Is it time to end US asylum?

The US Should not be offering asylum. Those seeking asylum should be grouped by nation of origin, armed, and sent back to their home nations to fix the problem. See, THATS what Americans did when the British government became intolerable - We killed them and took over.
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Basically we're victims of our own bad policies. In a way it's like what happened in Afghaniastan - in the 1970 & 1980s we intervened, changed the course of that country's history, then ignored what happened after. The result was that Afghanistan degenerated into a Taliban shithole and a terrorist haven.

Now the very same central American countries that we intervened in in the 1980s have developed into economic disasters for a huge number of their people. Their government doesn't give a shit about them, there's massive corruption and brutal crime. We ignored what happened in these countries post 1980s intervention and now we're paying for it by this mass migration from these countries - what goes around comes around.

In 'Star Trek' they have the concept of the 'Prime Directive' - a standing order not to interfere in the progress of foreign worlds. If you interfer then you are responsible for everything that happens afterward.

Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.

Oh please, another Blame America First leftist. Are we to be responsible for all countries we had conflicts with and welcome their citizens (generations later) to our country?
To do away with asylum we would have to get around this treaty.

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - Wikipedia

I don't think that would be an issue, especially now since more and more are abusing US asylum. Your article says that today, they are 145 other parties to the convention. How many of "those other" parties have taken in their share of refugees?

Also from your link:

Although the Convention is “legally binding” there is no body that monitors compliance. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has supervisory responsibilities, but cannot enforce the Convention, and there is no formal mechanism for individuals to file complaints. The Convention specifies that complaints should be referred to the International Court of Justice[13]. It appears that no nation has ever done this.

An individual may lodge a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, or with the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, but no one has ever done so in regard to violations of the Convention. Nations may levy international sanctions against violators, but no nation has ever done this.

At present, the only real consequences of violation are 1) public shaming in the press, and 2) verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date these have not proven to be significant deterrents.[14]
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

So you idiots are making a big deal over nothing . The % of approved asylum is very small .

You think that mom shows up with kid and it’s instant approved asylum!

That's not the Fn point. The point is they are using this system to cheat their way into this country and causing a major problem for us. They know they don't qualify for asylum, but use the excuse of asylum to get into the country. Under DumBama, catch and release was used so they could drift off and supposedly wait 3 to 4 years for a hearing, and then never show up. They just found some sanctuary city or state never to be seen again.

Asylum is now a problem. Get rid of the problem.

Asylum isn’t the problem. Trump is the problem. I agree. Get rid of the problem.

Illegal crossings are at a 60 year low. Trump is creating a crisis that doesn’t exist to distract you from Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller and his love of all things Russian.

And like the fool that you are, you’re falling for it.

How is Trump creating this so-called crisis? A problem came to our borders and he handled it. The crisis creation came from your precious MSM and posting phony pictures of detention centers that were taken while DumBama was in office.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?

Great post and I agree 100%.

The time for allowing everyone into this country is long past.

We have more than enough people in this country.

Anyone wanting to come in to work should be granted work visas. Do the work. Get paid and go the hell home.

As for asylum?? There are hundreds of countries out there. Let them apply to one of them. We sure as shit don't need any more people in our country.

And out of the hundreds of countries out there, they all seem to want to go to Europe or the US.
The largest group approved for asylum is Chinese.

Interesting article with some information about the actual asylum process, if anyone is interested in knowing what is actually going on.
Asylum in the United States
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
I refuse to get aboard the "what about the children(of illegal aliens)?" mania. I lay this current hysteria at the feet of the liberal media. It's disgusting, all of it. Instead of focusing on the overall issue like a reputable news agency, we get cheap emotional manipulation. And emphasizing the treatment of illegal alien offspring. Ignoring the fact illegal aliens knew what the consequences where. And instead, callously recklessly and deliberately brought their children along and manufactured this situation to begin with. Shame on THEM! Shame on the media! If these parents took their kids and jumped off a cliff , or jumped into a bonfire or drank poisoned Kool-Aid , the media would be blaming the unfairness of gravity, combustion or poison instead. With NO mention of the irresponsibility of the parents. We don't need to give sanctuary to these twits, it's absurd.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
does it matter what name they use to get over here? if they went by the process and through the right "gate" they can claim asylum and there is no issue. it's the ones doing it illegally who are having the issues. end asylum and they just sit there instead starting at you with a "now what" look on their faces.

well, now what?

asylum does need to be strictly used by it's purpose and not "i hate my country, i want asylum" cause that ain't it. but then i have no idea how the term is being used or again, if they just don't care and flood the borders anway. same results in the end really.

we need a bigger solution that would involve a better work visa program and identification of the people who want to come over. if criminals, ain't no change in hell, sparky, and then we involve the mexican gov to take them back and do whatever they want to do with their own criminals. their choice. but something like that needs to be in the mix in a joint cooperative deal with mexico.

