Is it time to take action against Muslims

Hmmm...I thought racists hated people because of their race, not their religion... :hmpf:

I learn so much from liberals. If you think companies shouldn't discriminate based on race, then you're a racist. If you treat a black liberal like you do a white liberal, then you're a racist. And apparently now if you dislike a ... religion ... you're a racist. Wow, very educational, thanks!
If you wanna argue semantics, go somewhere else.

It's pretty obvious what my point was.

I agree, it was obvious. Racist is a bad word and you don't really write for meaning. Liberals typically do that. If A is a bad word, and B is someone you don't like, then B is an A.

I think my favorite liberal racism wackynition is how if you think liberals are stupid, then you're a racist. Why? Because most blacks are liberal, so if liberals are stupid, you think blacks are stupid. You guys really work to be offended. I could never do that, too tiring.
I agree, it was obvious. Racist is a bad word and you don't really write for meaning. Liberals typically do that. If A is a bad word, and B is someone you don't like, then B is an A.

I think my favorite liberal racism wackynition is how if you think liberals are stupid, then you're a racist. Why? Because most blacks are liberal, so if liberals are stupid, you think blacks are stupid. You guys really work to be offended. I could never do that, too tiring.
If it will make you feel any better, I'm a liberal and that's not what I think.
I love how you idiot liberal dumbocrats compare millions of maniac muslims who have committed hundreds of thousands of attacks through out history to ONE single "Christian" (and I've never even seen any evidence that indicates McVey was even a Christian).

I can give enough examples of muslim terrorism to actually crash the USMB servers, but all the asshole dumbocrat EVER says is "well Timothy McVey once did one attack". Fucking fools....
According to the FBI, muslims make up only 9% of all terrorist attacks.

The majority are by right wing militia's and animal rights activists.
wasnt it muslims who took him to the hospital....wasnt it muslims who tried to save the man.....

this thinking is beyond stupid...

should we have killed all christians when mcvey bombed ok city?

I love how you idiot liberal dumbocrats compare millions of maniac muslims who have committed hundreds of thousands of attacks through out history to ONE single "Christian" (and I've never even seen any evidence that indicates McVey was even a Christian).

I can give enough examples of muslim terrorism to actually crash the USMB servers, but all the asshole dumbocrat EVER says is "well Timothy McVey once did one attack". Fucking fools....

And Christians' shit don't stink, eh?
wasnt it muslims who took him to the hospital....wasnt it muslims who tried to save the man.....

this thinking is beyond stupid...

should we have killed all christians when mcvey bombed ok city?

I love how you idiot liberal dumbocrats compare millions of maniac muslims who have committed hundreds of thousands of attacks through out history to ONE single "Christian" (and I've never even seen any evidence that indicates McVey was even a Christian).

I can give enough examples of muslim terrorism to actually crash the USMB servers, but all the asshole dumbocrat EVER says is "well Timothy McVey once did one attack". Fucking fools....

And Christians' shit don't stink, eh?
Hey, he posted "big words", you need to respect that.
Well now, here is one of those Constitutional Republicans speaking the truth about how they really feel about the Constitution.

How many times have we seen dimwit preachers from some of the extreme Christian sects stating exactly the same thing?

We're seeing it right now with the GObP/pubpots. They want sharia law in the United States. So do many of the rw's who post here.

They'll call it something else, of course but the FACT is, they're thumping their bibles and demanding laws based on their screwy religion.

And, THAT is an excellent working definition of sharia law.

If we do nothing else, we really must stop these R fools from turning the US into a third world country.
There is nothing wrong with liberals that a little bit of experiencing the consequences of their own actions won't fix. A few muslim attacks in this country will go a long way towards that.

Ah...wishful thinking on your part. This is what some Righties wish for...attacks on our country...."Yeah...that'll show them Libruls!"
Hmm, this has already happened hasn't it, but are we still asleep at the wheel or were these attacks by those who were not muslims, islamist etc. ?

Who has been attacking us as far as a lable or religion goes in relation to these terrorist ? Tell ya the truth I ain't sure actually myself.. I remember that it was said that Osama was Saudi, and so I am not sure what religion he was or claimed to be or did represent, but someone said it was "wahabi" or something like that didn't they?

I just know that Muslims are at the top of the list as far as what people percieve as their enemy now in this nation, but is that factually correct ? How do all these dots connect ?
Well now, here is one of those Constitutional Republicans speaking the truth about how they really feel about the Constitution.

