Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

Well said.

I'll also add that I view putting people in prison for doing things to themselves that we don't like is immoral.

Prohibition fuels the Mexican drug cartels and the murders they commit. It fuels the deep corruption in the DEA, BATF, and CIA.

There are a LOT of good reasons to legalize drugs. I miss being able to browse the streets of Tijuana and Ensanada - prohibition is the reason it isn't safe anymore.

If drug legalization would stop the drug cartels, we are several years too late. Cartel activity expanded beyond drugs several years ago.

The Cartels are into alot of different stuff, prostitution, sex slavery, organ harvesting, underground street fighting etc etc

One of the biggest moneymakers is kidnapping. Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States.

It's not like legalization will put a dent in illegal drugs either. The government would be no more than a competitor looking for market share. Another cartel. It worked for the dispensaries in California, there was a cartel, syndicate, government partnership. The mexicans supplied the drugs, (over the counter pot, under the counter everything else including weapons) the Armenian crime syndicate owned and operated the dispensaries and the LAPD provided protection from random attacks. There were a lot of attacks too. A lot of robberies.

Look at it from the dispensary point of view. Would you take a check from a pothead? If you are a pothead, would you give your credit card to a bunch of potheads? The dispensaries dealt in cash only. Lots of cash, making them an ideal target for random crime.

All the cartels have to do to protect their clientele is under cut the price. Sell their stuff tax free. The reason why there isn't that kind of crime associated with legal alcohol sales is that the cartels never set up the gigantic distilleries necessary for mass alcohol production. They don't come cheap. People have educated palates for alcohol. Bathtub gin doesn't cut it anymore.

These really are arguments for making drugs fully legal. If an addict has to hit bottom before they can start to recover. So too much our nation hit bottom and fully experience widespread drug use if we have any hope of recovery.
What a freaking joke, legalizing pot will not result in reducing health risks associated with Alcohol and smoking. In the event it was to be legalized, which in essence what you have with decriminalization, it will not reduce bootleggers and or criminal element engaged in growing and distribution. To claim it can be taxed and the tax revenue earmarked for health care, thats a freaking joke as well, it was demonstrated by the Tobacco settlement, state legislators continue to misappropriate the wind fall to fund education, operating budget deficits, with only a very small percentage to those that smoked, chewed, or smoking related cancer patients. Substance abuse and addiction are abuse and addiction regardless if it is legalized or not which results in serious health risks and economic consequences for society and employers.
One of the biggest moneymakers is kidnapping.
Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States.


Phoenix had 362 kidnappings in 2009, the last year stats are available for. There are more drug transactions in an hour, than that.


It's not like legalization will put a dent in illegal drugs either. The government would be no more than a competitor looking for market share.

Again, utter nonsense.

The day that prohibition of liquid alcohol was repealed, Al Capone was out of business. Legal drugs sold with known strength, in clean packages from stores will alone put the pushers out of business. But, the moment they go legal, the profit margin goes out of drugs. Right now, an ounce of pot runs about $300 an ounce. Tomatoes are $2.99 a pound. Tomatoes are more difficult to grow than marijuana. Even with a stiff tax, legal marijuana would drop to about $20 an ounce. This pulls the profit out. Who is going to buy from the criminals at a higher price?

Another cartel. It worked for the dispensaries in California, there was a cartel, syndicate, government partnership. The mexicans supplied the drugs, (over the counter pot, under the counter everything else including weapons) the Armenian crime syndicate owned and operated the dispensaries and the LAPD provided protection from random attacks. There were a lot of attacks too. A lot of robberies.

Uh yeah, I don't think so.

Let me google that for you

Look at it from the dispensary point of view. Would you take a check from a pothead? If you are a pothead, would you give your credit card to a bunch of potheads? The dispensaries dealt in cash only. Lots of cash, making them an ideal target for random crime.

No different than a liquor store. With legalization, pot would be sold at Albertsons, right next to the Coors.

All the cartels have to do to protect their clientele is under cut the price.

