Is it unifying or sensible to appoint/nominate leaders for their skin color, genitalia or sexual preference? Do other world leaders operate like this?

What cult?

I always love the cult accusation, Trump just fed into an already angry populace, and his politics (currently) match mine more than any democrat.

Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2:

Yeah...okay...more bullshit.

Trump said he'd only consider women for a job. Exactly what Biden did. Your justification that he hired men the first two times makes discrimination okay in the 3rd instance?

Meanwhile back in reality...conservatives gave us the patriot act. Remember that? Of course you don't. How about the new Texas abortion law that makes it just peachy to sue people who give a woman a ride to the doctor's office?

You love you some jackbooted thugs.

Really pal, you're completely full of shit.

He didn't limit it before he even picked his first.

The Patriot act was passed with plenty of Dem support.

Can't go after me with the abortion thing, as my issue is with Roe as law, not abortion itself.
Yep, both sides do it, as I am prone to say. Pointing out the Dems doing it does not remove the fact you all do it also.

Yet you used the concept against me, knowing there was counter evidence.

Idolatry is far more prevalent on the left, seeing as they have used politics to replace religion.
Yet you used the concept against me, knowing there was counter evidence.

Idolatry is far more prevalent on the left, seeing as they have used politics to replace religion.

You asked ..."What cult?" and I showed you.

Prior to 2017 I would have agreed that idolatry is far more prevalent on the left, but the left has nothing that comes close to comparing to the Trump cult. I am in my mid-50s and I have never seen anything close to the loyalty and devotion the Trump faithful have towards him
You asked ..."What cult?" and I showed you.

Prior to 2017 I would have agreed that idolatry is far more prevalent on the left, but the left has nothing that comes close to comparing to the Trump cult. I am in my mid-50s and I have never seen anything close to the loyalty and devotion the Trump faithful have towards him

Again, what cult?

Trump is just a rallying point for people sick of both the status quo, and the left's desire to fundamentally transform America.

Also, he fights, unlike most Republicans, although DeSantis and Youngkin are learning the lesson that having a spine gets results and gets support.
Again, what cult?

Trump is just a rallying point for people sick of both the status quo, and the left's desire to fundamentally transform America.

The Trump cult, I gave you two prime examples of it. I gave you a video of a church singing an officially registered worship song about Trump. If that does not qualify as a cult, then nothing does.

The golden calf idol is just the icing on the cake.
The Trump cult, I gave you two prime examples of it. I gave you a video of a church singing an officially registered worship song about Trump. If that does not qualify as a cult, then nothing does.

The golden idol is just the icing on the cake.

Is the idol in jest maybe? Kind of like when Trump was shown as the God-Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k?

As for the singing, sorry but the Church of Fauci seems more cultish to me.

And that cult has impacts on me, unlike some idiots singing in a church.
President Biden has no choice.

1. He is doing everything possible to live down his racist statements in the past.

2. He is being "guided" by his woke advisers.

3. Such a move will help turn out massive numbers of African Americans in November.

4. The current zeitgeist in this nation is to go all out to show our love and respect and concern for that ethnicity.
As for the singing, sorry but the Church of Fauci seems more cultish to me.

Once again, pointing out the actions of others does has no bearing on the Cult of Trump. This is a weak ass defense even from you
Once again, pointing out the actions of others does has no bearing on the Cult of Trump. This is a weak ass defense even from you

Supporting does not = Cult. A charismatic leader can draw some people to displays of cult like behavior, but dismissing anyone who supports him as a cult member is quite frankly bush-league.

You get a far more religious sense from leftism, with the accusations of heresy, the pleas for forgiveness of the "sinful" and the demand for tithing, either monetarily, through lower standards of living, or giving up position or influence because you are not high enough on the "pity pole"
Geraldo excoriated for referring to this selection process as "Affirmative Action." (On The View)

The Left abhors the truth. They are evil.
He didn't limit it before he even picked his first.
Oh..and that makes discrimination just fine. So if Biden nominates a man next...that means it's all good right? Let me'll come up with some other unexplainable and laughable reason to whine and cry about it.
The Patriot act was passed with plenty of Dem support.
But singed by a republican you supported.
Can't go after me with the abortion thing, as my issue is with Roe as law, not abortion itself.
Lol, Trump gets brought in at post #2. When I was reading the opening post, I was wondering how long it would be before lefties brought in J6 or Trump...
If you're embarrassed by your love of the blob...well, you should be.
Oh..and that makes discrimination just fine. So if Biden nominates a man next...that means it's all good right? Let me'll come up with some other unexplainable and laughable reason to whine and cry about it.

But singed by a republican you supported.


Biden said he would make his first pick a black woman well before he was President. Reagan said one of his picks would be a woman. Trump said he would pick a woman after already picking two men.

I's just saying that a political side so obsessed with race calling others "racists" is fucking comical.
It isn't unifying or sensible at all. What it is is discriminatory and racist.

If he wanted to actually unite people he would say "I will nominate the best person for the job". He would push "we're all equal and we need to start acting like it. You're not your skin color or gender, you're all Americans and Americans get by based on skills, ambition, and experience. No one deserves anything based on skin color or gender".
Do other leaders of nations use skin color, genitalia and sexual preference as qualifying criteria for their appointments and nominations?
What do ‘independents‘ / fence sitters think of such a methodology?
Ask Reagan about that.

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