Is it time to take action against Muslims

And someday maybe soon, you'll find one up your ass.

And? :cool: Why not make another family crack?



I knew you had an ass fetish, but damn.

Shouldn't you be down below helping Valerie report someone on behalf of jillian? Who let you out of the bottom dwelling Flame Zone? It's where you do your best work.

There's nothing here than you have anything intelligent to add to. You just demonstrated that.

Catpiss is loose...
Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.


Lol is that how they teach you to debate in Texas? :lol:
3! Eat shit!

Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.


Lol is that how they teach you to debate in Texas? :lol:
3! Eat shit!


Isn't that the main course in the ME? Or is that just how most there smell? This isn't even a challenge...see ya tomorrow!
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.


Lol is that how they teach you to debate in Texas? :lol:
3! Eat shit!


Isn't that the main course in the ME? Or is that just how most there smell?

That's what's in your head. Shit. That's what makes you a rightwinger :lol:
And someday maybe soon, you'll find one up your ass.

And? :cool: Why not make another family crack?



I knew you had an ass fetish, but damn.

Shouldn't you be down below helping Valerie report someone on behalf of jillian? Who let you out of the bottom dwelling Flame Zone? It's where you do your best work.

There's nothing here than you have anything intelligent to add to. You just demonstrated that.

Catpiss is loose...

You sound tense. I'd suggest lube the next time you attempt to diddle yourself with a missile.
Why don't you look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Then take a long look at the froot loops who think they should be able to control women's bodies and who YOU choose to love and marry.

HINT: What you will find is that the (r) desire to pass laws against personal freedom is driven by RELIGION.

That's it. You have come full circle right back to SHARIA LAW.

PROVE I'm Wrong.

You can't.
Why do you use the words "Sharia Law" in regards to anything American, because it is that you think that it is inflamatory enough, and powerful enough words up against that which you hate in this nation ?

I get really sick of repeating stuff for the idiot rw's but here it is again -

Look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Basically, it means - law based on religion -

And THAT is what we're seeing from the ASSSSSine right wing.

You jackasses want to control women, gays, anyone with whom you disagree and you use your bible as your reason to throw away our Constitution in favor of controlling others.

You can call it any thing you want but it IS sharia law.
And so we use our Bible eh, in which has been a Bible that has served this nation since it's inception for most who call themselves Americans, whether they be christain or not, but you are a new breed who wants to seperate yourself from what American was and/or once stood for, and this for all 200 and some odd years now, otherwise is it possible within your speak for some to consider you an enemy of this nation (anti-American) as found within your speak, so what do you think about that maybe ? I mean listen to yourself and your attacks constantly on Americans and their long accepted traditions as found within your speak.. Hey just sayin is all..
cops and robbers is going terrorist on American citizens with his threats?

Time for cops and robbers to be rendered to Jordan for some counseling and inspection of beliefs.
I knew you had an ass fetish, but damn.

Shouldn't you be down below helping Valerie report someone on behalf of jillian? Who let you out of the bottom dwelling Flame Zone? It's where you do your best work.

There's nothing here than you have anything intelligent to add to. You just demonstrated that.

Catpiss is loose...

You sound tense. I'd suggest lube the next time you attempt to diddle yourself with a missile.

You seem obsessed with Phallic shaped objects, lubrication and men's asses. :cool:

Yesterday I was a greasy ass if I recall. You have some serious issues.
Shouldn't you be down below helping Valerie report someone on behalf of jillian? Who let you out of the bottom dwelling Flame Zone? It's where you do your best work.

There's nothing here than you have anything intelligent to add to. You just demonstrated that.

Catpiss is loose...

You sound tense. I'd suggest lube the next time you attempt to diddle yourself with a missile.

You seem obsessed with Phallic shaped objects, lubrication and men's asses. :cool:

Yesterday I was a greasy ass if I recall. You have some serious issues.

Aren't you one of the resident self-proclaimed teabaggers? You've got a lot of nerve pretending that other people have issues.
You sound tense. I'd suggest lube the next time you attempt to diddle yourself with a missile.

You seem obsessed with Phallic shaped objects, lubrication and men's asses. :cool:

Yesterday I was a greasy ass if I recall. You have some serious issues.

Aren't you one of the resident self-proclaimed teabaggers? You've got a lot of nerve pretending that other people have issues.

See you really are delusional...never was, never will be and never even typed those words in all 3,242 posts since I've been here...but it's okay. I understand the need to make it up. Now... aren't you overdue for an ass or genitalia comment?
wasnt it muslims who took him to the hospital....wasnt it muslims who tried to save the man.....

This thinking is beyond stupid...

Should we have killed all christians when mcvey bombed ok city?

how the fuck old have you gotten? Your ridiculous posts and ideas all over the forum. Take your arrogant thoughts, fist them and shove em up your ass.

Take action against Muslims in general? NO
Take action against enemies of America? Yes
I agree also with your position as well, but it is getting harder and harder to determin who the real enemies of this nation are anymore, and that is a major fail in this nation, because we havn't ever had that problem before (i.e. identifying the enemy of this nation from within that is), so why is it such a problem now I wonder ? Are their those who are protecting and conspiring with the enemies of this nation from within now, and is it people that we would never have figured out or upon for whom it is that is assuming these roles in America now ? I have heard over and over again when these conspiritors or murderers are captured, that their co-workers, parents and their neighbors would have never thought that these young people or even some who are much older (Hasan for example) would have been caught up like they are in this sort of thing, when unfortunately they were and had become the enemies of America from within.

I still live in the America that the state must prove you guilty before they can pass sentence., It may have changed since Bush and obama have been in the white house, but that is the America I know.
Most I hope still feel the way that you do, as I do also, but we must be diligent on these issues today, because something is definitely wrong..
I still live in the America that the state must prove you guilty before they can pass sentence., It may have changed since Bush and obama have been in the white house, but that is the America I know.
We don't live in that America anymore. The Patriot Act, Military Commission's Act and the NDAA have seen to that.

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