"hey, we'll revamp our work visa program and help many of these come over for the summer for work. we all benefit. they pay taxes and into the system they will temporarily be a part of, and at the end of the work season they go home. if they wish to apply to be a citizen, then we use this time to educate them on the proper process to do so and start the clock, following up as we can. but until approved, they go back home and wait. mexico will need to help us also properly identify who's who and take ownership of their own criminals. we'll help start up an island in the pacific somewhere we can drop them off to kill each other for all we care.

but something like that seems far more effective than a wall or what we're doing now and works to resolve problems, not just make it harder to do.

ending asylum wouldn't change a thing and i don't think we should when there are legitimate people out there looking for it properly. end the abuse of it? well we can try and i'm in for that.

We can't end the abuse because of the way we handle asylum seekers. Instead of being able to apply for asylum where they live, the law says they must be on our land to make this claim. So they tromp over here making bogus claims that could otherwise have stopped them if they weren't here applying in person.

The people who are sneaking across use asylum as an alibi if they are caught. If they don't get caught, they just proceed to the sanctuary city of their choice.

These are just a few reasons I believe asylum should no longer be part of the US. Yes, we can continue our immigration, but no to people trying to take shortcuts.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
I refuse to get aboard the "what about the children(of illegal aliens)?" mania. I lay this current hysteria at the feet of the liberal media. It's disgusting, all of it. Instead of focusing on the overall issue like a reputable news agency, we get cheap emotional manipulation. And emphasizing the treatment of illegal alien offspring. Ignoring the fact illegal aliens knew what the consequences where. And instead, callously recklessly and deliberately brought their children along and manufactured this situation to begin with. Shame on THEM! Shame on the media! If these parents took their kids and jumped off a cliff , or jumped into a bonfire or drank poisoned Kool-Aid , the media would be blaming the unfairness of gravity, combustion or poison instead. With NO mention of the irresponsibility of the parents. We don't need to give sanctuary to these twits, it's absurd.

You can't lay all the blame on the media. It's the liberal mentality that goes along with it. The liberal mentality is don't blame the people who had kids in these awful places. Don't blame the parent(s) for coming here knowing they are doing so illegally and may be separated from their children. Blame Trump instead.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
I refuse to get aboard the "what about the children(of illegal aliens)?" mania. I lay this current hysteria at the feet of the liberal media. It's disgusting, all of it. Instead of focusing on the overall issue like a reputable news agency, we get cheap emotional manipulation. And emphasizing the treatment of illegal alien offspring. Ignoring the fact illegal aliens knew what the consequences where. And instead, callously recklessly and deliberately brought their children along and manufactured this situation to begin with. Shame on THEM! Shame on the media! If these parents took their kids and jumped off a cliff , or jumped into a bonfire or drank poisoned Kool-Aid , the media would be blaming the unfairness of gravity, combustion or poison instead. With NO mention of the irresponsibility of the parents. We don't need to give sanctuary to these twits, it's absurd.

You can't lay all the blame on the media. It's the liberal mentality that goes along with it. The liberal mentality is don't blame the people who had kids in these awful places. Don't blame the parent(s) for coming here knowing they are doing so illegally and may be separated from their children. Blame Trump instead.

This thread being about asylum, not amnesty or sanctuary, well, I confuse them all. We have given amnesty to illegals twice in 30 years illegal immigration has only gotten worse . And then, then I confuse all this with "sanctuary" for illegals ...sanctuary cities, which is a type of asylum. I have no problem giving sanctuary to a single person that has earned it, not a GROUP that by sheer force of numbers demands it. Trump's blame in this is neither here nor there. This situation predates Trump by decades.
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To do away with asylum we would have to get around this treaty.

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - Wikipedia

I don't think that would be an issue, especially now since more and more are abusing US asylum. Your article says that today, they are 145 other parties to the convention. How many of "those other" parties have taken in their share of refugees?

Also from your link:

Although the Convention is “legally binding” there is no body that monitors compliance. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has supervisory responsibilities, but cannot enforce the Convention, and there is no formal mechanism for individuals to file complaints. The Convention specifies that complaints should be referred to the International Court of Justice[13]. It appears that no nation has ever done this.

An individual may lodge a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, or with the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, but no one has ever done so in regard to violations of the Convention. Nations may levy international sanctions against violators, but no nation has ever done this.

At present, the only real consequences of violation are 1) public shaming in the press, and 2) verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date these have not proven to be significant deterrents.[14]

Agree completely. Was just pointing out that this was a treaty obligation, not something we do all on our own. In fact, just this week the Trump Admin had the good sense to withdraw us from the UN Human Rights Commission.
Perhaps there is a great amount of wisdom in the notion of the 'Prime Directive'.
To do away with asylum we would have to get around this treaty.

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - Wikipedia

I don't think that would be an issue, especially now since more and more are abusing US asylum. Your article says that today, they are 145 other parties to the convention. How many of "those other" parties have taken in their share of refugees?

