Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

Well Katz this guy did crack for 17 years, according to the logic of "people who use drugs die young" isn't really true otherwise this guy would have dropped dead long ago, you are correct this guys life is very hard and he is just getting by on the bare minimums but that is the price you pay spending a life time smoking crack, there are plenty of guys like him still walking the streets though. My idiot brother did heroin for 4 years and he still alive, I haven't spoken to him for 4 years, supposedly he is not doing heroin anymore but he still does cocaine, marijuana and some other over the counter stuff, he has not had a job in years and lives soley off my fathers income, I have a feeling the asshole will outlive me and he is total addict.

Why is your father enabling him? My best friend did cocaine for years. She eventually lost everything she had and was disbarred. She died of brain cancer. She was one of those people who sincerely believed she did a better job high than straight. She was disbarred because it was true only in her drug addled brain.

I heard that the son of the barber down the street from me passed away. His only son. I went by to give condolences. He told me that sympathy wasn't necessary. Be happy for him, he was finally free of the burden his son's addiction.

The answer in the barber's case wasn't to prohibit his son from taking drugs, but give him more, increase the supply of drugs available and end the misery all around. Your father deserves to be free of your brother's addictions too. If it was my brother, I'd go into hock to get him more drugs.

I really don't know Katz, I told my dad he just needs to cut him off, if he wants to be a drug addict thats fine but he is a grown able bodied man, let him support his own addictions, my brother has 2 kids that he cares nothing about, my dad supports them and the girlfriend too. He pays her rent and supplies a monthly stipend for whatever they need, they are literally bleeding my dad dry. My dad feels that if he doesn't give him money, he will go out on the streets and commit crimes to get what he wants, last time my dad cut him off he ended up doing a 1 year stretch in Wasco for some minor dealing charges and beating the living shit out of his girlfriend and the kids, he is a real piece of work.

When your brother does self euthanize, it will be a blessing all the way around. Although, it seems like there was a year of peace when your bro was doing stretch.

I like the way China deals with drug use. Every opportunity is given to stop using. If none of it works, the final sentence is three years in a forced labor camp. Repeat as necessary. One of the more positive attributes of the Chinese system is that drug abuse isn't a crime so there's no need to court action or even arrest. Just haul them off.
Why is your father enabling him? My best friend did cocaine for years. She eventually lost everything she had and was disbarred. She died of brain cancer. She was one of those people who sincerely believed she did a better job high than straight. She was disbarred because it was true only in her drug addled brain.

I heard that the son of the barber down the street from me passed away. His only son. I went by to give condolences. He told me that sympathy wasn't necessary. Be happy for him, he was finally free of the burden his son's addiction.

The answer in the barber's case wasn't to prohibit his son from taking drugs, but give him more, increase the supply of drugs available and end the misery all around. Your father deserves to be free of your brother's addictions too. If it was my brother, I'd go into hock to get him more drugs.

I really don't know Katz, I told my dad he just needs to cut him off, if he wants to be a drug addict thats fine but he is a grown able bodied man, let him support his own addictions, my brother has 2 kids that he cares nothing about, my dad supports them and the girlfriend too. He pays her rent and supplies a monthly stipend for whatever they need, they are literally bleeding my dad dry. My dad feels that if he doesn't give him money, he will go out on the streets and commit crimes to get what he wants, last time my dad cut him off he ended up doing a 1 year stretch in Wasco for some minor dealing charges and beating the living shit out of his girlfriend and the kids, he is a real piece of work.

When your brother does self euthanize, it will be a blessing all the way around. Although, it seems like there was a year of peace when your bro was doing stretch.

I like the way China deals with drug use. Every opportunity is given to stop using. If none of it works, the final sentence is three years in a forced labor camp. Repeat as necessary. One of the more positive attributes of the Chinese system is that drug abuse isn't a crime so there's no need to court action or even arrest. Just haul them off.

Sadly I agree, we are at the point right now for him to die would be easier on my dad and my brothers kids, he cares nothing about them at all, he just wants money to buy drugs thats it bottom line. The sad thing is when my brother was in lock down he still had people send him money on the inside, while he was in prison he had a cell phone and an active face book account, he had money to buy new Nikes in Prison and money for weed inside, our prison system is a joke, my dad called the Warden and told them what my brother was doing, they tried to find the cell phone and other contraband but were unsuccessful so they said they cant do anything.:doubt:
After years of drug use, Marvin Gaye was shot and killed by his father.

