Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

If toothpaste was illegal college kids would be brushing their teeth every Friday and Saturday night from 8 pm until 4 am.

LMMFBAO! You damn right.:lol: Making something "illegal" makes it exciting and creates more of a demand for it, like if porn were illegal the price for it would go up and the number of users would actually grow.
Why not legalize all "substances" - It's not like those who don't smoke weed would get up and decide they will just smoke because it's legal.

I don't do drugs and if they were legal I wouldn't just jump out of my seat to buy them if they were legal.

Do you see gangbangers putting their guns down just because they have to have a permit to carry those weapons?

Legalizing all drugs is the only way to get the pushers out of our schools and the fuck away from our children. It is the only tool that parents have that will work.

Prohibition doesn't work. We have millions of folks sitting in jails for nonviiolent drug offenses. It's silly. Drug abuse is a medical problem, not a criminal one. We also have a far bigger problem with prescription drugs than we do with say, Mary Jane. Which is by and large completely harmless compared to deadly prescription drugs.

At any rate, legalizing p*t is bad for the DEA. in order to get that big budget, they need to rate the plant as a narcotic along side coke and heron. Otherwise their budget and big deal largely goes away. As it turns out, the govt. seems to like having the insider on dealing the droogs in the states for profit too. CIA already been caught red handed everal times on that front.


So why do people make stupid claims like "legalizing pot will lower tobacco deaths?" That's utterly fucking stupid. When I was young, I knew one guy who smoked pot but not cigarettes - everyone else smoked both.

I favor legalization, but let's be honest about it. Pot is a vice, it makes people lazy and stupid. People have a RIGHT to be lazy and stupid and prohibition is one of the most destructive forces in our society. But to paint pot as some great thing is fucking retarded. It's dope, people who smoke it are dopes.
Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

Tobacco kills more people than all other psychotropic drugs combined, excluding alcohol.
Our government policy should be to legalize the more forgiving drugs and make the less forgiving drugs illegal.

Addiction research and government reports for the last 100 years have exonerated pot and cleared it’s reputation as the safest and most forgiving alternative for psychotropic drug use.

The last vote in California for or against the legalization of pot was defeated because of funding by the tobacco and alcohol lobby. In real terms, they were buying permission to kill human with government collusion.

How much money per human life did alcohol and tobacco pay our government officials?

Is it time to do the moral thing and save the lives we can by making the less harmful psychotropic drugs legal?


My wife almost knocked our attorney's socks off when she told him, "I hope I live long enough to see pot legalized so I can smoke a joint in public"
Prohibition doesn't work. We have millions of folks sitting in jails for nonviiolent drug offenses. It's silly. Drug abuse is a medical problem, not a criminal one. We also have a far bigger problem with prescription drugs than we do with say, Mary Jane. Which is by and large completely harmless compared to deadly prescription drugs.

At any rate, legalizing p*t is bad for the DEA. in order to get that big budget, they need to rate the plant as a narcotic along side coke and heron. Otherwise their budget and big deal largely goes away. As it turns out, the govt. seems to like having the insider on dealing the droogs in the states for profit too. CIA already been caught red handed everal times on that front.


So why do people make stupid claims like "legalizing pot will lower tobacco deaths?" That's utterly fucking stupid. When I was young, I knew one guy who smoked pot but not cigarettes - everyone else smoked both.

I favor legalization, but let's be honest about it. Pot is a vice, it makes people lazy and stupid. People have a RIGHT to be lazy and stupid and prohibition is one of the most destructive forces in our society. But to paint pot as some great thing is fucking retarded. It's dope, people who smoke it are dopes.

A large part of legalization is education. You are right that legal pot will do little for this generation of tobacco smokers but the focus is to teach those generations to come to use intelligent use of freedom of choice. They will not be as drug stupid as we are and will make better choices if we make them available. I am talking those of age here of course.

I just wrote a comment above about legalization being the only tool parents have of actually keeping their children away from drugs till they are old enough to make those better choices.
It gets rid of pushers.

Prohibition doesn't work. We have millions of folks sitting in jails for nonviiolent drug offenses. It's silly. Drug abuse is a medical problem, not a criminal one. We also have a far bigger problem with prescription drugs than we do with say, Mary Jane. Which is by and large completely harmless compared to deadly prescription drugs.

At any rate, legalizing p*t is bad for the DEA. in order to get that big budget, they need to rate the plant as a narcotic along side coke and heron. Otherwise their budget and big deal largely goes away. As it turns out, the govt. seems to like having the insider on dealing the droogs in the states for profit too. CIA already been caught red handed everal times on that front.


So why do people make stupid claims like "legalizing pot will lower tobacco deaths?" That's utterly fucking stupid. When I was young, I knew one guy who smoked pot but not cigarettes - everyone else smoked both.

