Is it too Late for the Ds course Reversal?

blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up

Clinton won the vote from the filth, the weirdos, and the barely legals in Mexifornia....THATS ALL.
The Mexicrat Party has completely lost good, legitimate, REAL Americans. They’re fucked!
blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up

Clinton won the vote from the filth, the weirdos, and the barely legals in Mexifornia....THATS ALL.
The Mexicrat Party has completely lost good, legitimate, REAL Americans. They’re fucked!

Does the idea that telling other citizens that they are not REAL Americans is the kind of thing that fascists do
give you even a moment of pause?
blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up

Clinton won the vote from the filth, the weirdos, and the barely legals in Mexifornia....THATS ALL.
The Mexicrat Party has completely lost good, legitimate, REAL Americans. They’re fucked!

That depends not on the vote but the vote count as their hero Stalin observed.
blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up

Clinton won the vote from the filth, the weirdos, and the barely legals in Mexifornia....THATS ALL.
The Mexicrat Party has completely lost good, legitimate, REAL Americans. They’re fucked!

That depends not on the vote but the vote count as their hero Stalin observed.

Very true.
Their grand plan is working quite well...Mexicrats are manifesting twisted filth and illegals (their primary constituency) quite fast...they just need to figure out how to get them to move to middle America to give them a shot at winning a national election.
blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up

Clinton won the vote from the filth, the weirdos, and the barely legals in Mexifornia....THATS ALL.
The Mexicrat Party has completely lost good, legitimate, REAL Americans. They’re fucked!

Does the idea that telling other citizens that they are not REAL Americans is the kind of thing that fascists do
give you even a moment of pause?

Anchor babies are born here by illegal means...good Americans consider them barely consider them the future and the backbone of the Mexicrat Party.
You hate foreigners such as Russia “meddling” in U.S. elections...but you love Mexico’s discreet approach of eventually taking over U.S.’re fucking weird.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.

Lets not forget to add the MS-13 animals to your list.

Of course. We defend them with our last breath. They are brown and they vote Democrat! That’s a winning combination.

Our savior Donald Trump just tweeted about how Dems love MS-13. It’s almost as if you and he are the same person. Uncanny!

Is Trump wrong with that statement?

Dems do love MS-13. In fact the NRA is considering changing the name of AR-15's to MS-13's so then Democrats will love the gun.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.

Lets not forget to add the MS-13 animals to your list.

Of course. We defend them with our last breath. They are brown and they vote Democrat! That’s a winning combination.

Our savior Donald Trump just tweeted about how Dems love MS-13. It’s almost as if you and he are the same person. Uncanny!

Is Trump wrong with that statement?

Dems do love MS-13. In fact the NRA is considering changing the name of AR-15's to MS-13's so then Democrats will love the gun.

Since MS-13 uses machetes to get out the vote early and often their killings are acceptable to Ds. "Look Nancy no guns! Plus more votes than people and pets combined."
blame it on the dems for not being decent - yeah, thats it, go with that one- the dems werent decent .........


meanwhile, back in reality world ..........................................................................

Clinton won the popular election by 2.8 million votes because the dems werent decent.

F'n RW idgets crack me up
Meanwhile in actual reality the Electoral College decides the who sits in the White House.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.

Lets not forget to add the MS-13 animals to your list.

Of course. We defend them with our last breath. They are brown and they vote Democrat! That’s a winning combination.

Our savior Donald Trump just tweeted about how Dems love MS-13. It’s almost as if you and he are the same person. Uncanny!

Is Trump wrong with that statement?

Dems do love MS-13. In fact the NRA is considering changing the name of AR-15's to MS-13's so then Democrats will love the gun.

Whoa! You are so smart!
[Q being against us at every turn. After all, when was the last time the DNC did anything for white people?

Here in FL and in the south generally it looks like an increasingly anti-Anglo vibe. Asians like Nikki Haley are despised by the left.

Asians are not the welfare queens like the Blacks and Browns so the Democrats hate them.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.[/QUOTE]

Well to be fair, the dems did take a clear anti-white male position in 2016. Clear to me, at least. Their plan was to cede white guys to Trump and paint them as villains in order to get everyone else to vote against them and Trump. It was pretty obvious from the rhetoric and the media coverage at the time.
The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum of America.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check

Anti gun nuts

Environmental wackos




Union bosses

Welfare queens

Moon Bats

Confused college kids that have been brain washed by their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum of America.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check

Anti gun nuts

Environmental wackos




Union bosses

Welfare queens

Moon Bats

Confused college kids that have been brain washed by their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

And the republicans consist of our ruthless corporate overlords and their sister-fucking, gun-totting, trailer-dwelling hillbilly cum slaves.

