Is it waycist to criticize Islam?

It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.
are you a western muslim?

Yes I am. I am African American Muslim . My parents were both born into baptist families. But converted to Islam in their early twenties (before my siblings and I were born).

How do you feel about Farrakhan? BTW do you know the history of Arab enslavement of Africans?

My parents were briefly in the Nation of Islam but later left because they felt as though he was a separatist and found that Islam taught the opposite of racism.
Many liberals want you to believe that....however it is not racist to criticise a belief system.

Manufactured fears about Islamophobia have been weaponized to characterize all criticism of Islam as racist.

But Islam is not a race. No belief system is above scrutiny, and especially one as provably intolerant and barbarous as Islam.

VIDEO: The Truth About Islamophobia
It's wacist NOT to be able to kwitowocize Muswims. Why not? They do...look it up, they are such....look it up. Pweeze!
To me NIA sounds like a youngster even if she is an old lady . Naïve is the word for her thinking .
To me NIA sounds like a youngster even if she is an old lady . Naïve is the word for her thinking .

I'm naive? I have actually travelled the world. Im an actual Muslim. My thoughts and opinions are not formed just based on what I watched on tv or read on the Internet. They are based on actual experiences.
When Islam puts suicide vest on a 12 year old, and films mass murders in HD, one doesn't need too much evidence to condemn them when they practically prove how evil they are. Islam is ...what it IS.
It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.

So, another Muslim. Welcome to the board. I am glad you don't care about people criticizing Islam as that is one of my hobbies. Since 9/11 world trade center attack I have read the Quran 3 times. I find it absolutely unworthy of any kind of God for any number of reasons. For example it separates humanity into believers and unbelievers and says the curse of God, the angels and all mankind, is on unbelievers in Allah and the day of judgement.

Meh. Christianism says the same thing, BFD. It's bullshit, but leave us not sit and pretend it's "unique". That's just trying to have it both ways, a/k/a Double Standard.

I have constantly said on my thread ' is the Quran God's word' That it is obvious Muhammad stole most of his material from the bible. That includes the idea of God burning people in eternal hell. Muhammad goes overboard with his lurid descriptions of hell at sura 4.56 and 22.19 to 22.22 clearly designed to scare people into following him. In my view the Quran is largely plagiarism from the bible and mostly just mentions bible characters in passing, without the narratives in the bible. Its called name dropping.

Of course. And the bible in turn is a plagiarism of previous already extant mythology and moralisms as well. Both feature psychotic visions of jealous gods and repulsive sadism and bizarre rituals -- strains of quaint and primitive philosophies that should have remained in their quaint and primitive past.
It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.
--------------------------------------- look at your religions homelands , look at the syrian , muslim refugee invaders flooding Europe and then doing murder . Westboro has 8 members . The problem in todays world is islam and muslims Nia .

Actually the problem in today's world is people who stir shit up using strawman, sweeping generalizations and mob mentality to create bigotry.

That's how it's hangin'.
Same shit, different day.
--------------------------- its a good thread , we even have a couple muslims taking part in it Pogo .

I don't see how it's a "good thread" at all. OP waltzes in toting a strawman point that nobody made and then shoots his own bullshit down. Nobody ever claimed Islam is a "race". All he's doing here is baiting for bullshit.
----------------------------------you are just being silly , lots of times people claim that discussing islam and its evil is racist or 'waycist' . Like i said , you are just being silly as you target the word racist or waycist as you try to quiet discussion of the evil that is 'islam' Pogo .

It's a strawman. Nobody made the claim except the OP. Nobody knows anybody who made the claim. The OP made it up, and then shot it down. That's what a strawman is -- PERIOD.

It means he hasn't made an argument. He's in effect arguing with himself --- and he's losing.
Many liberals want you to believe that....however it is not racist to criticise a belief system.

Manufactured fears about Islamophobia have been weaponized to characterize all criticism of Islam as racist.

But Islam is not a race. No belief system is above scrutiny, and especially one as provably intolerant and barbarous as Islam.

VIDEO: The Truth About Islamophobia

you should probably learn to spell "racist" first.
He's pronouncing it with the same childish ignorance by which you use it.


Yeah didn't think so.