I favor legalization, but let's be honest about it. Pot is a vice, it makes people lazy and stupid. People have a RIGHT to be lazy and stupid and prohibition is one of the most destructive forces in our society. But to paint pot as some great thing is fucking retarded. It's dope, people who smoke it are dopes.

The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

"The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer," said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.
Proof? Evidence?

That legalizing pot will end third world poverty and stop tsunamis?

Because it's fucking stupid to claim that it will.

I support legalization, but I've got to say, stoners are fucking stupid - seriously stupid.

Not near as stupid as the average tax payer who is losing his cash every year for a drug war against himself while the real pushers, the governments who are being bought off by drug interests to keep everything nice and illegal and profitable for them.

Just who is stupid friend?

Prohibition doesn't work. We have millions of folks sitting in jails for nonviiolent drug offenses. It's silly. Drug abuse is a medical problem, not a criminal one. We also have a far bigger problem with prescription drugs than we do with say, Mary Jane. Which is by and large completely harmless compared to deadly prescription drugs.

At any rate, legalizing p*t is bad for the DEA. in order to get that big budget, they need to rate the plant as a narcotic along side coke and heron. Otherwise their budget and big deal largely goes away. As it turns out, the govt. seems to like having the insider on dealing the droogs in the states for profit too. CIA already been caught red handed everal times on that front.


So why do people make stupid claims like "legalizing pot will lower tobacco deaths?" That's utterly fucking stupid. When I was young, I knew one guy who smoked pot but not cigarettes - everyone else smoked both.

I favor legalization, but let's be honest about it. Pot is a vice, it makes people lazy and stupid. People have a RIGHT to be lazy and stupid and prohibition is one of the most destructive forces in our society. But to paint pot as some great thing is fucking retarded. It's dope, people who smoke it are dopes.

I know a guy named Yah Sticky and he lives in Negril, Jamaica. He has a reggae band that plays the Sandals, Beaches, Couples Swept Away circuit. Yah looks 50 if that and he is late 60s. First time I met him at Sandals Negril was 20 years ago when he was late 40s. He looked early 30s. I saw him a few years ago at Beaches Negril and bought some of his CDs. I could smell reefer on him. I asked him how much he smoked a week and he said 1 oz a week and that stuff down there is supposed to be very potent. I offered Yah a Miller Lite in the can. "I do not drink Mon. Fouls up the blood."
Jamaicans are far healthier than Americans and they smoke a shit load of dope.
I know many folks that smoke dope now and they are less stupid and dopey than the beer drinkers.
But I agree with you that if you smoke anything it is bad for you. But reefer is no way near as bad as alcohol or tobacco.

My wife almost knocked our attorney's socks off when she told him, "I hope I live long enough to see pot legalized so I can smoke a joint in public"

Smart lady. Keep her.


Even if pot is legalized they will probably have laws against smoking it in the street, even in Amsterdam you can't smoke weed outside you have to be in the coffee shops that sell it, it will probably be like how you can't drink alcohol in an open container in the streets.
A large part of legalization is education.

Lying to people doesn't help your cause. Especially when you float absurdly stupid lies.

You are right that legal pot will do little for this generation of tobacco smokers but the focus is to teach those generations to come to use intelligent use of freedom of choice.

People who smoke pot are more likely to smoke cigarettes. They are smokers, smokers don't have an aversion to smoking.

They will not be as drug stupid as we are and will make better choices if we make them available. I am talking those of age here of course.

Look, prohibition does a lot more damage than drugs do.

But until the legalization side gets honest and stops this stupid bullshit that "pots good for you," no one is going to take you seriously.

I just wrote a comment above about legalization being the only tool parents have of actually keeping their children away from drugs till they are old enough to make those better choices.
It gets rid of pushers.


It gets rid of pushers, Mexican drug cartels and CIA black ops. Lot's of good reasons to end prohibition, I agree. Let's run with that and stop the idiocy that pot will magically stop tobacco deaths and alcoholism. It will have zero effect on either.
If toothpaste was illegal college kids would be brushing their teeth every Friday and Saturday night from 8 pm until 4 am.

LMMFBAO! You damn right.:lol: Making something "illegal" makes it exciting and creates more of a demand for it, like if porn were illegal the price for it would go up and the number of users would actually grow.

