Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

Why not?

The users really only hurt themselves.

Like Katz said, many would opt out of the gene pool if it were legal and cheap. I'm good with that.

I've just seen the damage heroin can do and I shudder to think what would happen if it was just sold legally, thats just my opinion.

If it were legal and unlimited, what you put up with would be all over by now. I hate to be unduly cruel, but the times your bro ISN'T using only prolongs the damage when he is.
Too many people really believe that users only hurt themselves. You know that's not true but they will never believe it.

You do make a good point, my dad had spent THOUSANDS sending that turd to rehab, only for him to get thrown out for violating the rules and we start from square one all over again.
Tobacco is by far the worst killer in this country and it is legal.
Tobacco kills 350K a year here and costs each and every adult 1K a year in health costs added to their health insurance premiums.
Preventable diseases represent 7 out of 8 of the diseases that we spend 56% of all health care dollars treating and they are only 4% of the population.
Cocaine and heroin overdoses dwarf presription drug overdoses at emergency rooms by 10 to 1 or more. Tobacco related illneses fills hospitals nationwide.
Let them fools snort lines of Drano for all I care. I will buy them a case of it.
You can not fix STUPID.

The thing is tobacco doesn't inebriate you at all, I can literally smoke 5 packs of Newport 100's and still drive to work safely, if I drank 3 bottles of vodka I wouldn't make it off the couch, and if I snorted 7 lines of cocaine I would forget which way is up and show up work at 6 in the evening instead of 6 in the morning.
Rehab doesn't work. The chances that there will be a recovery in rehab is the same as someone who quits that isn't in rehab. Rehab is a good place to make new connections though.
Rehab doesn't work. The chances that there will be a recovery in rehab is the same as someone who quits that isn't in rehab. Rehab is a good place to make new connections though.

Well rehab in the US is a joke, I have had people tell me they just go to rehab to clean out their systems, and than just go back on the street and use again.
In all my years, I've never seen someone claim as a defense to beating their wife's face in that they smoked a whole pack of Camels.
In all my years, I've never seen someone claim as a defense to beating their wife's face in that they smoked a whole pack of Camels.

Exactly, tobacco is one of the few vices that doesn't inebriate you or fuck you up.
The thing is tobacco doesn't inebriate you at all, I can literally smoke 5 packs of Newport 100's and still drive to work safely, if I drank 3 bottles of vodka I wouldn't make it off the couch, and if I snorted 7 lines of cocaine I would forget which way is up and show up work at 6 in the evening instead of 6 in the morning.

With all due respect, that's why I could never figure the point out about smoking?

It kills you, and doesn't even give you a buzz....

Sounds like a ripoff to me!
The thing is tobacco doesn't inebriate you at all, I can literally smoke 5 packs of Newport 100's and still drive to work safely, if I drank 3 bottles of vodka I wouldn't make it off the couch, and if I snorted 7 lines of cocaine I would forget which way is up and show up work at 6 in the evening instead of 6 in the morning.

With all due respect, that's why I could never figure the point out about smoking?

It kills you, and doesn't even give you a buzz....

Sounds like a ripoff to me!

Well when I was deployed smoking was one of the only things we could do, no booze, no sex allowed, I was smoking a pack of Newports a day there, it helps relieve stress.
Sometimes the answer is more not less. We can't stop drug use. We have to reduce the number of users. We can do what China did, which is line them up in the park and shoot them in the head, repeat as necessary until they are gone. Or, flood the users with drugs until they do it themselves. Those who see the danger will quit. The rest, well, we are all better off without them.
Rehab doesn't work. The chances that there will be a recovery in rehab is the same as someone who quits that isn't in rehab. Rehab is a good place to make new connections though.

Most rehab are baby sitting centers and they take you off the illegal drugs how?
By putting you on a handfull of prescription pills.
People DO NOT change people in most instances. People have to change THEMSELVES.
EDUCATION is the key. Smoking has drastically dropped since we started educating.
And as I mentioned earlier as soon as it is legal the thrill of it is gone and many kids will not do it because of that.
Fact is reefer smoking is prevelant in the NBA and has been for years. Robert "The Chief" Parrish smoked it daily for years for his back problems.
Many athletes smoke weed and do not drink. In football also. I loved the old MASH movie with the guys on the bench passing a fattie.
Been that way on the gridiron since the mid 60s and still the same.
You know that's what my mind has always thought, but look at Michael Phelps. He smokes pot at least at parties and he has world class lungs.

Who knows.

He's very young.

I drank 5 Mt. Dew's a day during my 20's and never gained an ounce. Today, I look at something with sugar and put on 5 pounds.
Rehab doesn't work. The chances that there will be a recovery in rehab is the same as someone who quits that isn't in rehab. Rehab is a good place to make new connections though.

