Zone1 Is Jesus God?

I was speaking of what satan lied to Eve in the garden of Eden prior to her kicking God in the teeth and believing him by partaking of that forbidden tree.
And I have been talking about Yeshua and Lucifer doing the same thing, which is to assume equality with God. Lucifer was punished while Yeshua is lauded. If He is not God, then God is unjust. Is that what you are saying?
I know, you keep repeating that without any substance beyond your mere statement.
My statement is a demonstration of substance. Aside from that you must have forgotten to include in your speculations that Jesus was speaking during time of brutal Roman occupation in a land where the literal interpretation and application of Mosaic Law was compulsory under penalty of death and there was no such thing as freedom of speech or expression and people were imprisoned, enslaved, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons daily. That being said the entire Bible was written using figurative language that went over the heads of the superstitious enemies of the unknown authors, enemies who failed to grasp that the actual meaning of any given word story or teaching was not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used

Like you who insists there is nothing there other than the plain meaning which demonstrates your lack of substance, as if the Holy Spirit himself has settled above your clueless head like a flame.

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My statement is a demonstration of substance. Aside from that you must have forgotten to include in your speculations that Jesus was speaking during time of brutal Roman occupation in a land where the literal interpretation and application of Mosaic Law was compulsory under penalty of death and there was no such thing as freedom of speech or expression and people were imprisoned, enslaved, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons daily. That being said the entire Bible was written using figurative language that went over the heads of the superstitious enemies of the unknown authors, enemies who failed to grasp that the actual meaning of any given word story or teaching was not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used

Like you who insists there is nothing there other than the plain meaning which demonstrates your lack of substance, as if the Holy Spirit himself has settled above your clueless head like a flame.

Nope, there is simultaneously literal and figurative language being used in the Bible. You seem to think the entire thing is figurative, just waiting for you to discover (make it up) that no one throughout human history has managed, and still does not today. Here's a test for you, tell us explicitly that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. You will either do it now or later, and I do it now.
Nope, there is simultaneously literal and figurative language being used in the Bible. You seem to think the entire thing is figurative

Yes, using figurative language from the first story where light is spoken into existence and then a very subtle crafty talking serpent is introduced to the very last page where death no longer exists

Stories that include historical events as background also encapsulate hidden teaching and some eyewitness accounts of encounters with the divine are about what was seen and heard in dreams

The only way to sort it out and find the point is to think and think and keep on thinking, not your strong suit, you preferring blind faith in the plain meaning even if it contradicts logic and reality

What you have done amounts to reading the story of the three pigs and then imagining there was a magical time in the past where pigs could talk and build houses so you built churches, formed a hierarchy, initiated bizarre rituals, created strange laws, built prisons and mental institutions for unbelievers, and made many magnificent statues to honor the wise pig and to pray before to seek guidance in abject fear of the clear and present danger of that ever elusive big bad wolf.

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Yes, using figurative language from the first story where light is spoken into existence and then a very subtle crafty talking serpent is introduced to the very last page where death no longer exists

What you have done amounts to reading the story of the three pigs and then imagining there was a magical time in the past where pigs could talk and build houses so you made statues to honor the wise pig and pray before to seek guidance in abject fear of the ever present big bad wolf.
Hey, we get it, you don't accept the Word of God as written, you have to apply your own special re-interpretation based on what you want to get out of it.

Now, confess that Yeshua is Lord, I do.
Yes, using figurative language from the first story where light is spoken into existence and then a very subtle crafty talking serpent is introduced to the very last page where death no longer exists

Even the stories that include historical events as background encapsulate hidden teaching and some eyewitness accounts of encounters with the divine are about what was seen and heard in dreams

The only way to find the message is to think and think and keep on thinking, not your strong suit.

What you have done amounts to reading the story of the three pigs and then imagining there was a magical time in the past where pigs could talk and build houses so you made statues to honor the wise pig and pray before to seek guidance in abject fear of the ever present big bad wolf.

Do you believe that sin leads to death?
Do you believe that sin leads to death?
Yes. But understand that Jesus by saying "its not what goes into your mouth that defiles" etc,. he was teaching that the hidden subject of Kosher law is not about food, but teaching. Eat my flesh.

It follows then that the law was never about what you eat or what you wear or human sexuality...

In fact one cannot comply with the literal meaning of the command to refrain from the flesh of swine that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of the exact same law.

