Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Yes, I do think that is crazy. I would be surprised if you could act more crazy.
This coming from a guy who really really really really really most sincerely believes that spiritual life can be turned into a lifeless matzo and handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food. Derp.

And so it would surprise me if you could act sane but some things just can't be faked so I'm not.
You're a Pharisee who obsesses over other people's beliefs and you think I'm delusional?

Let's see... who's delusional the person? The person who says live and let live or the religious fanatic who throws temper tantrums because everyone doesn't accept his religious dogma?
We're told to expose false teachers. This is the place to do it.
You said Yeshua was first and last only in a few things while Scripture says that He has the title "The First and the Last", which is one of God's titles. Now, we know that He says that about Himself, which makes Him again explicitly claim to be God. If He is not God, but claims to be God, He would suffer the same fate as Lucifer, but instead He is leading the armies of heaven, carrying yet another of God's titles, "Lord of lords".

Are you saying that God is not just, because He punished Lucifer for saying that he would become equal with God, but not punishing Yeshua for explicitly saying He IS God?
satan didn't mean equal with God in stature and power, he said equal with God knowing good and bad. He was saying if one knew both sides themselves, they could choose for themselves the best path to lasting happiness and wouldn't need Gods advice-he lied. there is no lasting happiness with one knowing bad. God created mortals to know only good, no bad was known until they ate of that tree.
Jesus never claimed to be God, he would have lied if he did. He is 100% clear at John 17:3--The one who sent him=Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
You got that from you untrained leader
20 other translations had a god, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike. No trinity religion would endorse those translations ever, that one error proves hundreds of them as false religion, misleading all who listen to them into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Its a sad reality-Its done like this-2Cor 11:12-15)
I found lies in every apostate writing i ever read. They always point the finger everywhere but where it needs to be pointed-at self.
Tell me how in the world a small group of men can translate Scripture without knowing Hebrew or Greek.
20 other translations had a god, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike. No trinity religion would endorse those translations ever, that one error proves hundreds of them as false religion, misleading all who listen to them into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Its a sad reality-Its done like this-2Cor 11:12-15)
That's a lie. Again, produce the 20 versions.
satan didn't mean equal with God in stature and power, he said equal with God knowing good and bad. He was saying if one knew both sides themselves, they could choose for themselves the best path to lasting happiness and wouldn't need Gods advice-he lied. there is no lasting happiness with one knowing bad. God created mortals to know only good, no bad was known until they ate of that tree.
Jesus never claimed to be God, he would have lied if he did. He is 100% clear at John 17:3--The one who sent him=Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
Cool story, needs more dragons. Let's see what Lucifer actually said without the qualifiers and fillers you put in:

Isaiah 14:12-15 says: “[12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [15] Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
Sorry, but that doesn't look anything like what you said. Perhaps you should have been around to correct Isaiah. Again, he was kicked out of heaven for his attitude, and it's the same one the Yeshua had but did not think was robbery. And again, are you accusing God of being unjust for punishing Lucifer but not Yeshua?

Are you really trying to ignore what Yeshua said in just two verses later?

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

Clearly, and I mean clearly, He lowered Himself to become on of us and is laying claim to the glory that He had before. God does not chastise Him for doing so.
Sorry, but that doesn't look anything like what you said. Perhaps you should have been around to correct Isaiah. Again, he was kicked out of heaven for his attitude, and it's the same one the Yeshua had but did not think was robbery.

Jesus never claimed to be God. You are accusing Jesus of being just like Satan and your are right if Jesus claimed to be God or exalted himself but he didn't. He was extremely humble like Moses.

Jesus said he would be lifted up by God like Moses lifted up the serpent for people to turn to for healing (instead of God) during the time of testing in the wilderness. John 3:14. This is because Jesus knew that he would become the object of idolatry, as he did, just like the bronze serpent.

Heres the thing. Since Hezekiah was credited with keeping the Divine commands and doing what is right in Gods eyes by destroying the statue of the bronze serpent that God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Umm DUH.

It was a test. Jesus also told his "sleeping" disciples to pray to be spared the test. True?

What does that tell you? THINK man! What would Hezekiah do? Do the math. YOU CAN DO IT!

Jesus never claimed to be God. You are accusing Jesus of being just like Satan and your are right if Jesus claimed to be God or exalted himself but he didn't. He was extremely humble like Moses.
I'm saying that if you don't think He is God, you have to deem Him insane. I know, however, that He is exactly that, and He said He was.
Jesus said he would be lifted up by God like Moses lifted up the serpent for people to turn to for healing instead of God during the time of testing in the wilderness. John 3:14. This is because Jesus knew that he would become the object of idolatry, as he did, just like the bronze serpent.

Heres the thing. Since Hezekiah was credited with keeping the Divine commands and doing what is right in Gods eyes by destroying the statue of the bronze serpent that God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Umm DUH.

It was a test. Jesus also told his ":sleeping" disciples to pray to be spared the test. True?
Let me guess, you've been given special divine knowledge about what that test is that no one has for thousands of years, right?
What does that tell you?
That it has nothing to do with His divinity at all. Of course, He didn't want people worshipping something he wore, or a statue that supposedly looks like Him, or anything that is not Him. That is in the Law.

Jesus never claimed to be God. You are accusing Jesus of being just like Satan and your are right if Jesus claimed to be God or exalted himself but he didn't. He was extremely humble like Moses.

Jesus said he would be lifted up by God like Moses lifted up the serpent for people to turn to for healing (instead of God) during the time of testing in the wilderness. John 3:14. This is because Jesus knew that he would become the object of idolatry, as he did, just like the bronze serpent.

Heres the thing. Since Hezekiah was credited with keeping the Divine commands and doing what is right in Gods eyes by destroying the statue of the bronze serpent that God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Umm DUH.

It was a test. Jesus also told his "sleeping" disciples to pray to be spared the test. True?

What does that tell you? THINK man! What would Hezekiah do? Do the math. YOU CAN DO IT!
Jesus said He is God in Revelation chapter one. Jesus also said that He would resurrect himself in John chapter 2. Jesus also said that He IS the resurrection. Who else can resurrect the dead other than God?
I'm saying that if you don't think He is God, you have to deem Him insane.
No, as I have both told and shown you how, Jesus never claimed to be God.
Let me guess, you've been given special divine knowledge about what that test is that no one has for thousands of years, right?
No. I am telling you in words what I have learned in the presence of God. Nothing really special or mysterious about the authors using metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, etc, to teach

That it has nothing to do with His divinity at all. Of course, He didn't want people worshipping something he wore, or a statue that supposedly looks like Him, or anything that is not Him. That is in the Law.

You are confused. God has no visible shape or material form. He has no equal and there never was and never will be any other God either above or below him. Anyone who claims to be God, a creation claiming to be the creator is insane. This is what the Bible teaches and reality confirms.

Do you also believe that Caesar is God? he claimed divinity. He did not think it robbery. Doofus.

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