Just like the moonshiners do, right? We are plagued by all the illegal liquor sales, right?

Sell their stuff tax free. The reason why there isn't that kind of crime associated with legal alcohol sales is that the cartels never set up the gigantic distilleries necessary for mass alcohol production.

Are you kidding?

You've never heard of Al Capone and Joe Kennedy?

They don't come cheap. People have educated palates for alcohol. Bathtub gin doesn't cut it anymore.

Legal booze also costs a small fraction of what moonshine does.

Contraband is expensive.

These really are arguments for making drugs fully legal. If an addict has to hit bottom before they can start to recover. So too much our nation hit bottom and fully experience widespread drug use if we have any hope of recovery.

We should legalize because the death toll and the rate of incarceration is intolerable.
What a freaking joke, legalizing pot will not result in reducing health risks associated with Alcohol and smoking. In the event it was to be legalized, which in essence what you have with decriminalization, it will not reduce bootleggers and or criminal element engaged in growing and distribution. To claim it can be taxed and the tax revenue earmarked for health care, thats a freaking joke as well, it was demonstrated by the Tobacco settlement, state legislators continue to misappropriate the wind fall to fund education, operating budget deficits, with only a very small percentage to those that smoked, chewed, or smoking related cancer patients. Substance abuse and addiction are abuse and addiction regardless if it is legalized or not which results in serious health risks and economic consequences for society and employers.

[ame=]The War on Drugs with John Stossel 1of6 Introduction and Police Baiting - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands - YouTube[/ame]

[[/quote]We should legalize because the death toll and the rate of incarceration is intolerable.[/QUOTE]

So capitulate, bury your head in the sand, pretend that the issue will go away? Sounds like a rather weak argument at best. One fact you seem to miss, incarceration applies to only those that grow, distribute, and smuggle. So how would legalization reduce the number of those incarcerated? Fact, you will always have those in a society that can't appreciate the beauty and wonders of life without a little help from a substance, simply put, a percentage of society will always be losers regardless.
We should legalize because the death toll and the rate of incarceration is intolerable.

So capitulate, bury your head in the sand,

No. Just mind your own business and not someone else's.

pretend that the issue will go away? Sounds like a rather weak argument at best. One fact you seem to miss, incarceration applies to only those that grow, distribute, and smuggle. So how would legalization reduce the number of those incarcerated? Fact, you will always have those in a society that can't appreciate the beauty and wonders of life without a little help from a substance.]

If they do need something to, as you say, enjoy the beauty and wonders of life, then why would you want to deny them that pleasure if they are not causing harm to anyone?

What do you have against others having the same pleasures you do?

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So capitulate, bury your head in the sand, pretend that the issue will go away?

Capitulate to what?

Letting people do what we don't approve of? In a free society, that happens.

Sounds like a rather weak argument at best. One fact you seem to miss, incarceration applies to only those that grow, distribute, and smuggle.

Nonsense. California prisons are full of petty pot and crack dealers.

So how would legalization reduce the number of those incarcerated?

Since about 60% of those incarcerated are there on drug charges, it would cut the prison population in half overnight.

Fact, you will always have those in a society that can't appreciate the beauty and wonders of life without a little help from a substance, simply put, a percentage of society will always be losers regardless.

Look, I think Greatisiam is a prime caricature of a brain dead stoner, an example of the mush that is left after years of drug abuse. But guess what? It's his life - it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket that he has rotted his brain away.

Would I pay heed to an argument made by him? Nope.

Would I hire him to do a job? Nope.

Would I have him locked in prison? NO. I'm not interested in putting him in prison because seeing him and his kind makes me uncomfortable.
If drug legalization would stop the drug cartels, we are several years too late. Cartel activity expanded beyond drugs several years ago.

The Cartels are into alot of different stuff, prostitution, sex slavery, organ harvesting, underground street fighting etc etc

One of the biggest moneymakers is kidnapping. Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States.

