Is it time to end US asylum?

As I have already stated, one of my close friends does this.
It takes years and they use any excuse to seek asylum.
The system as is simply doesn’t work because you can’t just walk into their home countries and prove they’re telling the truth.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
It is absolutely not time to end asylum. In fact, it should be expanded. This country has some work to do to regain a position of moral and ethical leadership in the world, which itself is important to the relative global peace we have experiences for decades. While M.A.D. may prevent world wars between superpowers, most countries are neither nuclear-armed nor superpowers. The relative peace we experience is in no small part due to other countries aspiring to the freedom, both economically and ideologically, that the facade of the United States represents. Please spare me the comments of people who don't and didn't view the US this way, as I am aware of their existence. The point we want a world with fewer or more of those people? Fewer, easy answer. And the path to that result is through humanism-based morality and reason-based law.

It is hard to see any nation willing to accept us as a moderator in their local or regional disputes when we are now scene as an unjust people. The upshot to that is though...if we're not seen as an honest broker, surely other nations are not seen that way either
caving into every emotional demand by people still stuck in their ID phase most leave at 3 years old is not "unjust".

unless you're the 3+ year old who demand your way or life isn't fair. wah.

oh - candycorn. my bad. carry on.
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

So you idiots are making a big deal over nothing . The % of approved asylum is very small .

You think that mom shows up with kid and it’s instant approved asylum!
No moron. Mom's show up with kids, apply for asylum, and imbicils like you say we have to keep them until they are processed. So you give them a court date (because legal machinations take years, not days), and tell them to show up.

What happens is they disappear into America and show up as uncle Ed in a voter role somewhere, pulling the lever for fucking Chuck-u Schumer.

Wow. You guys really do drink the cool aid. You think and immigrant trying to get in with a long shot asylum claim will decide to commit a bunch of felonies JUST to cast a statistically meaningless vote?
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

So you idiots are making a big deal over nothing . The % of approved asylum is very small .

You think that mom shows up with kid and it’s instant approved asylum!
No moron. Mom's show up with kids, apply for asylum, and imbicils like you say we have to keep them until they are processed. So you give them a court date (because legal machinations take years, not days), and tell them to show up.

What happens is they disappear into America and show up as uncle Ed in a voter role somewhere, pulling the lever for fucking Chuck-u Schumer.

Wow. You guys really do drink the cool aid. You think and immigrant trying to get in with a long shot asylum claim will decide to commit a bunch of felonies JUST to cast a statistically meaningless vote?
------------------- just ONE , well to me its the Principle because i want NO immigration at all Timmy .
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

So you idiots are making a big deal over nothing . The % of approved asylum is very small .

You think that mom shows up with kid and it’s instant approved asylum!

That's not the Fn point. The point is they are using this system to cheat their way into this country and causing a major problem for us. They know they don't qualify for asylum, but use the excuse of asylum to get into the country. Under DumBama, catch and release was used so they could drift off and supposedly wait 3 to 4 years for a hearing, and then never show up. They just found some sanctuary city or state never to be seen again.

Asylum is now a problem. Get rid of the problem.

Asylum isn’t the problem. Trump is the problem. I agree. Get rid of the problem.

Illegal crossings are at a 60 year low. Trump is creating a crisis that doesn’t exist to distract you from Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller and his love of all things Russian.

And like the fool that you are, you’re falling for it.
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???

Because your population is aging and Americans aren’t having children fast enough to replace the dying older population. 5,000,000 jobs are going begging in the US right now with no workers to fill them. How long before these companies start moving to countries with a better educated work force?

But the big reason you need immigrants is to grow your economy. Immigrants who arrive with little but the clothes on their backs need homes, furniture, appliances, cars, pots, pans, dishes and clothing. They are the ultimate consumers because they have nothing.

Immigrants contribute MORE to the economy than they cost in government services.

The American problem is that your country is so poorly managed and so lacking in first world systems of health care delivery, public education, infrastructure, and gun control, that it’s become the shithole country of the first world. White European immigration has all but dried up because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable. Not a good bet for business investment or high quality emigration at the moment. The only people who want to come to the US are those who are worse off where they are.

Look at it this way, if you were a rich white family in The Netherlands or Norway, who decided to leave their home country, would you move to the US - where health insurance costs $20,000 a year plus copays, for families, for access to a system ranked 34th in the World. Where public education is being undermined by the government and isn’t even ranked in the top 20 in the World, where more children have died in school shootings this year than combat soldiers have died in all of the combat regions where the US is currently stationed?

Or would you move to a country with high quality government funded health care, quality education, low crime rates, gun control laws, infrastructure, and a strong social safety net?

Last but not least, the USA is largely responsible for the crime and the economic conditions these Central American refugees are fleeing and directly responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis. Americans have a MORAL obligation to clean up the mess they’ve made of things and help the victims of US foreign policy.
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???

Because your population is aging and Americans aren’t having children fast enough to replace the dying older population. 5,000,000 jobs are going begging in the US right now with no workers to fill them. How long before these companies start moving to countries with a better educated work force?