Congrats. That's the level you're operating at.
The effective collapse of the Commission and Outfit has greatly injured the Ds. the 1%er motorcycle gangs are not organized well enough to be effective as a GOTV organization. likewise the Crips, Bloods and other black gangs. The Anti-fa movement angers non-D voters. MS-13 is the best the Ds have and they are still a net negative.
The Ds have changed course since their fund raising debacle in April, Trump's and generic R approval ratings going up ever faster since the D's ignored the fact that Trump tagged them as the party of MS-13 and the Mexican cartels at the State of the Union Address. Partial Declassification of the DOJ's IG report that is going on now is likely to do even in more damage to the D brand. Pelosi and Schumer may have done even more damage to the Ds than Obama and Obamacare. Why did they overplay their hand so badly?
The people who control the party - the illiberal authoritarian Left, the Regressives - refuse to see the role they played in getting Trump elected. The Political Correctness and Identity Politics that they've been shoving down our throats for generations now finally pissed off enough people, and it bit the Regressives square on the ass. It was the Great Pushback of 2016.

So, since they figure they've done nothing wrong, they're not going to change. This is who they are.

And besides, they figure they have demographics on their side. They don't have to be decent. The thing is, they may be right. It's not as if the GOP is trying to attract minorities.
Attract minorities how? By giving them more opportunities and trying to make their employment numbers go up?

Cause the blacks unemployment rate and Hispanics unemployment rates are now at all time low.

The problem is the MSM, entertainment industry and the education system that prevents any of these facts to get to their sheep.

All three of those entities have a clear agenda.

How would you "attract minorities?"
The Ds have changed course since their fund raising debacle in April, Trump's and generic R approval ratings going up ever faster since the D's ignored the fact that Trump tagged them as the party of MS-13 and the Mexican cartels at the State of the Union Address. Partial Declassification of the DOJ's IG report that is going on now is likely to do even in more damage to the D brand. Pelosi and Schumer may have done even more damage to the Ds than Obama and Obamacare. Why did they overplay their hand so badly?
The people who control the party - the illiberal authoritarian Left, the Regressives - refuse to see the role they played in getting Trump elected. The Political Correctness and Identity Politics that they've been shoving down our throats for generations now finally pissed off enough people, and it bit the Regressives square on the ass. It was the Great Pushback of 2016.

So, since they figure they've done nothing wrong, they're not going to change. This is who they are.

And besides, they figure they have demographics on their side. They don't have to be decent. The thing is, they may be right. It's not as if the GOP is trying to attract minorities.
Attract minorities how? By giving them more opportunities and trying to make their employment numbers go up?

Cause the blacks unemployment rate and Hispanics unemployment rates are now at all time low.

The problem is the MSM, entertainment industry and the education system that prevents any of these facts to get to their sheep.

All three of those entities have a clear agenda.

How would you "attract minorities?"

That real economy growth is working for the Rs but very slowly as a compound interest function.
The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum of America.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check

Anti gun nuts

Environmental wackos




Union bosses

Welfare queens

Moon Bats

Confused college kids that have been brain washed by their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

And the republicans consist of our ruthless corporate overlords and their sister-fucking, gun-totting, trailer-dwelling hillbilly cum slaves.

Congrats. That's the level you're operating at.

In other words the Deplorable's. Keep that message going. We need people like your for the 2018.
[Q being against us at every turn. After all, when was the last time the DNC did anything for white people?

Here in FL and in the south generally it looks like an increasingly anti-Anglo vibe. Asians like Nikki Haley are despised by the left.

Asians are not the welfare queens like the Blacks and Browns so the Democrats hate them.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.

Well to be fair, the dems did take a clear anti-white male position in 2016. Clear to me, at least. Their plan was to cede white guys to Trump and paint them as villains in order to get everyone else to vote against them and Trump. It was pretty obvious from the rhetoric and the media coverage at the time.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah. That's spot on. Dems fucking hate white men. You nailed it. Better for you to vote for GOP candidates. They love you.

I know, right! Everyone knows that Democrats hate white people and Asian people. The only people that Dems like are lazy negroes and violent Latinos.

Oh. And don’t forget the radical Islamic terrorists. Dems love those people.

Lets not forget to add the MS-13 animals to your list.

Of course. We defend them with our last breath. They are brown and they vote Democrat! That’s a winning combination.

Our savior Donald Trump just tweeted about how Dems love MS-13. It’s almost as if you and he are the same person. Uncanny!

Is Trump wrong with that statement?

Dems do love MS-13. In fact the NRA is considering changing the name of AR-15's to MS-13's so then Democrats will love the gun.

Since MS-13 uses machetes to get out the vote early and often their killings are acceptable to Ds. "Look Nancy no guns! Plus more votes than people and pets combined."

I understand some lib states are considering creative voting to rig the system in their favor. In the Dem world, if you can't win by the rules, simply change the rules so you can win.

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