Yeah I remember that, that reminds me of Samuel L Jacksons character in the movie Jungle Fever, he came into the house and demanded money from his parents, his father shot him dead.

Then there are parents like Whitney Houston who passed her addictions on to her daughter.

I suppose, given the evidence, that it isn't true that drug use doesn't cause harm to anyone but the user.
After years of drug use, Marvin Gaye was shot and killed by his father.

Yeah I remember that, that reminds me of Samuel L Jacksons character in the movie Jungle Fever, he came into the house and demanded money from his parents, his father shot him dead.

Then there are parents like Whitney Houston who passed her addictions on to her daughter.

I suppose, given the evidence, that it isn't true that drug use doesn't cause harm to anyone but the user.

Yup you nailed it, drug use effects the family of the person involved if they care about the person, I cut my brother off completely so I don't have to be exposed to that madness anymore.
That is not true, the guy who mows my lawn and washes my car is an ex crack addict and he is 50 something years old.

Well, he has stopped. That should help him increase his longevity by some bit.

Drug users are a part of humanity. They are here as well. We discuss with pot smokers, prescription drug users and addicts as well as street drug users and addicts.

Well I think stopping has definently helped him live longer, but this guy did smock crack for almost 2 decades, I was just commenting on Katz theory that drug users tend to die fairly young, in my experience it is the opposite, the longer a person uses drugs the more tolerance they build and the more knowledge they get on the exact amounts to use so you won't overdose, unless you want to.

It depends on the drug users ability to further their drug use. Much of the cumulative organ harm is from repeated withdrawals of the highly addictive drugs. This then leads to quite a few of those deaths I would think. As well, many overdoses come from haste during withdrawal, etc. Crack mostly saves users from that issue.

Then the high degree of criminals who are addicted and who further their addiction from criminal proceeds. I would think that they also have a high death rate. Many of the longer term addicts I have seen have been opiate users who have found a way to continue their addiction without withdrawals or crimes.

Those who are able to finance their drug use and also juggle life's real necessities can make it through decades and likely some of the people who go through all the above (and other issues attributed to drug use) will as well since the human body is a magical thing when it comes to revitalization.

I've never seen a recreational crack user though. I've seen people say they are but the ones who I am able to gauge in the long term have not ended that way.
Well, he has stopped. That should help him increase his longevity by some bit.

Drug users are a part of humanity. They are here as well. We discuss with pot smokers, prescription drug users and addicts as well as street drug users and addicts.

Well I think stopping has definently helped him live longer, but this guy did smock crack for almost 2 decades, I was just commenting on Katz theory that drug users tend to die fairly young, in my experience it is the opposite, the longer a person uses drugs the more tolerance they build and the more knowledge they get on the exact amounts to use so you won't overdose, unless you want to.

It depends on the drug users ability to further their drug use. Much of the cumulative organ harm is from repeated withdrawals of the highly addictive drugs. This then leads to quite a few of those deaths I would think. As well, many overdoses come from haste during withdrawal, etc. Crack mostly saves users from that issue.

Then the high degree of criminals who are addicted and who further their addiction from criminal proceeds. I would think that they also have a high death rate. Many of the longer term addicts I have seen have been opiate users who have found a way to continue their addiction without withdrawals or crimes.

Those who are able to finance their drug use and also juggle life's real necessities can make it through decades and likely some of the people who go through all the above (and other issues attributed to drug use) will as well since the human body is a magical thing when it comes to revitalization.

I've never seen a recreational crack user though. I've seen people say they are but the ones who I am able to gauge in the long term have not ended that way.

One thing I have learned from watching my brother with his heroin habit is this, drug addicts are some crafty sons of bitches and they learn how to do one thing well over time, and that is to survive. An addict will do whatever he or she has to do to get their fix, they will throw anyone they have to under the bus for access to money for their fix, lying and stealing is nothing to them and they will sleep in the streets or under a bridge as long as they have money for their fix. When my dad found out my brother was using heroin he told me he will die within a few years, well this happened in 2003 and my brother is still out there in the streets doing whatever he wants and getting free money for his fix, he did a 1 year stint in prison for minor dealing and beating his girlfriend and kids but thats about it, the bastard has surpassed our expectations and to be honest I think he will probably outlive me, he seems to know exactly when enough is enough as far as his drugs and he knows the right things to say to people, he got to stay in an apartment for 4 months free without any deposit by lying his ass off to the landlord, and he turned the apartment into a drug den, he still has not been evicted from there yet.:doubt:
Prohibition works so well. It should be expanded.

