Is it time to take action against Muslims

We're seeing it right now with the GObP/pubpots. They want sharia law in the United States. So do many of the rw's who post here.

They'll call it something else, of course but the FACT is, they're thumping their bibles and demanding laws based on their screwy religion.

And, THAT is an excellent working definition of sharia law.

If we do nothing else, we really must stop these R fools from turning the US into a third world country.
You have got to be kidding someone right ? Do you actually think that this nation and it's people are as stupid as you may think that they are ? We have had the Bible as a piece of our religious beliefs and history in this nation for centuries now, and somehow we have built one of the strongest nations in the world while having this as a part of America and the American experience, so you are the one who is foolish to think that we would sit here and listen to such a bull craping line as you just pulled out of your bucket of crap in which you carry around with you. Sorry, but this type of attitude is totally rediculous and pure poison when it is spewed, so what are you an anti-American who hates America also ?

Why don't you look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Then take a long look at the froot loops who think they should be able to control women's bodies and who YOU choose to love and marry.

HINT: What you will find is that the (r) desire to pass laws against personal freedom is driven by RELIGION.

That's it. You have come full circle right back to SHARIA LAW.

PROVE I'm Wrong.

You can't.
Why do you use the words "Sharia Law" in regards to anything American, because it is that you think that it is inflamatory enough, and powerful enough words up against that which you hate in this nation ?
'Every “moderate” Muslim is a potential terrorist. The belief in Islam is like a tank of gasoline. It looks innocuous, until it meets the fire. For a “moderate” Muslim to become a murderous jihadist, all it takes is a spark of faith.

It is time to put an end to the charade of “moderate Islam.” There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists or dormant jihadists – moderate, they are not.'

Ali Sina

ex Muslim
Founder of Faith Freedom International
I am one who loves all people, but they must conform to America and American cultures in peace there of, and this if they are residing here or are looking to reside here in the future or just visiting, and if not wanting to accept our culture and beliefs when here in friendship of or living here permanantly as a citizen, then they should leave this country immediately or never come here to begin with (imho).

The nation should always be open armed for all whom want to join America as American through proper channels, or to come here as a friend, but yet we should close the door to all whom want to harm or dislike this nation enough to cause trouble for it from within or without as in the case of the embassies that were attacked. There is no excuse in the killing of human beings by anyone who are against those who are innocent, and that is that..
:salute: :salute: :salute: Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!! :salute: :salute: :salute:
'Every “moderate” Muslim is a potential terrorist. The belief in Islam is like a tank of gasoline. It looks innocuous, until it meets the fire. For a “moderate” Muslim to become a murderous jihadist, all it takes is a spark of faith.

It is time to put an end to the charade of “moderate Islam.” There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists or dormant jihadists – moderate, they are not.'

Ali Sina

ex Muslim
Founder of Faith Freedom International

Ali Sina vs. Sheila Musaji: Will the Real "Savage" Please Stand Up? |
I am one who loves all people, but they must conform to America and American cultures in peace there of, and this if they are residing here or are looking to reside here in the future or just visiting, and if not wanting to accept our culture and beliefs when here in friendship of or living here permanantly as a citizen, then they should leave this country immediately or never come here to begin with (imho).

The nation should always be open armed for all whom want to join America as American through proper channels, or to come here as a friend, but yet we should close the door to all whom want to harm or dislike this nation enough to cause trouble for it from within or without as in the case of the embassies that were attacked. There is no excuse in the killing of human beings by anyone who are against those who are innocent, and that is that..
:salute: :salute: :salute: Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!! :salute: :salute: :salute:
If we would not have been placed into these situations in the first place, by weak mis-guided anti-American thinkers, who for some reason have been hating on America sadly as Americans themselves, then we wouldnot be having these troubles in America. It is the only explanation for it all, because we didnot do this on our own as civillians found in the lower working class and/or in the most of the lower class populations in America, so there has to be those who are up higher that are to blame for all this mess don't cha think ? The average citizen isn't to blame..
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If we would not have been placed into these situations in the first place, by weak mis-guided anti-American thinkers, who for some reason have been hating on America sadly as Americans themselves, then we wouldnot be having these troubles in America. It is the only explanation for it all, because we didnot do this on our own as civillians found in the lower working class and/or in the most of the lower class populations in America, so there has to be those who are up higher that are to blame for all this mess don't cha think ? The average citizen isn't to blame..
First thing you ever said that I agree with. :cool:
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

Take action against Muslims in general? NO
Take action against enemies of America? Yes
I agree also with your position as well, but it is getting harder and harder to determin who the real enemies of this nation are anymore, and that is a major fail in this nation, because we havn't ever had that problem before (i.e. identifying the enemy of this nation from within that is), so why is it such a problem now I wonder ? Are their those who are protecting and conspiring with the enemies of this nation from within now, and is it people that we would never have figured out or upon for whom it is that is assuming these roles in America now ? I have heard over and over again when these conspiritors or murderers are captured, that their co-workers, parents and their neighbors would have never thought that these young people or even some who are much older (Hasan for example) would have been caught up like they are in this sort of thing, when unfortunately they were and had become the enemies of America from within.