How many times have we seen dimwit preachers from some of the extreme Christian sects stating exactly the same thing?

We're seeing it right now with the GObP/pubpots. They want sharia law in the United States. So do many of the rw's who post here.

They'll call it something else, of course but the FACT is, they're thumping their bibles and demanding laws based on their screwy religion.

And, THAT is an excellent working definition of sharia law.

If we do nothing else, we really must stop these R fools from turning the US into a third world country.
You have got to be kidding someone right ? Do you actually think that this nation and it's people are as stupid as you may think that they are ? We have had the Bible as a piece of our religious beliefs and history in this nation for centuries now, and somehow we have built one of the strongest nations in the world while having this as a part of America and the American experience, so you are the one who is foolish to think that we would sit here and listen to such a bull craping line as you just pulled out of your bucket of crap in which you carry around with you. Sorry, but this type of attitude is totally rediculous and pure poison when it is spewed, so what are you an anti-American who hates America also ?
i am not the one advocating removing the bill of rights and the constitution based on a person's religion....i am amused that that is found unamerican by some

defense of the bill of rights and the constitution that is

But you didn't have a problem when bummer and hilary talked of suspending the rights to free speech didya?

right willow...that is why i always advocate for free speech and against free speech zones....but you just continue your factless based rant

I just remembered, Willow had a huge meltdown over a snarky comment and got free speech reduced right here at USMB. :lol:
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

Take action against Muslims in general? NO
Take action against enemies of America? Yes
Liberals are Sharia Compliant. Politically Correct minions.

My god you're fucking retarded. Liberals don't even like Christian conservatives. Sharia advocates would be dealing with 80 million shrill harpy feminist bitches all up in their business, and I'd be one of them.

Yep, when you get right down to it, there's no real difference between fundies, be they Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. Or whatever other religion there is floating around out there.
In December 7th, 1941 Japan attacked the United States.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt shortly thereafter interned ALL people Japanese and/or even of United States citizens of Japanese ancestry. Later, in order to achieve a complete and indisputable victory two atomic bombs were dropped on two Japanese cities.

If there ever was an occasion to display "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" that was it.

In contrast, when Muslims attacked the United States, President George W. Bush declared that Islam was a religion of peace. 3,000 Americans dead, notwithstanding.

The consequences of that statement, will surely go down in history as the stupidest statement EVER made by a United States President. It still lingers on, getting stronger and nobody has the guts to do anything about it.

If George W. Bush had had the guts to do what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did, there would be no Islamic threat today.

If George W. Bush had done what FDR's successor did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and dropped a couple of bombs on selected Islamic capitols, there would be no Islamic terrorist threat today.

And the United States Ambassador, two United States Marines and another American citizen, posted in Benghazi, would still be alive today.

So, you support internment.

Not only internment, but I would be perfectly happy with pretending (and see the results) that Mecca and Medina are Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Then the Muslims would bother decent people like the Japanese do.

Or not. The Japanese bother the decent people of the world with Toyotas, Sonys, Suzukis, Kawasakis, Panasonics, etc... which needs brains to design and build.
No such thing exists in the Muslim world.
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Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

There are over a billion Muslims. You should distinguish between the ones who believe in violence and the ones who don't.

Turn off talk radio and expand your information sources. It's impossible to know the beliefs of over 1 billion people.

You should direct your anger at a smaller group, starting with those who mean you harm.
I do not think Muslims should be allowed in our country. They are all untrustworthy. That includes Obama who is a Muslim and never should have been elected in the first place.
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

Take action against Muslims in general? NO
Take action against enemies of America? Yes
I agree also with your position as well, but it is getting harder and harder to determin who the real enemies of this nation are anymore, and that is a major fail in this nation, because we havn't ever had that problem before (i.e. identifying the enemy of this nation from within that is), so why is it such a problem now I wonder ? Are their those who are protecting and conspiring with the enemies of this nation from within now, and is it people that we would never have figured out or upon for whom it is that is assuming these roles in America now ? I have heard over and over again when these conspiritors or murderers are captured, that their co-workers, parents and their neighbors would have never thought that these young people or even some who are much older (Hasan for example) would have been caught up like they are in this sort of thing, when unfortunately they were and had become the enemies of America from within.
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I do not think Muslims should be allowed in our country. They are all untrustworthy. That includes Obama who is a Muslim and never should have been elected in the first place.

