welfare is a general power.
Yes. End blanket asylum to any Tom, Dick or Harry. Because that just means Mexicans. Illegal aliens from Mexico have turned over the applecart on immigration, and nobody is supposed to notice? Shhh. Mexicans are displacing poor American under class. Shhh, that sorta pisses poor Americans. Shhh, don't notice all the homeless and jobless Americans. Shhh, don't notice the discontent by unemployed homeless Americans. That Hush- hush stuff that has got to end. We notice all the American homeless that have lost their jobs. And poor witto needy Mexicans aren't my concern.
Yes. End blanket asylum to any Tom, Dick or Harry. Because that just means Mexicans. Illegal aliens from Mexico have turned over the applecart on immigration, and nobody is supposed to notice? Shhh. Mexicans are displacing poor American under class. Shhh, that sorta pisses poor Americans. Shhh, don't notice all the homeless and jobless Americans. Shhh, don't notice the discontent by unemployed homeless Americans. That Hush- hush stuff that has got to end. We notice all the American homeless that have lost their jobs. And poor witto needy Mexicans aren't my concern.
lousy public policy, not foreigners.

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