Zone1 Is Jesus God?

It's always important - in any theological discussion - to establish God doesn't "give a shit about the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds."

Yes, that's got to be number one on any theological discussion list. :rolleyes:
It's always important in any theological discussion to establish God doesn't "give a shit about what [about] the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds."

Does your trinity have the emotional growth and maturity of a puerile lech? Do you really think that a holy God was ever obsessed with diet fashion and sexual preferences of humans, humans that he created as sexual beings? Does he also obsess over the sexual behavior of squirrels?

Are you really that dumb?

Does your trinity have the emotional growth and maturity of a puerile lech? Do you really think that a holy God was ever obsessed with diet fashion and sexual preferences of humans, humans that he created as sexual beings? Does he also obsess over the sexual behavior of squirrels?

Are you really that dumb?
I don't care that you are gay. I always assumed it.
No, as I have both told and shown you how, Jesus never claimed to be God.
I've shown you where He did.
No. I am telling you in words what I have learned in the presence of God. Nothing really special or mysterious about the authors using metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, etc, to teach
Only if you insist that the Word must be molded to your beliefs and not the other way around.
You are confused. God has no visible shape or material form. He has no equal and there never was and never will be any other God either above or below him. Anyone who claims to be God, a creation claiming to be the creator is insane. This is what the Bible teaches and reality confirms.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Nothing metaphoric about it.
Do you also believe that Caesar is God? he claimed divinity. He did not think it robbery. Doofus.
Caesar was a fool. He died and didn't come back. I wouldn't want to be him when he faced Yeshua.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Nothing metaphoric about it.
The preexisting metaphor for the Word of God was manna from heaven, the food of angels, before Jesus was born. The Word (of God) "became flesh" is just the author establishing from the beginning of the gospel that flesh is a new metaphor for teaching from God, the food of angels. One day you will feel the shame of being so damn gullible and obstinate, if you are lucky.

This clears up many mysteries and confusion and chaos that has plagued the world for ages.

It, "The Word became flesh" was never about God becoming a human being. Thats ridiculous.
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Cool story, needs more dragons. Let's see what Lucifer actually said without the qualifiers and fillers you put in:

Isaiah 14:12-15 says: “[12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [15] Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
Sorry, but that doesn't look anything like what you said. Perhaps you should have been around to correct Isaiah. Again, he was kicked out of heaven for his attitude, and it's the same one the Yeshua had but did not think was robbery. And again, are you accusing God of being unjust for punishing Lucifer but not Yeshua?

Are you really trying to ignore what Yeshua said in just two verses later?

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

Clearly, and I mean clearly, He lowered Himself to become on of us and is laying claim to the glory that He had before. God does not chastise Him for doing so.
I was speaking of what satan lied to Eve in the garden of Eden prior to her kicking God in the teeth and believing him by partaking of that forbidden tree.
With regard to secular skills, we do not encourage individuals to obtain university education or training with the thought that this will improve their chances of being called into Bethel. The best way to prepare for Bethel service is to first serve in the full-time pioneer ministry.Aug 12, 2022 › doi
Full article: The Educational Identity Formation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Yes, seeking the kingdom and YHVH,s righteousness is the path a true follower takes. Seeking a large paycheck gets one no where with God.
Why do you think Jesus promised his Father would provide for those who seek the kingdom first and his righteousness? They wouldnt need large paychecks. Eternal life has more value than all the wealth combined on earth a gazillion x over--Don't forget--One cannot serve 2 masters, manna or God. Your advice is to seek the manna. Jesus' advice is to seek God.
The gospel of John is a post resurrection gospel. As such John more than any other gospel answers the question of who Jesus is, whereas the other gospels ponder the question who is Jesus.
The preexisting metaphor for the Word of God was manna from heaven, the food of angels, before Jesus was born. The Word (of God) "became flesh" is just the author establishing from the beginning of the gospel that flesh is a new metaphor for teaching from God, the food of angels. One day you will feel the shame of being so damn gullible and obstinate, if you are lucky.

This clears up many mysteries and confusion and chaos that has plagued the world for ages.

It, "The Word became flesh" was never about God becoming a human being. Thats ridiculous.
I know, you keep repeating that without any substance beyond your mere statement.

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