But the big reason you need immigrants is to grow your economy. Immigrants who arrive with little but the clothes on their backs need homes, furniture, appliances, cars, pots, pans, dishes and clothing. They are the ultimate consumers because they have nothing.

Immigrants contribute MORE to the economy than they cost in government services.

The American problem is that your country is so poorly managed and so lacking in first world systems of health care delivery, public education, infrastructure, and gun control, that it’s become the shithole country of the first world. White European immigration has all but dried up because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable. Not a good bet for business investment or high quality emigration at the moment. The only people who want to come to the US are those who are worse off where they are.

Look at it this way, if you were a rich white family in The Netherlands or Norway, who decided to leave their home country, would you move to the US - where health insurance costs $20,000 a year plus copays, for families, for access to a system ranked 34th in the World. Where public education is being undermined by the government and isn’t even ranked in the top 20 in the World, where more children have died in school shootings this year than combat soldiers have died in all of the combat regions where the US is currently stationed?

Or would you move to a country with high quality government funded health care, quality education, low crime rates, gun control laws, infrastructure, and a strong social safety net?

Last but not least, the USA is largely responsible for the crime and the economic conditions these Central American refugees are fleeing and directly responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis. Americans have a MORAL obligation to clean up the mess they’ve made of things and help the victims of US foreign policy.

Nice try.

Those coming here are not immigrants. Immigrants apply through legal means.
i don't care about Cohen or Mueller and just one imported person either legal or illegal as both categories are simply governments word games . Anyway , just one new import into the USA is one too many . I ask again , USA is a country with 310 million [census] legal resident in 2010 plus millions of illegals , Why does the USA People need or want more legal residents in the USA DLady eh ???

Because your population is aging and Americans aren’t having children fast enough to replace the dying older population. 5,000,000 jobs are going begging in the US right now with no workers to fill them. How long before these companies start moving to countries with a better educated work force?

But the big reason you need immigrants is to grow your economy. Immigrants who arrive with little but the clothes on their backs need homes, furniture, appliances, cars, pots, pans, dishes and clothing. They are the ultimate consumers because they have nothing.

Immigrants contribute MORE to the economy than they cost in government services.

The American problem is that your country is so poorly managed and so lacking in first world systems of health care delivery, public education, infrastructure, and gun control, that it’s become the shithole country of the first world. White European immigration has all but dried up because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable. Not a good bet for business investment or high quality emigration at the moment. The only people who want to come to the US are those who are worse off where they are.

Look at it this way, if you were a rich white family in The Netherlands or Norway, who decided to leave their home country, would you move to the US - where health insurance costs $20,000 a year plus copays, for families, for access to a system ranked 34th in the World. Where public education is being undermined by the government and isn’t even ranked in the top 20 in the World, where more children have died in school shootings this year than combat soldiers have died in all of the combat regions where the US is currently stationed?

Or would you move to a country with high quality government funded health care, quality education, low crime rates, gun control laws, infrastructure, and a strong social safety net?

Last but not least, the USA is largely responsible for the crime and the economic conditions these Central American refugees are fleeing and directly responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis. Americans have a MORAL obligation to clean up the mess they’ve made of things and help the victims of US foreign policy.

Nice try.

Those coming here are not immigrants. Immigrants apply through legal means.

The bald attempts of Trumpkins to paint refugees and those seeking asylum as something less than human beings looking for safety is deplorable.

The USA is creating refugee crises around the world with their foreign policy and then saying “Don’t look at us to help you”. This is morally reprehensible.

You broke it, you fix it. You created a refugee crisis in Central America. You want refugees to stop coming, stop creating refugees.
Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !
If he doesn't look white, Republicans don't want him.
because people from the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have a better quality of life at home, and more opportunities right where they are.

The US is corrupt, poorly managed and politically unstable.

If this is true, why doesn't America just give asylum seekers a temporary visa to make it to our northern border- where they can apply for Asylum and citizenship in the Dominions of Canada, which are supposedly so much better than America?

The reality is that Canadians like Mark Steyn are sneaking into America. They don't like it there
The bald attempts of Trumpkins to paint refugees and those seeking asylum as something less than human beings looking for safety is deplorable.

The fact that the number of people claiming "asylum" status has been mushrooming.

Either things are worse off in these countries- or people are gaming the system.

A lot of people think its the latter.
none of yer reasoning matters to me , let these third worlder go after their enemies in the own personal zhithole rather than disrupting the lives of Americans and especially American kids DLady .
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
Yes, end it -- let someone else worry about it
and just an example but foreigners are foreigners . They don't think American and many don't even think Western . Most of these imported arrive in the USA as fully formed foreigners that think foreign and that their old ways are better . See the guy from the 'atlas mountains' in morocco . He comes from an inferior part of the world but he wants his countries rule of NO GUNS here in the USA DLady .
Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !

The OP did not say any of the crap you are making up in your head. He said they could still apply. Poor Timmy. So dumb.

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