Most rehab are baby sitting centers and they take you off the illegal drugs how?
By putting you on a handfull of prescription pills.
People DO NOT change people in most instances. People have to change THEMSELVES.
EDUCATION is the key. Smoking has drastically dropped since we started educating.
And as I mentioned earlier as soon as it is legal the thrill of it is gone and many kids will not do it because of that.
Fact is reefer smoking is prevelant in the NBA and has been for years. Robert "The Chief" Parrish smoked it daily for years for his back problems.
Many athletes smoke weed and do not drink. In football also. I loved the old MASH movie with the guys on the bench passing a fattie.
Been that way on the gridiron since the mid 60s and still the same.

Didn't Kareem Abdul Jabbar smoke out as well for his health problems?
You know that's what my mind has always thought, but look at Michael Phelps. He smokes pot at least at parties and he has world class lungs.

Who knows.

He's very young.

I drank 5 Mt. Dew's a day during my 20's and never gained an ounce. Today, I look at something with sugar and put on 5 pounds.

LOL, good friend of mine and fishing buddy HAS to have those Mtn Dews each and every morn. He drinks the diet ones and at night mixes red Bull with it.
Never been a Dew fan, coffee does the trick for me and maybe an energy smoothie.
We should legalize because the death toll has been kept artifically low by criminilization. Legalize drugs, all of them. Make drugs really cheap or preferably free. Give users enough drugs to kill them, frequently.

Expand stand your ground laws.

I have no problem with any of that.

Keep in mind though, pot isn't toxic. (Does cause heart attacks and high blood pressure, though.)

{The risk of a heart attack is greatly increased by smoking cannabis, scientists say.

The finding comes shortly after separate studies found that the active ingredient in cannabis can shrink cancer tumours, and ease some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

In the new study, US scientists found that smoking cannabis could increase the risk of having a heart attack nearly five-fold within an hour of taking the drug. }

BBC News | HEALTH | Cannabis 'increases heart attack risk'

Nope that's false conclusion. It does increase the heart rate and that in turn increases the risk for people with heart desease. It also increases blood pressure temporarily.

Frequently asked questions
Rehab doesn't work. The chances that there will be a recovery in rehab is the same as someone who quits that isn't in rehab. Rehab is a good place to make new connections though.

Most rehab are baby sitting centers and they take you off the illegal drugs how?
By putting you on a handfull of prescription pills.
People DO NOT change people in most instances. People have to change THEMSELVES.
EDUCATION is the key. Smoking has drastically dropped since we started educating.
And as I mentioned earlier as soon as it is legal the thrill of it is gone and many kids will not do it because of that.
Fact is reefer smoking is prevelant in the NBA and has been for years. Robert "The Chief" Parrish smoked it daily for years for his back problems.
Many athletes smoke weed and do not drink. In football also. I loved the old MASH movie with the guys on the bench passing a fattie.
Been that way on the gridiron since the mid 60s and still the same.

Didn't Kareem Abdul Jabbar smoke out as well for his health problems?

Yes sir he did as well as Bill Walton. Walton was known to smell like the twisty when he entered the locker room before the games.
Walton played in pain his whold career. Funny how in that Airplane movie with Kareem as the pilot and the kid coming up telling him "My Dad says you were lazy on defense" part. Kareem stated he was in pain daily and had a special bong made so the heat factor was not there. Word was some old girlfriend got one of his bongs and sold the damn thing at a charity event in LA for 10K.
Most rehab are baby sitting centers and they take you off the illegal drugs how?
By putting you on a handfull of prescription pills.
People DO NOT change people in most instances. People have to change THEMSELVES.
EDUCATION is the key. Smoking has drastically dropped since we started educating.
And as I mentioned earlier as soon as it is legal the thrill of it is gone and many kids will not do it because of that.
Fact is reefer smoking is prevelant in the NBA and has been for years. Robert "The Chief" Parrish smoked it daily for years for his back problems.
Many athletes smoke weed and do not drink. In football also. I loved the old MASH movie with the guys on the bench passing a fattie.
Been that way on the gridiron since the mid 60s and still the same.

Didn't Kareem Abdul Jabbar smoke out as well for his health problems?

Yes sir he did as well as Bill Walton. Walton was known to smell like the twisty when he entered the locker room before the games.
Walton played in pain his whold career. Funny how in that Airplane movie with Kareem as the pilot and the kid coming up telling him "My Dad says you were lazy on defense" part. Kareem stated he was in pain daily and had a special bong made so the heat factor was not there. Word was some old girlfriend got one of his bongs and sold the damn thing at a charity event in LA for 10K.

More recently I know Chris Webber and Rasheed Wallace were avid weed smokers, hell Chris Webber was caught at an airport in Puerto Rico with a bag of smoke. Allen Iverson was also notorious for smoking weed during his career.

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