So if anyone eats the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate their mind will become defiled and contaminated and they will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate. This is the death from sin, a curse. The law isn't about crime and punishment. Its about cause and effect

This is the Body of Christ, the body of his teaching, real meat. Eat it and you will never sin or die.
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Yes. But understand that Jesus by saying "its not what goes into your mouth that defiles" etc,. he was teaching that the hidden subject of Kosher law is not about food, but teaching. Eat my flesh.

So if anyone eats the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate their mind will become defiled and contaminated and they will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate. This is the death from sin, a curse. The law isn't about crime and punishment. Its about cause and effect
Ok. Good luck.
Yes, using figurative language from the first story where light is spoken into existence and then a very subtle crafty talking serpent is introduced to the very last page where death no longer exists

Stories that include historical events as background also encapsulate hidden teaching and some eyewitness accounts of encounters with the divine are about what was seen and heard in dreams

The only way to find the hidden teaching is to think and think and keep on thinking, not your strong suit, you preferring blind faith in the plain meaning even if it contradicts logic and reality

What you have done amounts to reading the story of the three pigs and then imagining there was a magical time in the past where pigs could talk and build houses so you built churches, formed a hierarchy, initiated bizarre rituals, created strange laws, built prisons and mental institutions for unbelievers, and made many magnificent statues to honor the wise pig and to pray before to seek guidance in abject fear of the clear and present danger of that ever elusive big bad wolf.


Or wonderful stories from other cultures....
Ok. Good luck.
Sure, you too. Just remember the Law will always remain in effect and in full force. The only thing about the Law that became obsolete after this revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to do it.

Death from sin will only cease to exist as soon as people eat the teaching of Jesus, the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands and do it that fulfills the promise of eternal life
Sure, you too. Just remember the Law will always remain in effect and in full force. The only thing about the Law that became obsolete after this revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to do it.

Death from sin will only cease to exist as soon as people eat the teaching of Jesus, the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands and do it that fulfills the promise of eternal life
Got it. Thanks.
Sure, you too. Just remember the Law will always remain in effect and in full force. The only thing about the Law that became obsolete after this revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to do it.

Death from sin will only cease to exist as soon as people eat the teaching of Jesus, the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands and do it that fulfills the promise of eternal life
Are you going to confess that Yeshua is Lord, to the glory of God the Father? Either now or later, you're going to.
Are you going to confess that Yeshua is Lord, to the glory of God the Father? Either now or later, you're going to.
Jesus is not, never was, and never claimed to be God. I will never succumb to such lunacy. Never

People calling Jesus Lord was just a term of respect like saying Sir or Sahib. Its as simple as that

When someone is called "the Lord of the manor" are they claiming to be God or claiming equality with God? When you call someone Sir, are you confessing that they are the Lord, GOD? Damn.

Take your time........
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Jesus is not, never was, and never claimed to be God. I will never succumb to such lunacy. Never

People calling Jesus Lord was just a term of respect like saying Sir or Sahib. Its as simple as that
Sooner or later, your choice to bow and confess, but it will happen. Interesting that you set yourself up as superior to the early church's fathers who knew Yeshua and those who walked with Him. From Philippians 2:

1 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Amen, so let it be. You have set yourself up to oppose the Word of God. I would not want to be you when you face Yeshua.
Amen, so let it be. You have set yourself up to oppose the Word of God. I would not want to be you when you face Yeshua.

You, a he-goat 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. But don't you worry your silly self

Many hungry people will feast on the flesh stripped from your broken bones and be satisfied. The fat trimmed from the flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord.

Since you are so willing to use Jesus as a scapegoat for your sin I'm sure you won't mind being a sacrificial goat too, especially since you are so concerned with the greater glory of God and all.
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You, a he-goat 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. But don't you worry your silly self

Many hungry people will feast on the flesh stripped from your broken bones and be satisfied. The fat trimmed from the flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord
Hardly, my sin has already had the perfect offering given to cover it all. There is no need for further sacrifices. Yeshua is Lord.
Hardly, my sin has already had the perfect offering given to cover it all. There is no need for further sacrifices. Yeshua is Lord.

If that was true then why don't you stop sinning? You think that because Jesus was crucified you can sin with impunity for life? Even though the consequence for sin is death? Some salvation.:auiqs.jpg:

What a rube!
So what did the crucifixion of Jesus accomplish?
He was the perfect example on how to die a holy death by remaining true to God until the end.

Jesus said, "tetelestai", which was a legal accounting term meaning "debt paid in full." His debt...

Not yours.

Now you know.
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