I still live in the America that the state must prove you guilty before they can pass sentence., It may have changed since Bush and obama have been in the white house, but that is the America I know.
If we would not have been placed into these situations in the first place, by weak mis-guided anti-American thinkers, who for some reason have been hating on America sadly as Americans themselves, then we wouldnot be having these troubles in America. It is the only explanation for it all, because we didnot do this on our own as civillians found in the lower working class and/or in the most of the lower class populations in America, so there has to be those who are up higher that are to blame for all this mess don't cha think ? The average citizen isn't to blame..
First thing you ever said that I agree with. :cool:

Agree with this:

If we would not have been placed into these situations in the first place, by weak mis-guided anti-American thinkers, who for some reason have been hating on America sadly as Americans themselves, then we wouldnot be having these troubles in America. It is the only explanation for it all, because we didnot do this on our own as civillians found in the lower working class and/or in the most of the lower class populations in America, so there has to be those who are up higher that are to blame for all this mess don't cha think ? The average citizen isn't to blame..
First thing you ever said that I agree with. :cool:

Agree with this:


....? Wtf what a raging retard you are
'Every “moderate” Muslim is a potential terrorist. The belief in Islam is like a tank of gasoline. It looks innocuous, until it meets the fire. For a “moderate” Muslim to become a murderous jihadist, all it takes is a spark of faith.

It is time to put an end to the charade of “moderate Islam.” There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists or dormant jihadists – moderate, they are not.'

Ali Sina

ex Muslim
Founder of Faith Freedom International

We always hear of these "moderates" but no one ever hears from them or sees the, when the shit hits the fan. Then some Muslim comes along and links to an obscure site or article and we're supposed to say, "gee there really are moderates".

There probably are moderates...the problem is that you only need two fingers to count 'em.
You have got to be kidding someone right ? Do you actually think that this nation and it's people are as stupid as you may think that they are ? We have had the Bible as a piece of our religious beliefs and history in this nation for centuries now, and somehow we have built one of the strongest nations in the world while having this as a part of America and the American experience, so you are the one who is foolish to think that we would sit here and listen to such a bull craping line as you just pulled out of your bucket of crap in which you carry around with you. Sorry, but this type of attitude is totally rediculous and pure poison when it is spewed, so what are you an anti-American who hates America also ?

Why don't you look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Then take a long look at the froot loops who think they should be able to control women's bodies and who YOU choose to love and marry.

HINT: What you will find is that the (r) desire to pass laws against personal freedom is driven by RELIGION.

That's it. You have come full circle right back to SHARIA LAW.

PROVE I'm Wrong.

You can't.
Why do you use the words "Sharia Law" in regards to anything American, because it is that you think that it is inflamatory enough, and powerful enough words up against that which you hate in this nation ?

I get really sick of repeating stuff for the idiot rw's but here it is again -

Look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Basically, it means - law based on religion -

And THAT is what we're seeing from the ASSSSSine right wing.

You jackasses want to control women, gays, anyone with whom you disagree and you use your bible as your reason to throw away our Constitution in favor of controlling others.

You can call it any thing you want but it IS sharia law.
Why don't you look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Then take a long look at the froot loops who think they should be able to control women's bodies and who YOU choose to love and marry.

HINT: What you will find is that the (r) desire to pass laws against personal freedom is driven by RELIGION.

That's it. You have come full circle right back to SHARIA LAW.

PROVE I'm Wrong.

You can't.
Why do you use the words "Sharia Law" in regards to anything American, because it is that you think that it is inflamatory enough, and powerful enough words up against that which you hate in this nation ?

I get really sick of repeating stuff for the idiot rw's but here it is again -

Look up the meaning of "sharia law".

Basically, it means - law based on religion -

And THAT is what we're seeing from the ASSSSSine right wing.

You jackasses want to control women, gays, anyone with whom you disagree and you use your bible as your reason to throw away our Constitution in favor of controlling others.

You can call it any thing you want but it IS sharia law.

And? :cool:
Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.

Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.


On that point ever notice it's never just a few when there an issue/incident/protest but we're supposed to believe the majority of them are good, peaceful and decent...and love America.

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