I lived in a small college town in Tennessee in the mid 60s and went to military school there one year. I was a day student as most of the students were boarders and from wealthy families. Many had $$ all the time and were buying weed from the college students 1 mile down the road. I was 13 at the time. Every night I would go over to the library as a day student and study for an hour and go to the dorms and sell honey buns, lifesavers, doughnuts, Reeces, Mounds, whatever to the "stoners" over there. Make about $30 a week, every week. Back then porn was the hardest thing to find so if you could it was priceless! Well, off of interstate 24 at the Monteagle exit on the mountain there was a truck stop that believe it or not was run by Indians then and they sold porn out the back door. I would get an older kid to get it, he would make a profit off of me and I would sell it to the Stoneys. Now this stuff was not much harder than Playboy but it brought in the cash. One kid that roomed with Kix Brooks who made it big with Brooks and Dunn was a great customer and he got caught bonking the bobo by one of the dorm monitors and was punished for it. They told him doing that would make him go blind if he did not quit. He told them that would be hard as he was addicted to porn. He wanted to know if he could do it up until he needed glasses! Oh, that evil porn and twisty going to be the ruination of America! Hell Fire!!
If we have problems with substance abuse why would anyone want to make that worse?
What makes you think legalizing marijuana would worsen the "substance abuse" problem? If marijuana were legalized tomorrow would you rush right out and buy some? Or do you limit that prospect to others?

If you are not aware that marijuana does not belong in the category of "dangerous drugs" it is because you have been indoctrinated by drug warrior propaganda. The simple fact of the matter is marijuana is relatively benign. It is not addictive and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it causing death or illness. None. Zero.

You should understand that the only beneficiaries of marijuana prohibition are the pharmaceutical and liquor industries, the bottom lines of which would be seriously affected by legal marijuana, and the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, a significant percentage of which owes its sustenance to the utterly insane laws against marijuana.

So rather than propagate the lies which clearly have been implanted in your mind you should give some thought to the many billions of tax dollars which have been wasted and are being wasted on prosecuting this relatively benign substance as well as the lives the persecution has ruined.

Marijuana prohibition is a crime against the American People. To not understand why is willful ignorance.
If toothpaste was illegal college kids would be brushing their teeth every Friday and Saturday night from 8 pm until 4 am.

LMMFBAO! You damn right.:lol: Making something "illegal" makes it exciting and creates more of a demand for it, like if porn were illegal the price for it would go up and the number of users would actually grow.

I lived in a small college town in Tennessee in the mid 60s and went to military school there one year. I was a day student as most of the students were boarders and from wealthy families. Many had $$ all the time and were buying weed from the college students 1 mile down the road. I was 13 at the time. Every night I would go over to the library as a day student and study for an hour and go to the dorms and sell honey buns, lifesavers, doughnuts, Reeces, Mounds, whatever to the "stoners" over there. Make about $30 a week, every week. Back then porn was the hardest thing to find so if you could it was priceless! Well, off of interstate 24 at the Monteagle exit on the mountain there was a truck stop that believe it or not was run by Indians then and they sold porn out the back door. I would get an older kid to get it, he would make a profit off of me and I would sell it to the Stoneys. Now this stuff was not much harder than Playboy but it brought in the cash. One kid that roomed with Kix Brooks who made it big with Brooks and Dunn was a great customer and he got caught bonking the bobo by one of the dorm monitors and was punished for it. They told him doing that would make him go blind if he did not quit. He told them that would be hard as he was addicted to porn. He wanted to know if he could do it up until he needed glasses! Oh, that evil porn and twisty going to be the ruination of America! Hell Fire!!

I am not surprised, people who think you can just legislate a law and making something "illegal" will take care of the problem are blind, when I deployed to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia porn was illegal in both places but there was a high demand for it from the locals, Kuwaiti Soldiers would try to offer us cash for porn, they didn't know we weren't allowed to bring any with us either.
If we have problems with substance abuse why would anyone want to make that worse?
What makes you think legalizing marijuana would worsen the "substance abuse" problem? If marijuana were legalized tomorrow would you rush right out and buy some? Or do you limit that prospect to others?

If you are not aware that marijuana does not belong in the category of "dangerous drugs" it is because you have been indoctrinated by drug warrior propaganda. The simple fact of the matter is marijuana is relatively benign. It is not addictive and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it causing death or illness. None. Zero.

You should understand that the only beneficiaries of marijuana prohibition are the pharmaceutical and liquor industries, the bottom lines of which would be seriously affected by legal marijuana, and the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, a significant percentage of which owes its sustenance to the utterly insane laws against marijuana.

So rather than propagate the lies which clearly have been implanted in your mind you should give some thought to the many billions of tax dollars which have been wasted and are being wasted on prosecuting this relatively benign substance as well as the lives the persecution has ruined.

Marijuana prohibition is a crime against the American People. To not understand why is willful ignorance.

Well take this into account, I used to smoke weed every once in a while in High School but I joined the Military right after and they have a zero tolerance policy towards weed and all other drugs so I had to stop, I stopped smoking because I didn't want to get into any trouble or deal with any problems with the law, if weed were made legal tomorrow I would probably go out and buy some, as long as I was guaranteed not to face any legal issues or troubles with the law. My point is there are adults who stay away from weed because they don't want to lose their job or deal with the head ache of any legal troubles, I am one of them. Getting caught with weed and catching a case is not something I need at this point in my life.
LMMFBAO! You damn right.:lol: Making something "illegal" makes it exciting and creates more of a demand for it, like if porn were illegal the price for it would go up and the number of users would actually grow.