It's not like legalization will put a dent in illegal drugs either. The government would be no more than a competitor looking for market share. Another cartel. It worked for the dispensaries in California, there was a cartel, syndicate, government partnership. The mexicans supplied the drugs, (over the counter pot, under the counter everything else including weapons) the Armenian crime syndicate owned and operated the dispensaries and the LAPD provided protection from random attacks. There were a lot of attacks too. A lot of robberies.

Look at it from the dispensary point of view. Would you take a check from a pothead? If you are a pothead, would you give your credit card to a bunch of potheads? The dispensaries dealt in cash only. Lots of cash, making them an ideal target for random crime.

All the cartels have to do to protect their clientele is under cut the price. Sell their stuff tax free. The reason why there isn't that kind of crime associated with legal alcohol sales is that the cartels never set up the gigantic distilleries necessary for mass alcohol production. They don't come cheap. People have educated palates for alcohol. Bathtub gin doesn't cut it anymore.

These really are arguments for making drugs fully legal. If an addict has to hit bottom before they can start to recover. So too much our nation hit bottom and fully experience widespread drug use if we have any hope of recovery.

You make some good points there Katz, I have to give you that.
For the tens of millions of Americans on Prozac or whatever"anxiety" drugs out there a joint after dinner would be much more effective and healthier.
Okay to make zombies and dope heads as long as it is prescription dope but not okay to smoke a joint.
Absurd. Recent studies state they do not even know if most of those anxiety horse pills even work anyway.
And the long term effects of those pills is horrendous.
One of the biggest moneymakers is kidnapping.
Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States.


Phoenix had 362 kidnappings in 2009, the last year stats are available for. There are more drug transactions in an hour, than that.

Phoenix Number Two Kidnapping Capital as Drug Cartel Wars Intensify - Drug Addiction Treatment

It's not like legalization will put a dent in illegal drugs either. The government would be no more than a competitor looking for market share.

Again, utter nonsense.

The day that prohibition of liquid alcohol was repealed, Al Capone was out of business. Legal drugs sold with known strength, in clean packages from stores will alone put the pushers out of business. But, the moment they go legal, the profit margin goes out of drugs. Right now, an ounce of pot runs about $300 an ounce. Tomatoes are $2.99 a pound. Tomatoes are more difficult to grow than marijuana. Even with a stiff tax, legal marijuana would drop to about $20 an ounce. This pulls the profit out. Who is going to buy from the criminals at a higher price?

Uh yeah, I don't think so.

Let me google that for you

No different than a liquor store. With legalization, pot would be sold at Albertsons, right next to the Coors.

Just like the moonshiners do, right? We are plagued by all the illegal liquor sales, right?

Are you kidding?

You've never heard of Al Capone and Joe Kennedy?

They don't come cheap. People have educated palates for alcohol. Bathtub gin doesn't cut it anymore.

Legal booze also costs a small fraction of what moonshine does.

Contraband is expensive.

These really are arguments for making drugs fully legal. If an addict has to hit bottom before they can start to recover. So too much our nation hit bottom and fully experience widespread drug use if we have any hope of recovery.

We should legalize because the death toll and the rate of incarceration is intolerable.

We should legalize because the death toll has been kept artifically low by criminilization. Legalize drugs, all of them. Make drugs really cheap or preferably free. Give users enough drugs to kill them, frequently.

Expand stand your ground laws.
One of the biggest moneymakers is kidnapping.
Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States.


Phoenix had 362 kidnappings in 2009, the last year stats are available for. There are more drug transactions in an hour, than that.

Phoenix Number Two Kidnapping Capital as Drug Cartel Wars Intensify - Drug Addiction Treatment

Again, utter nonsense.

The day that prohibition of liquid alcohol was repealed, Al Capone was out of business. Legal drugs sold with known strength, in clean packages from stores will alone put the pushers out of business. But, the moment they go legal, the profit margin goes out of drugs. Right now, an ounce of pot runs about $300 an ounce. Tomatoes are $2.99 a pound. Tomatoes are more difficult to grow than marijuana. Even with a stiff tax, legal marijuana would drop to about $20 an ounce. This pulls the profit out. Who is going to buy from the criminals at a higher price?