Prohibition doesn't work. The way to stop the runaway drug use is to reduce the number of drug users. Giving them the means and the opportunity to self-euthanize will do more to reduce the number of drug users than prohibition.

How do you figure legalizing all drugs will reduce the number of users? making all this stuff legal to where you can just stroll into a store and buy cocaine or weed should boost the number of users no?

[ame=]Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands - YouTube[/ame]

Prohibition doesn't work. The way to stop the runaway drug use is to reduce the number of drug users. Giving them the means and the opportunity to self-euthanize will do more to reduce the number of drug users than prohibition.

How do you figure legalizing all drugs will reduce the number of users? making all this stuff legal to where you can just stroll into a store and buy cocaine or weed should boost the number of users no?

[ame=]Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands - YouTube[/ame]


Hmm, interesting.
Drug use doesn't victimize anyone other than the user any more than alcohol - probably much less so than alcohol. Too many people are holding on to way too much of that "Reefer Madness" propaganda. The adverse socio-economic effects of pot virtually ALL stem from the fact that it is illegal. Doesn't matter to me one way or another, except that this war on pot is wasting so many of my tax dollars...
LOL, fuck the law. I'll smoke if I want. Idiot bossy humans, always trying to tell others what's good or not for them. I wish a day would come when we could teach these authoritarian turds to mind their own affairs, ha ha ha, and what happens when you don't.
How do you figure legalizing all drugs will reduce the number of users? making all this stuff legal to where you can just stroll into a store and buy cocaine or weed should boost the number of users no?

[ame=]Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands - YouTube[/ame]


Hmm, interesting.

In terms of addiction and harm to the body, our Royal commission report indicated that because drug abusers, not all users, have to increase their dose thanks to tolerance. They speculate that with a legally available larger drug menu, the addict, by switching from drug to drug, can end his physical addiction. That does not necessarily do anything for his mental addiction but if he does not need something to end his D T's, the process of ending his mental addiction is much easier.

I recognize that you have been negatively effected by some around you but remember, this is not about you or I, it is about the best system for the whole population.

You will know that all major governmental reports for the last 100 years have come down on the side of legalization.

Why not legalize all "substances" - It's not like those who don't smoke weed would get up and decide they will just smoke because it's legal.

I don't do drugs and if they were legal I wouldn't just jump out of my seat to buy them if they were legal.

Do you see gangbangers putting their guns down just because they have to have a permit to carry those weapons?
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Why not legalize all "substances" - It's not like those who don't smoke weed would get up and decide they will just because it's legal.

I don't do drugs and if they were legal I would just jump out of my seat to buy them if they were legal.

Do you see gangbangers putting their guns down just because they have to permit to carry those weapons?

Well if I could buy weed legally and not have to worry about losing my job over it, I'd probably smoke a fat blunt every once in a while.:redface:
Whitney Houston died at 48. The clue might be your use of the word EX crack addict. That this guy is 50 and mowing lawns to make money should be some clue as to what his life is like.

Over the weekend, a drug counselor explained that the worst thing about pot is that it steals away fulfillment. This is a rather profound statement. I have no interest in someone else's fulfillment. They can do what they want as long as I don't have to pay for it. But that's not true, because I do pay for their personal failures and so do you. So does everyone.

Drug users do everyone a favor when they, like River Phoenix, drop dead on the street.

Prohibition works so well. It should be expanded.

Prohibition doesn't work. The way to stop the runaway drug use is to reduce the number of drug users. Giving them the means and the opportunity to self-euthanize will do more to reduce the number of drug users than prohibition.

What form of self euthanasia should we force smokers, liquor swillers, prescription dope eaters and sweet tea drinkers to use?
They dwarf illegal drug users 40 to 1.
Concerning prescription drug abuse that doctors give away like candy, how do we fight Big Pharma and get folks off of dope?
We are a nation addicted to pills, legal ones.
Drug use doesn't victimize anyone other than the user any more than alcohol - probably much less so than alcohol. Too many people are holding on to way too much of that "Reefer Madness" propaganda. The adverse socio-economic effects of pot virtually ALL stem from the fact that it is illegal. Doesn't matter to me one way or another, except that this war on pot is wasting so many of my tax dollars...

The average tax payer does not know that he could save about $ 2,000.00 per year under a legal system. This is my estimate and I could not find anything official but if you look at the drop in problems in that clip just above you will recognize that this is not a B S estimate.

If toothpaste was illegal college kids would be brushing their teeth every Friday and Saturday night from 8 pm until 4 am.

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