You can't do that. It defies the laws of physics.

Interesting fetish though.
--------------------------- its American talk and expression . You might be unfamiliar but all Americans know exactley what Tennessee Harley means Pogo .

I do, and I made a joke out of it. Too bad you missed it.
That's the pitfall of keeping a narrow constricted mind.
---------------------------- your joke wasn't funny Pogo.

Harley thought it was. And he's right.
------------------------------------- well , then i dssagree with him and you . Maybe TH is just trying to be friends while i am not Pogo . :afro:

Again, you have no sense of humor because you're obsessed with hate.
That's what hate does to you. And that's one reason I don't dabble in it.
It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.
are you a western muslim?

Yes I am. I am African American Muslim . My parents were both born into baptist families. But converted to Islam in their early twenties (before my siblings and I were born).
you talk about muslims with different beliefs.. I don't think western muslims are the problem. I would imagine a majority of you wouldn't be willing to strap a bomb to your childrens vest simply for people having different opinions.
Western Muslims can be a serious problem. Just look at Europe.
It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.
are you a western muslim?

Yes I am. I am African American Muslim . My parents were both born into baptist families. But converted to Islam in their early twenties (before my siblings and I were born).
I find people like you curious considering how brutal the Arabs were toward African salves. Going East was a virtual death sentence.

And bringing slaves to the west was any better?

For clarification I'm defending Muslim and not necessarily Arabs. But I'm against making blanket statements about a group of people. I've lived in Egypt for 4 years and I lived in Qatar for 6 years I've also travelled a lot to other Mid East countries like Saudi Arabia, Morroco, UAE, Bahrain. And I've met some really nasty people who had old time beliefs and 0 respect for women. I've also met some of the nicest people I have met in my life and dated Arab and Persian men who have treated me like queens.

You can't just go by what you see on Fox News.

Unfortunately what you're dealing with here in large part is the intellectually slothful -- those who can't be bothered to make distinctions between "Arabs" and "Muslims", between religious acts and political ones; between religion and culture, even as the OP demonstrates between religions and races. Any of that would require actually breaking a brain sweat and figuring out that the universe is a bit more complex than the binary cops-and-robbers dichotomy they never grew out of.

Oh no, we can't be doing that, not when we have blanket generalizations and stereotypes and groupthink scapegoating echo chamber mentality and the occasional Googly Image meme. That's far less work.
But of course, people choose to be assholes and pretend all sorts nonsense when they CHOOSE to murder innocent people that they never met before. Like when the muslims strap a bomb on a 12 year old boy and use him to destroy INNOCENT people that had nothing to do with anything, islam is like that. Not seeing too many Christians or Jews doing such heinous acts. Funny that.
It's not racist because Islam is a belief system. I'm Muslim and i really don't care if people criticize Islam. What I have an issue with is people criticizing Muslims.

There is 1.6 billion of us. We aren't all the same and don't have the same ideologies. Just like you find different denominations of Christians ranging from your bat shit crazy westbro church members to your more liberal and progressive Christians who are about love and peace. You'll find the same with Muslims.
are you a western muslim?

Yes I am. I am African American Muslim . My parents were both born into baptist families. But converted to Islam in their early twenties (before my siblings and I were born).
I find people like you curious considering how brutal the Arabs were toward African salves. Going East was a virtual death sentence.

And bringing slaves to the west was any better?

For clarification I'm defending Muslim and not necessarily Arabs. But I'm against making blanket statements about a group of people. I've lived in Egypt for 4 years and I lived in Qatar for 6 years I've also travelled a lot to other Mid East countries like Saudi Arabia, Morroco, UAE, Bahrain. And I've met some really nasty people who had old time beliefs and 0 respect for women. I've also met some of the nicest people I have met in my life and dated Arab and Persian men who have treated me like queens.

You can't just go by what you see on Fox News.

Unfortunately what you're dealing with here in large part is the intellectually slothful -- those who can't be bothered to make distinctions between "Arabs" and "Muslims", between religious acts and political ones; between religion and culture, even as the OP demonstrates between religions and races. Any of that would require actually breaking a brain sweat and figuring out that the universe is a bit more complex than the binary cops-and-robbers dichotomy they never grew out of.