Uh yeah, I don't think so.

Let me google that for you

No different than a liquor store. With legalization, pot would be sold at Albertsons, right next to the Coors.

Just like the moonshiners do, right? We are plagued by all the illegal liquor sales, right?

Are you kidding?

You've never heard of Al Capone and Joe Kennedy?

Legal booze also costs a small fraction of what moonshine does.

Contraband is expensive.

These really are arguments for making drugs fully legal. If an addict has to hit bottom before they can start to recover. So too much our nation hit bottom and fully experience widespread drug use if we have any hope of recovery.

We should legalize because the death toll and the rate of incarceration is intolerable.

We should legalize because the death toll has been kept artifically low by criminilization. Legalize drugs, all of them. Make drugs really cheap or preferably free. Give users enough drugs to kill them, frequently.

Expand stand your ground laws.

I'm ok with legalizing marijuana but I can't support legalizing crystal meth, crack cocaine, heroin etc
We should legalize because the death toll has been kept artifically low by criminilization. Legalize drugs, all of them. Make drugs really cheap or preferably free. Give users enough drugs to kill them, frequently.

Expand stand your ground laws.

I have no problem with any of that.

Keep in mind though, pot isn't toxic. (Does cause heart attacks and high blood pressure, though.)

{The risk of a heart attack is greatly increased by smoking cannabis, scientists say.

The finding comes shortly after separate studies found that the active ingredient in cannabis can shrink cancer tumours, and ease some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

In the new study, US scientists found that smoking cannabis could increase the risk of having a heart attack nearly five-fold within an hour of taking the drug. }

BBC News | HEALTH | Cannabis 'increases heart attack risk'
I'm ok with legalizing marijuana but I can't support legalizing crystal meth, crack cocaine, heroin etc

Why not?

The users really only hurt themselves.

Like Katz said, many would opt out of the gene pool if it were legal and cheap. I'm good with that.

I've just seen the damage heroin can do and I shudder to think what would happen if it was just sold legally, thats just my opinion.
We should legalize because the death toll has been kept artifically low by criminilization. Legalize drugs, all of them. Make drugs really cheap or preferably free. Give users enough drugs to kill them, frequently.

Expand stand your ground laws.

I have no problem with any of that.

Keep in mind though, pot isn't toxic. (Does cause heart attacks and high blood pressure, though.)

{The risk of a heart attack is greatly increased by smoking cannabis, scientists say.

The finding comes shortly after separate studies found that the active ingredient in cannabis can shrink cancer tumours, and ease some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

In the new study, US scientists found that smoking cannabis could increase the risk of having a heart attack nearly five-fold within an hour of taking the drug. }

BBC News | HEALTH | Cannabis 'increases heart attack risk'

See I have heard stoners tell me the opposite of that, they claim this is all propoganda and marijuana is good for you.
I'm ok with legalizing marijuana but I can't support legalizing crystal meth, crack cocaine, heroin etc

Why not?

The users really only hurt themselves.

Like Katz said, many would opt out of the gene pool if it were legal and cheap. I'm good with that.

I've just seen the damage heroin can do and I shudder to think what would happen if it was just sold legally, thats just my opinion.

If it were legal and unlimited, what you put up with would be all over by now. I hate to be unduly cruel, but the times your bro ISN'T using only prolongs the damage when he is.

Too many people really believe that users only hurt themselves. You know that's not true but they will never believe it.
Tobacco is by far the worst killer in this country and it is legal.
Tobacco kills 350K a year here and costs each and every adult 1K a year in health costs added to their health insurance premiums.
Preventable diseases represent 7 out of 8 of the diseases that we spend 56% of all health care dollars treating and they are only 4% of the population.
Cocaine and heroin overdoses dwarf presription drug overdoses at emergency rooms by 10 to 1 or more. Tobacco related illneses fills hospitals nationwide.
Let them fools snort lines of Drano for all I care. I will buy them a case of it.
You can not fix STUPID.

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