Is it time to end US asylum?

course , doesn;t matter to me if he loves or hates the USA . He is simply a good fill in host for Rush Limbaugh PPrin .
Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.
Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.

You're like broken record with your hate-America schtick. Have you considered applying for asylum elsewhere?
I fail to see how anyone on the hard left can claim that the US is capable of providing asylum. According to them, the US is a chronic human rights violator that hates and persecutes anyone who isn't white and has a racist dictator as president. Why would anyone want to come here in the first place?

Could it be that the US isn't such a bad place after all?
During the Eisenhower administration the CIA overthrew the elected President of Guatemala, primarily because of his plan to redistribute uncultivated land to Guatemalian peasants. This threatened the profitablilty of the United Fruit Company - the Director of the CIA (Allen Dulles) was a board Member of United Fruit.

This was a gross conflict of interest - the CIA coup was directly profitable for Dulles.

The immediate result was the conversion of a previously saintly doctor who attending to the poor into the worlds leading communist guerilla ('Che' Guevara). This in turn was a main factor of the success of Castro in the Cuban revolution and eventually led to the Cuban missile crisis.

We are still suffering from the fall out from this coup. The economic situation - the entire socio-economic order in Guatemala was changed by this coup. If we had not interfered we would almost certainly not be having the problems with immigrations from Guatemala. It would be a very different country.

Here's some links:

Decree 900 - Wikipedia
United Fruit Company - Wikipedia
1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia
Che Guevara - Wikipedia
Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.

You're like broken record with your hate-America schtick. Have you considered applying for asylum elsewhere?

Believing that we should take responsibilty for our actions is not a 'hate-America schtick'. It's an awareness of history and reality. Both of which are apparently beyond you.

You're belief that America can shit in the rest of the world without any responsibilty or suffering any repurcussions is just plain stupid.
and just the mention of the Eisenhower Administration brings back the excellent and happy example of Operation Wetback which cleaned up the USA for me and my generation . Course Dead 'ted kennedys' immigration bill in 1965 or 66 opened up the USA to third world importation of third worlders so thanks for the reminder of both Eisenhower and traitorous Dead 'ted kennedy' RichardH .
Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.

You're like broken record with your hate-America schtick. Have you considered applying for asylum elsewhere?

Believing that we should take responsibilty for our actions is not a 'hate-America schtick'. It's an awareness of history and reality. Both of which are apparently beyond you.

You're belief that America can shit in the rest of the world without any responsibilty or suffering any repurcussions is just plain stupid.

Ok. So from your babbling I gather you're against the USA doing anything in opposition to the expansion of Soviet Communism in Central America or South Asia. Is that correct? You think Cuba was a better model where we've stayed "hands-off" for 60 some years?
Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !

The OP did not say any of the crap you are making up in your head. He said they could still apply. Poor Timmy. So dumb.

He said to “end asylum “. And his little asterisk of mailing crap back n forth is rediculous and essentially no process at all.
Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !

The OP did not say any of the crap you are making up in your head. He said they could still apply. Poor Timmy. So dumb.

He said to “end asylum “. And his little asterisk of mailing crap back n forth is rediculous and essentially no process at all.

Reading comprehension is not your thing, is it? Poor Timmy. So dumb. It is sad.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
If it wasn't for asylum you or your ancestors wouldn't be here. Be kind, God gave this land to HUMANS not to a specific group of people Mr conservative.

Do you even know what asylum is? Apparently not by your post.
I do. It's a bullshit procedure that people running from wars, executions have to seek and go through to settle here...while whites didnt need when they forced themselves into this land....they even massacred the indigenous people in the process.
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

My God that kid is such a fucking retard ain't he?

Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !

The OP did not say any of the crap you are making up in your head. He said they could still apply. Poor Timmy. So dumb.

He said to “end asylum “. And his little asterisk of mailing crap back n forth is rediculous and essentially no process at all.

Reading comprehension is not your thing, is it? Poor Timmy. So dumb. It is sad.

Everything is said was true . His little catch all for asylum = no asylum at all.
With over 300 million people it is time to declare that the US is closed.

No more mass immigration and no more political asylum.

Only limited immigration to accommodate legitimate marriage. After all if some US dude falls in love with a cute Australian or Canadian chick he should be able to bring her here. Maybe a couple of thousand slots each year for really successful people who will be job producers. Otherwise closed. Certainly no more Democrat voting welfare queens from third world shitholes.
OFFICIAL Census says that there are 310 million in 2010 not counting the 20 to 30 million illegals in the USA . Course the lefities say that there are 11 million illegals in the USA . Thats still a heck of a lot of third worlders sucking off the USA . And then the 2020 census coming up . If gov tells the truth i guess that there are 340 million in the USA plus millions of illegals and the legals are all looking to import their third world families into the USA . As perspective , In 1970 the USA Census was right about 210 million in the USA . ---------------- much nicer country , USA was still building hardware made of steel that we mined the iron ore for and we were all eating lettuce without third world labor .
Ok. So when the Afghan interpreter for the US military needs to flee because he helped US soildiers and now has a taliban bounty on his head , he’s screwed? Sorry buddy, should’ve helped the Americans !

The OP did not say any of the crap you are making up in your head. He said they could still apply. Poor Timmy. So dumb.

He said to “end asylum “. And his little asterisk of mailing crap back n forth is rediculous and essentially no process at all.

Reading comprehension is not your thing, is it? Poor Timmy. So dumb. It is sad.

Everything is said was true . His little catch all for asylum = no asylum at all.

What I said is if we are to have asylum. In other words if we can't get rid of it because of Democrats or some commie court that would stop us. But yes, I would like to see all asylum stopped immediately.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
If it wasn't for asylum you or your ancestors wouldn't be here. Be kind, God gave this land to HUMANS not to a specific group of people Mr conservative.

Do you even know what asylum is? Apparently not by your post.
I do. It's a bullshit procedure that people running from wars, executions have to seek and go through to settle here...while whites didnt need when they forced themselves into this land....they even massacred the indigenous people in the process.

Asylum is not the only way to get into this country, in fact it's the least used way.

We allow a million new immigrants into this country every year........legally. Not one needed a phony asylum claim because they did it the proper and legal way.
OFFICIAL Census says that there are 310 million in 2010 not counting the 20 to 30 million illegals in the USA . Course the lefities say that there are 11 million illegals in the USA . Thats still a heck of a lot of third worlders sucking off the USA . And then the 2020 census coming up . If gov tells the truth i guess that there are 340 million in the USA plus millions of illegals and the legals are all looking to import their third world families into the USA . As perspective , In 1970 the USA Census was right about 210 million in the USA . ---------------- much nicer country , USA was still building hardware made of steel that we mined the iron ore for and we were all eating lettuce without third world labor .

61% of illegal households draw tax payer funded benefits. That is not counting the free education we throw in.

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