Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

When I was in highschool, getting pot was pretty easy. Getting beer was damned tough. No one asked for ID to buy a lid.

I was friends with a kid in high school whose mother was from Germany, the drinking age is low there so in her culture it was normal to offer high school age kids beer, it was easier for me to drink back than as opposed to going out and buying marijuana.
A large part of legalization is education.

Lying to people doesn't help your cause. Especially when you float absurdly stupid lies.

You are right that legal pot will do little for this generation of tobacco smokers but the focus is to teach those generations to come to use intelligent use of freedom of choice.

People who smoke pot are more likely to smoke cigarettes. They are smokers, smokers don't have an aversion to smoking.

They will not be as drug stupid as we are and will make better choices if we make them available. I am talking those of age here of course.

Look, prohibition does a lot more damage than drugs do.

But until the legalization side gets honest and stops this stupid bullshit that "pots good for you," no one is going to take you seriously.

I just wrote a comment above about legalization being the only tool parents have of actually keeping their children away from drugs till they are old enough to make those better choices.
It gets rid of pushers.


It gets rid of pushers, Mexican drug cartels and CIA black ops. Lot's of good reasons to end prohibition, I agree. Let's run with that and stop the idiocy that pot will magically stop tobacco deaths and alcoholism. It will have zero effect on either.

Try reading something with more than 3 pages and learn who is lying to who.
Your government in this case is the liar and it is well paid by the drug trade to do so.

Cannabis: report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs - Canada. Parliament. Senate. Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, Colin Kenny, Pierre Claude Nolin - Google Books

If you do not like this Canadian report that is touted as the best the world has ever seen, Check out your own Laguardia report from N ew York.

See just who is lying and come back and apologise if you are half a man.

Try reading something with more than 3 pages and learn who is lying to who.
Your government in this case is the liar and it is well paid by the drug trade to do so.

A few years ago I came across tobacco ads from the 1930's with doctors who extolled the wonderful things that smoking does for you.


You're not original. The same crap is shoveled by everyone selling their vices.
I figured.
One who wishes to stay stupid and ignore 100 years of hard scientific research by the drug addiction field.


Yep, if I can't see that science tells us that smoking pot is just the greatest for people, I must be stupid....

BTW, you know your link said this;

{This does not mean that use should be encouraged or left unregulated.}
Why not legalize all "substances" - It's not like those who don't smoke weed would get up and decide they will just because it's legal.

I don't do drugs and if they were legal I would just jump out of my seat to buy them if they were legal.

Do you see gangbangers putting their guns down just because they have to permit to carry those weapons?

Well if I could buy weed legally and not have to worry about losing my job over it, I'd probably smoke a fat blunt every once in a while.:redface:

Well, I get high every once in a while :lol:

Only on bud of course...
If you believe in less government then you believe the gov't should stay out of peoples lives. The drug war is lost and frankly I dont really care if the majority of people in this country want to lite up now and then. WHo is anybody to legislate what they put into their own bodies? The drug war is a waste of time and money.
People assume that pot will lower the rates of death for tobacco and alcohol users because some will switch their vice from smokes or booze to weed, thats an awful lot of assuming.
I don't believe legalized marijuana will have any effect whatsoever on tobacco use and I've never heard or read that it might. But there is no doubt in my mind that legally available marijuana will lead to a substantial reduction in beverage alcohol consumption. And the booze industry agrees with that projection -- which is why they contribute heavily to the anti-marijuana lobby (mainly The Partnership For A Drug-Free America).
legalizing pot will have ZERO effect on tobacco and alcohol use.

Yep I do all 3 :)
Some people use both marijuana and beverage alcohol. But I know many marijuana users who are so content with the effect of THC they would never drink alcohol as long as marijuana is available to them.

I personally dislike beverage alcohol and always have. I don't like the taste or smell of it and I especially dislike the effect. But I've always enjoyed marijuana, especially in the cooked or baked forms as opposed to smoking it. (And I make one hell of a carrot cake.)
I don't believe legalized marijuana will have any effect whatsoever on tobacco use and I've never heard or read that it might. But there is no doubt in my mind that legally available marijuana will lead to a substantial reduction in beverage alcohol consumption. And the booze industry agrees with that projection -- which is why they contribute heavily to the anti-marijuana lobby (mainly The Partnership For A Drug-Free America).

Why do you think this?

I'm not going to give up Cabernet and Chianti if they legalize pot. Why would I?