Oh no, we can't be doing that, not when we have blanket generalizations and stereotypes and groupthink scapegoating echo chamber mentality and the occasional Googly Image meme. That's far less work.
--------------------------- its American talk and expression . You might be unfamiliar but all Americans know exactley what Tennessee Harley means Pogo .

I do, and I made a joke out of it. Too bad you missed it.
That's the pitfall of keeping a narrow constricted mind.
---------------------------- your joke wasn't funny Pogo.

Harley thought it was. And he's right.
------------------------------------- well , then i dssagree with him and you . Maybe TH is just trying to be friends while i am not Pogo . :afro:

Again, you have no sense of humor because you're obsessed with hate.
That's what hate does to you. And that's one reason I don't dabble in it.
But of course, people choose to be assholes and pretend all sorts nonsense when they CHOOSE to murder innocent people that they never met before. Like when the muslims strap a bomb on a 12 year old boy and use him to destroy INNOCENT people that had nothing to do with anything, islam is like that. Not seeing too many Christians or Jews doing such heinous acts. Funny that.

You're either an asshole or an idiot. It is preordained. :laugh:
Why is it. excuse me, we never see Jewish suicide bombers? Or even a western backlash against the horrific evil Islamic acts? Why no Christian /Jewish suicide bombers, why no massive hate attacks against muslims the press seems so obsessed with? Well, maybe Islam is as bad as it's made out to be...Still no backlash even after 9/11. Islam still keeps attacking. Woe onto the poor muslims. Can't criticize them.The hell with that.
But of course, people choose to be assholes and pretend all sorts nonsense when they CHOOSE to murder innocent people that they never met before. Like when the muslims strap a bomb on a 12 year old boy and use him to destroy INNOCENT people that had nothing to do with anything, islam is like that. Not seeing too many Christians or Jews doing such heinous acts. Funny that.

They're there if you want to see 'em though. I'm afraid what we're dealing with is the contrast between on the one hand common perceptions as promulgated by media, including certainly message boards like this, and on the other hand actual reality.

>> If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.”

But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! <<

That's been posted many times before of course. Here's a recent update that focuses on Europe:

>> But what about across the pond? The data gathered by Europol strengthens my argument even further. (hat tip: Koppe) Europol publishes an annual report entitled EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report. On their official website, you can access the reports from 2007, 2008, and 2009. (If anyone can find the reports from earlier than that, please let me know so we can include those as well.)

The results are stark, and prove decisively that not all terrorists are Muslims. In fact, a whopping 99.6% of terrorist attacks in Europe were by non-Muslim groups; a good 84.8% of attacks were from separatist groups completely unrelated to Islam. Leftist groups accounted for over sixteen times as much terrorism as radical Islamic groups. Only a measly 0.4% of terrorist attacks from 2006 to 2008 could be attributed to extremist Muslims. <<​


(more data and charts at the link here)

There's common perceptions (a/k/a myths) -- and there's Reality. When the latter disproves the former ----- it's time for the former to take a hike.

The real question becomes -- if the perception is demonstrably false .... WHO is pushing that perception, and why?

--- or perhaps looked at the other way, who is burying all these OTHER stories and ignoring them, and why?
Why is it. excuse me, we never see Jewish suicide bombers? Or even a western backlash against the horrific evil Islamic acts? Why no Christian /Jewish suicide bombers, why no massive hate attacks against muslims the press seems so obsessed with? Well, maybe Islam is as bad as it's made out to be...Still no backlash even after 9/11. Islam still keeps attacking. Woe onto the poor muslims. Can't criticize them.

Jews don't have the asshole down there. They did not do the original view of it.
I do, and I made a joke out of it. Too bad you missed it.
That's the pitfall of keeping a narrow constricted mind.
---------------------------- your joke wasn't funny Pogo.

Harley thought it was. And he's right.
------------------------------------- well , then i dssagree with him and you . Maybe TH is just trying to be friends while i am not Pogo . :afro:

Again, you have no sense of humor because you're obsessed with hate.
That's what hate does to you. And that's one reason I don't dabble in it.

See any of my previous 25,991 posts. Find me an exception and I'll buy you dinner.

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