Is it time to take action against Muslims

Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia
Why don't you go fuck yourself, asshole?

You're the one who needs to get out of the fuckin' country!

Seriously... you think this sort of ranting makes you somehow better than copsnrobbers?

Everyone stays. Got that? No one - not even the liberals - gets to decide that other Americans have to 'get out' of this nation.

Fucking prats, the whole fucking bunch of you.
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

I think the cheese has slid off your cracker.

Just saying.
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

Your racism, nativism, and hatred for those with other religious beliefs have led you to the conclusion that we should piss away the Constitution. That's a disgusting perspective.

:confused:Well dude you have that assbackwards. Its the ME and their beliefs that hate our country and our freedom of religion. They are the ones that want to get rid of our Constitution and way of life. If you don't see this maybe you should go live with them and see for yourself. Sounds like you would be more happy with them the way you sound.
wasnt it muslims who took him to the hospital....wasnt it muslims who tried to save the man.....

this thinking is beyond stupid...

should we have killed all christians when mcvey bombed ok city?

That's what Hilary said but we all know she was lying through her teeth from the git go. Did they do an forensic autopsy here in America? Wouldn't it be interesting to know what they found? I can't believe they did not do a forensic autopsy here in America after all the stupids are sending the F B I to Libya to gather fucking evidence. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The Ambassador was sodomized, tortured and murdered. He died from smoke inhalation is the official story but smashing his head in had nothing to do with it. We saw him dragged, but he was being "helped". This administration and its lapdog media will tell any lie to the increasingly gullible public.

:eusa_silenced:The left will go to any lenth to cover up the truth and protect thier nitwit leader. They can't stand facing the truth.
again are you advocating deporting american citizens due to their religion?

The ignorant racists have no reply. Even they know how ridiculous they sound.

Don't know about that. The stupid fuk posting as cops and robbers has the desire to deport all Muslims, he just don't have the balls to say so. Stupid fuker.

Cops, if you gonna hate and piss on the COTUS, at least have the balls to say so.

You bad assed trash talkin mutta fuker you.

:badgrin:Why don't you use that tone of talk on the ones that hate this country instead of the ones that are sticking up for our rights we have here. Your either for us or your against us. Wake up.
Good observation..

War against over a billion vs an anti-homosexual business in America getting criticized seems comparable to beagle, but he ain't too bright.

It would make you look slightly more rational if you stopped labeling everything a 'war on xxx'.... it makes you look silly. Just sayin'.

I'm not the one that took it to that level, it's been stated by people like the OP author all week long.
Obama's failed attempt to bring democracy to Libya and Egypt will be disastrous for Jews.
Extremist are stronger than ever now. The Muslim Brotherhood is seriously Radical.
I can't see how Israel will survive the inevitable.

Trying to bring Democracy anywhere is a dumb idea, it's up to the people of the region to determine what they'd like to do. Democracy doesn't jive well with Islam.

:mad:Thats very true. And thats why we should stop supporting those that hate us with our taxpayer money. We have better uses for it.

The butt-hurt brigade is in full force today.

So you did join the posse, or are you still in Initiation?

Why do you let them bother you this much? It's an internet forum, stop acting like a victim.

Odd. I dont view it that way.

I will get in his face at will, as you see, he runs off, Then the puss had to get help. This fight is not about me. It is about his lack of character, something I intend to highlight.

With enough time lapsing he should be regarded on the TM level.....

I dont cower from intellectual light weights or bullies, he is both in this case.
So you did join the posse, or are you still in Initiation?

Why do you let them bother you this much? It's an internet forum, stop acting like a victim.

Odd. I dont view it that way.

I will get in his face at will, as you see, he runs off, Then the puss had to get help. This fight is not about me. It is about his lack of character, something I intend to highlight.

With enough time lapsing he should be regarded on the TM level.....

I dont cower from intellectual light weights or bullies, he is both in this case.

As much as you or anyone else with butt-hurtitis likes to claim it, nobody ever asks anyone else for help.

It just makes you look butt-hurt. It attracts a crowd.
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia

Its time for you to eat shit. Ready! 1! 2! 3! :9:
War against over a billion vs an anti-homosexual business in America getting criticized seems comparable to beagle, but he ain't too bright.

It would make you look slightly more rational if you stopped labeling everything a 'war on xxx'.... it makes you look silly. Just sayin'.

I hope Willow realizes this was directed at her as well. Here's a just in case.

Homosexuals wage war on Chik Fil A. The won't wage war on muslims though. Why is that? March in the streets all day long dennouncing Chik Fil A. But there's a 1.5 billion population of people who say being homosexual is wrong and not a peep from them. Not one peep.
It would make you look slightly more rational if you stopped labeling everything a 'war on xxx'.... it makes you look silly. Just sayin'.

I hope Willow realizes this was directed at her as well. Here's a just in case.

Homosexuals wage war on Chik Fil A. The won't wage war on muslims though. Why is that? March in the streets all day long dennouncing Chik Fil A. But there's a 1.5 billion population of people who say being homosexual is wrong and not a peep from them. Not one peep.

Thanks for confirming that I'm not really the one pushing the whole "war on" thing. :thup:
Here on our own soil. - America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

We should start deporting Muslims back to the stone age where they belong.

Our efforts against the extremist has gone down the tubes since Obama became the Prez.
Our country has tanked socially and economically as well. Our security is at risk.
Obama needs to go too.

US Imam: ‘Disregard First Amendment’ Replace With Sharia
Why don't you go fuck yourself, asshole?

You're the one who needs to get out of the fuckin' country!

:badgrin:And whys that loinny? Because you don't agree with him?
Why do you let them bother you this much? It's an internet forum, stop acting like a victim.

Odd. I dont view it that way.

I will get in his face at will, as you see, he runs off, Then the puss had to get help. This fight is not about me. It is about his lack of character, something I intend to highlight.

With enough time lapsing he should be regarded on the TM level.....

I dont cower from intellectual light weights or bullies, he is both in this case.

As much as you or anyone else with butt-hurtitis likes to claim it, nobody ever asks anyone else for help.

It just makes you look butt-hurt. It attracts a crowd.

Cute but try to stick with facts. You are coming up short.

With your philosophy in life the lybians should have never stood up to the militia.

Your final answer????

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