Proof please,

you bloody idiot.

to all the really stupid rw's, PLEASE stop writing crap like this. When you can bring PROOF to the discussion, you can start posting this really stooopid crap again.
Well now, here is one of those Constitutional Republicans speaking the truth about how they really feel about the Constitution.

How many times have we seen dimwit preachers from some of the extreme Christian sects stating exactly the same thing?

We're seeing it right now with the GObP/pubpots. They want sharia law in the United States. So do many of the rw's who post here.

They'll call it something else, of course but the FACT is, they're thumping their bibles and demanding laws based on their screwy religion.

And, THAT is an excellent working definition of sharia law.

If we do nothing else, we really must stop these R fools from turning the US into a third world country.
You have got to be kidding someone right ? Do you actually think that this nation and it's people are as stupid as you may think that they are ? We have had the Bible as a piece of our religious beliefs and history in this nation for centuries now, and somehow we have built one of the strongest nations in the world while having this as a part of America and the American experience, so you are the one who is foolish to think that we would sit here and listen to such a bull craping line as you just pulled out of your bucket of crap in which you carry around with you. Sorry, but this type of attitude is totally rediculous and pure poison when it is spewed, so what are you an anti-American who hates America also ?

Why don't you look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Then take a long look at the froot loops who think they should be able to control women's bodies and who YOU choose to love and marry.

HINT: What you will find is that the (r) desire to pass laws against personal freedom is driven by RELIGION.

That's it. You have come full circle right back to SHARIA LAW.

PROVE I'm Wrong.

You can't.
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

There are over a billion Muslims. You should distinguish between the ones who believe in violence and the ones who don't.

Turn off talk radio and expand your information sources. It's impossible to know the beliefs of over 1 billion people.

You should direct your anger at a smaller group, starting with those who mean you harm.
Easily said, but can you really tell before one acts these days, and is it that when one acts upon or in behalf of his beliefs, enough to make us all weiry and cautious of certain people as based upon those beliefs that were acted upon sadly enough in a murderous way ?

Is it a problem that we have immigration into this nation now, that is found in those who are not coming here in the old traditional sense of what immigration was or is supposed to be about (i.e. assimilation into the American culture), but instead are wanting to carve out blocks in which allows those to live outside of the American culture, as if to not become corrupted by it ? Is this a good thing when this is the case for groups that come here now as groups ?

I love it when I see cajuns speaking in their native American langauge of New Orleans, and they are comprised of people of all races in that area whom speak in this way. Why is this ? It is because all these people loved the unique style of the culture and language in that area, and so they adapted to it as Americans from cajun country, and are darn proud of it, then we have the Texans who also have a unique style and language about themselves, and they are also comprised of many races who all unite under the Texas Flag, speak the language, wear the hat maybe, and are proud to be Texans and American also from Texas, then we have New Yorkers the same, and on and on it all goes to make up this great nation all because of, and for which we all come together happily under one flag. These are just some examples of what it is to assimilate and become an American with a unique style, language and etc. and also with a twist all depending on where you are in the nation, and how much you love where you are in the nation.

Then we have those who are American, and for whom feel left out, and they are struggling in the nation, and are slipping badly under the pressures, so they are easily recruited by radical groups who are allowed to exist in the nation under the same freedoms in which we all have here, but they hate the nation or learn to hate the nation, some because of their struggles (making them easy recruits for radicalism), so we as a nation must always consider this as well in relation to our security and freedoms in America.

I ask that somehow everyone step back and take a chill pill, and re-assess the entire situation that is going on in this nation, and work to let people know through the proper channels in our government, that we will no longer tolerate hate towards America and/or Americans in this nation, along with hatred towards our long held beliefs in God and all that we are that makes us American, and has made us American as in one nation under God with Liberty & Justice for all, and it's high time that we get this point across from a governmental standpoint, before anymore events or acts are considered by those who would act or create an event that is considered without a doubt an act of war and/or terror against this nation, and/or be it before such an act or event takes place again.

I am one who loves all people, but they must conform to America and American cultures in peace there of when here, and this if they are residing here or are looking to reside here in the future or just visiting here, and if not wanting to accept our culture and beliefs when here in friendship of or living here permanantly as a citizen, then they should leave this country immediately or never come here to begin with (imho).

The nation should always be open armed for all whom want to join America as American through proper channels, or to come here as a friend, but yet we should close the door to all whom want to harm or dislike this nation enough to cause trouble for it from within or without as in the case of the embassies that were attacked. There is no excuse in the killing of human beings by anyone who are against those who are innocent, and that is that..
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