Do you really think people are just getting plastered on booze because there is nothing else? Really?

Alcohol is easy to regulate, it easy to get "tipsy" without getting fully drunk. What I remember from pot is it was on or off. You were high, or not. Which at times was a bummer, because you couldn't really get "more stoned." by smoking more.

Your claim is like saying that allowing chicken to be sold will cut into hamburger sales. Probably not, people will still like the hamburgers.
Should've never been illegal.

I graduated high school in '03, and marijuana was 100 times easier to get than alcohol. So all these old bags who say "Nooooooo don't legalize it, think of the children, THE CHILDREN!!!" just aren't in touch whatsoever with reality. Hell I bet coke was easier to get than alcohol (I've never done coke or weed.

Big gov't programs, gang bangers, thugs, terrorists, druglords, all absolutely love the drug war.

The thing hurt by the drug war the most, americans and the american economy.

I know what side I'm on.

Why do you think increasing drug abuse in this country is a good idea?
You should understand that drugs are more available today then they were before Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's counterproductive War on Drugs. Any drug that anyone might wish to buy is available within ten miles of any inhabited part of the U.S. So while it is logically unlikely that legalizing drugs would increase usage there is some evidence of that in the Portugal Experiment.

Also, with specific reference to marijuana, The Netherlands decriminalized it in 1976 and to date has realized a reduction in use by adolescents. (Kids lose interest in things which are not taboo anymore.)
Should've never been illegal.

I graduated high school in '03, and marijuana was 100 times easier to get than alcohol. So all these old bags who say "Nooooooo don't legalize it, think of the children, THE CHILDREN!!!" just aren't in touch whatsoever with reality. Hell I bet coke was easier to get than alcohol (I've never done coke or weed.

Big gov't programs, gang bangers, thugs, terrorists, druglords, all absolutely love the drug war.

The thing hurt by the drug war the most, americans and the american economy.

I know what side I'm on.

Why do you think increasing drug abuse in this country is a good idea?
You should understand that drugs are more available today then they were before Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's counterproductive War on Drugs. Any drug that anyone might wish to buy is available within ten miles of any inhabited part of the U.S. So while it is logically unlikely that legalizing drugs would increase usage there is some evidence of that in the Portugal Experiment.

Also, with specific reference to marijuana, The Netherlands decriminalized it in 1976 and to date has realized a reduction in use by adolescents. (Kids lose interest in things which are not taboo anymore.)

Good point there.
I figured.
One who wishes to stay stupid and ignore 100 years of hard scientific research by the drug addiction field.


Yep, if I can't see that science tells us that smoking pot is just the greatest for people, I must be stupid....

BTW, you know your link said this;

{This does not mean that use should be encouraged or left unregulated.}

Yes. I agree with it.

It allows free will for adults while putting in place the regulations designed to educate the young without encouraging them to partake. That is called intelligent use of freedom of choice. A pure democratic notion.

The regulation part is to insure that parents can get pushers away from their children.

This is what you look like to sober people when you do drugs......

[ame=]Girl Dancing FAIL - YouTube[/ame]

Not really but i had to find a context to post it in. Lol
How would legalizing marijuana reduce deaths from alcohol and tobacco? It isn't either or, most of the time it's both, simultaneously.
How would legalizing marijuana reduce deaths from alcohol and tobacco? It isn't either or, most of the time it's both, simultaneously.

People are assuming that if marijuana is legal people will switch their vice from drinking and tobacco to weed, I smoke and drink and if weed was legal that wouldn't change, I might enjoy a nice blunt every now and again but I wouldn't switch over to the buddha completely.
How would legalizing marijuana reduce deaths from alcohol and tobacco? It isn't either or, most of the time it's both, simultaneously.

In your circles perhaps. Not in all.

Cars kill more than drugs. Let's ban cars.

How would legalizing marijuana reduce deaths from alcohol and tobacco? It isn't either or, most of the time it's both, simultaneously.

People are assuming that if marijuana is legal people will switch their vice from drinking and tobacco to weed, I smoke and drink and if weed was legal that wouldn't change, I might enjoy a nice blunt every now and again but I wouldn't switch over to the buddha completely.

That's pretty much the way it would go. At worst, people would drink and smoke dope simultaneously being both drunk and high.

The day Whitney Houston died, she was at the poolside restaurant knocking back straights and chain smoking cigarettes. She had a pharmacy of drugs in her system including pot. Obviously she could smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol AND take an assortment of drugs.

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