Also from your link:

Although the Convention is “legally binding” there is no body that monitors compliance. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has supervisory responsibilities, but cannot enforce the Convention, and there is no formal mechanism for individuals to file complaints. The Convention specifies that complaints should be referred to the International Court of Justice[13]. It appears that no nation has ever done this.

An individual may lodge a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, or with the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, but no one has ever done so in regard to violations of the Convention. Nations may levy international sanctions against violators, but no nation has ever done this.

At present, the only real consequences of violation are 1) public shaming in the press, and 2) verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date these have not proven to be significant deterrents.[14]

Agree completely. Was just pointing out that this was a treaty obligation, not something we do all on our own. In fact, just this week the Trump Admin had the good sense to withdraw us from the UN Human Rights Commission.

Understood, but this treaty was enacted almost 70 years ago. How long is a treaty able to control any country? Forever?

When it comes to unlivable places, I think there were probably many more back then than there are today. Because of our primitive communications, foreigners back then were not watching the news of the day to see if they could stir up trouble in the US.
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?

You missed the target but hit the tree. Donald Trump is the one who is using immigrants to divide Americans. Trump and Trump alone is responsible for this fiasco.

Trump has created this crisis in order to advance his agenda of stopping non-white, non-Christian immigration. The immigrants are running from the violence that American policies and American gangs have created in their homelands. YOUR country has created multiple refugee crises in the Middle East and Latin America.

Having made a botched mess of foreign policy which created all these refugees, you now claim they aren’t your problem.

MS13 is an American gang. Americans exported that gang to El Salvador. Now Americans don’t want that shit coming back to them. Fair enough, but you exported this violence to El Salvador, not the other way around.

The US is in the business of exporting gang culture around the world. Crips, Bloods, MS13, Hell’s Angels - all are American gangs now found in many countries. We had Crips and Bloods in Toronto. I guess the rest of the world should ban Americans to keep their gangs out of our countries.

American policy creates these refugees and then Americans don’t want to help clean up the mess YOU created.

Stop blaming the refugees and start pressuring your leaders to clean up the mess they made.
Fuck snopes, They are a extreme left organization. Jack weed

And You take your fucking illegal aliens and shove them up your fucking ass...
We don’t need anymore shit in this country....
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
If it wasn't for asylum you or your ancestors wouldn't be here. Be kind, God gave this land to HUMANS not to a specific group of people Mr conservative.

Do you even know what asylum is? Apparently not by your post.
I do. It's a bullshit procedure that people running from wars, executions have to seek and go through to settle here...while whites didnt need when they forced themselves into this land....they even massacred the indigenous people in the process.

Asylum is not the only way to get into this country, in fact it's the least used way.

We allow a million new immigrants into this country every year........legally. Not one needed a phony asylum claim because they did it the proper and legal way.
There is plenty of room. Let's ver these poor people and let them have a better life...wouldn't Jesus do that?
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?

i dont think so

there should always be a method for asylum seekers

however it needs to be gone through

and revamped

the leftists have had too many years screwing it up
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?

i dont think so

there should always be a method for asylum seekers

however it needs to be gone through

and revamped

the leftists have had too many years screwing it up

As long as we demand they must be here in person to apply for asylum, then thousands more will come every year. As I stated in the OP, if we are going to have asylum, then at the very least, change it to an application process where you must apply first and then come if we want to hear their case.
Asylum is very hard to get . It’s the last gasp of immigration.
--------------------------------------- so what Timmy ??

So you idiots are making a big deal over nothing . The % of approved asylum is very small .

You think that mom shows up with kid and it’s instant approved asylum!

Well, they are pretty busy with ethnic can't expect them to know details
Oh, really.

Ethnic cleansing.

Please do elaborate.

Or are you talking out of your ass because your mouth knows better?
Going through these threads on the separation of children and adults, it seems to me asylum seekers are using children to divide Americans. It also seems they are abusing our generous asylum policies to sneak into the country.

And as usual, it's divided on political lines. On the left, the tears flow over children being separated from their so-called parents, and on the right, tough love is the only way to have a long lasting solution.

But the solution to both of our concerns is just to end asylum in the US. Yes, we tried to be nice, we tried to be caring, but our empathy is now being used as a tool against us.

After getting rid of asylum, no more will these children be our concern. We won't have to be criticized about separation of children and adults because they won't be in this country. And if we are to have any kind of asylum, it must be done via mail. You can still apply for asylum from your country, but you need to request an asylum application from Washington DC. We will mail your application to you, and you can send it back postage paid. If you and your children are caught on US land, your application will immediately be rejected.

There, problem solved. Next?
Yes, the statute serves no purpose any longer. The world is full of corrupt governments that make their people suffer. How did that become our problem? Let the people in these countries solve their own problems rather than trying to escape to the USA.

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