I lived in a small college town in Tennessee in the mid 60s and went to military school there one year. I was a day student as most of the students were boarders and from wealthy families. Many had $$ all the time and were buying weed from the college students 1 mile down the road. I was 13 at the time. Every night I would go over to the library as a day student and study for an hour and go to the dorms and sell honey buns, lifesavers, doughnuts, Reeces, Mounds, whatever to the "stoners" over there. Make about $30 a week, every week. Back then porn was the hardest thing to find so if you could it was priceless! Well, off of interstate 24 at the Monteagle exit on the mountain there was a truck stop that believe it or not was run by Indians then and they sold porn out the back door. I would get an older kid to get it, he would make a profit off of me and I would sell it to the Stoneys. Now this stuff was not much harder than Playboy but it brought in the cash. One kid that roomed with Kix Brooks who made it big with Brooks and Dunn was a great customer and he got caught bonking the bobo by one of the dorm monitors and was punished for it. They told him doing that would make him go blind if he did not quit. He told them that would be hard as he was addicted to porn. He wanted to know if he could do it up until he needed glasses! Oh, that evil porn and twisty going to be the ruination of America! Hell Fire!!

I am not surprised, people who think you can just legislate a law and making something "illegal" will take care of the problem are blind, when I deployed to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia porn was illegal in both places but there was a high demand for it from the locals, Kuwaiti Soldiers would try to offer us cash for porn, they didn't know we weren't allowed to bring any with us either.

Same with the pilots in the Saudi air force. Buddy of mine had a sweet job in the 70s at the embassy in Saudi Arabia in Riyadh. The King Khalid air base is near there and he had numerous contacts there. He got caught smuggling liquor and cigarettes to Saudi pilots and arrested by the Saudis. Faced 10 years in prison and 400 lashes. Sam Nunn was Senator here then and had military contacts there. He did 2 years on the base there in confinement and no lashes. Last trip to Saudi Arabia for him.
I lived in a small college town in Tennessee in the mid 60s and went to military school there one year. I was a day student as most of the students were boarders and from wealthy families. Many had $$ all the time and were buying weed from the college students 1 mile down the road. I was 13 at the time. Every night I would go over to the library as a day student and study for an hour and go to the dorms and sell honey buns, lifesavers, doughnuts, Reeces, Mounds, whatever to the "stoners" over there. Make about $30 a week, every week. Back then porn was the hardest thing to find so if you could it was priceless! Well, off of interstate 24 at the Monteagle exit on the mountain there was a truck stop that believe it or not was run by Indians then and they sold porn out the back door. I would get an older kid to get it, he would make a profit off of me and I would sell it to the Stoneys. Now this stuff was not much harder than Playboy but it brought in the cash. One kid that roomed with Kix Brooks who made it big with Brooks and Dunn was a great customer and he got caught bonking the bobo by one of the dorm monitors and was punished for it. They told him doing that would make him go blind if he did not quit. He told them that would be hard as he was addicted to porn. He wanted to know if he could do it up until he needed glasses! Oh, that evil porn and twisty going to be the ruination of America! Hell Fire!!

I am not surprised, people who think you can just legislate a law and making something "illegal" will take care of the problem are blind, when I deployed to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia porn was illegal in both places but there was a high demand for it from the locals, Kuwaiti Soldiers would try to offer us cash for porn, they didn't know we weren't allowed to bring any with us either.

Same with the pilots in the Saudi air force. Buddy of mine had a sweet job in the 70s at the embassy in Saudi Arabia in Riyadh. The King Khalid air base is near there and he had numerous contacts there. He got caught smuggling liquor and cigarettes to Saudi pilots and arrested by the Saudis. Faced 10 years in prison and 400 lashes. Sam Nunn was Senator here then and had military contacts there. He did 2 years on the base there in confinement and no lashes. Last trip to Saudi Arabia for him.

Yeah Saudi Arabia is a risky place to smuggle anything, their punishments are very harsh. In Kuwait if you are American the most they will do is deport you.
When I was in highschool, getting pot was pretty easy. Getting beer was damned tough. No one asked for ID to buy a lid.

In the early 70s in north Fulton county, Ga. my father's best friend owned a liquor store. He would not sell it to us but his employees would. Not proud of it but both reefer and beer were easy to be had. Then a few weeks before my 18th birthday they lowered the age to 18 anyway. $15 a lid and $2 for an 8 pack of Miller ponies.

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