Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Putting an organization before Scripture is worse.
I don't do that. Someone lied to you if they told you that. Jesus is the head of the congregation in my religion. He does it through these-Matt 24:45-- His appointed governing body. The apostles were the governing body back then after Jesus died. Imagine not listening to them.
I don't do that. Someone lied to you if they told you that. Jesus is the head of the congregation in my religion. He does it through these-Matt 24:45-- His appointed governing body. The apostles were the governing body back then after Jesus died. Imagine not listening to them.
And it's usually pretty obvious that they are. In this case, no. You can't just say that things are symbolic because they're inconvenient for you.
Only these get hidden truths revealed through them=Matt 24:45-- in a single religion. 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian, aren't Christian. The teachers are paid to teach a religious dogma and little of what Jesus taught.
Only these get hidden truths revealed through them=Matt 24:45-- in a single religion. 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian, aren't Christian. The teachers are paid to teach a religious dogma and little of what Jesus taught.
You said Yeshua was first and last only in a few things while Scripture says that He has the title "The First and the Last", which is one of God's titles. Now, we know that He says that about Himself, which makes Him again explicitly claim to be God. If He is not God, but claims to be God, He would suffer the same fate as Lucifer, but instead He is leading the armies of heaven, carrying yet another of God's titles, "Lord of lords".

Are you saying that God is not just, because He punished Lucifer for saying that he would become equal with God, but not punishing Yeshua for explicitly saying He IS God?
100%. You don't see me wasting my time and soul attacking other faiths.
100% at peace? lol... I don't think so. If scripture is true then what you do at mass is a brazen violation of Divine law and the consequence is death, a curse, the exact opposite of peace.

This is not my opinion. This is not a belief. Its not my feelings. It is what is taught in the Bible.

If you don't believe me, look it up.
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100% at peace? lol... I don't think so. If scripture is true then what you do at mass is a brazen violation of divine law and the consequense is death, a curse, the exact opposite of peace.

If you don't believe me, look it up.
Yes, 100% peace and joy. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.
Thats what you say but you incessant denials of what scripture clearly teaches, which anyone can look up, betrays your insecurities and there is nothing you can do about it. You have been made aware of what you are mixed up in and no one knows better than you that you are not at peace, ever, as revealed by your obsessive trolling of everything I post. If you really rejected it you wouldn't stoop so low as to resort to calumny in a vain attempt to discredit it. But keep at it! Maybe one day, if you keep perpetuating the lies of the church which has defiled and contaminated your mind to the point of uselessness, you will be victorious. Dream on dingbat!

Don't let logic, truth, or reality get in your way!
What part of "I reject the notion that you know what the NT teaches" did you not understand?
When Jesus accused the Pharisees of being wrong, actors and lying frauds, was that wrong? Did he "look bad"? :auiqs.jpg:Was he "attacking" the faith of others? Was he a meanie, or even worse, a secular humanist hell bent on subordinating religion while partying with sinners and prostitutes and "causing unrest" by exposing the corruption of Temple worship and its absurd practices, or was he just doing his duty for love of God and country by showing they have made great errors in their speculations and are dead, under a curse, and well on the way that leads to destruction?

Take your time.....
That's ironic coming from someone who acts like a Pharisee.
If it was Jesus was insane.
That's why he said it. He wasn't going to give you any other choices to soften who he is. He's either exactly who he claims he is or he is insane. But you can't choose that he is a really wise man who said really wise things. That's the option he removed. Because he can't be a really wise man who says really wise things if he is insane. So since we know he was really wise and said really wise things, we know he's not insane, so he must be who he claims he is.

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